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研究生(外文):Yi-Zu Su
論文名稱(外文):Study on Strategic Alliance and IPO Underpricing:Evidence of global hi-tech industries
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-Liang Wu
口試委員(外文):Chia-Jung LeeChun-Ping YehYi-Chi Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:IPO underpricingstrategic allianceindustrial differencesinter-industry allianceHeckman two-stage model
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本研究以2010~2020年間於美國證券市場上市的公司為樣本,並針對在IPO前有實行策略聯盟的公司進行研究,欲觀察策略聯盟產業領域與企業自身產業領域,乃至於盟友產業領域三者之關係。 接著透過Heckman Two-Stage 模型,我們控制住一些選擇偏誤與內生性的問題,達到控制模型穩定度的目的。
This thesis focuses on finding out the impact between strategic alliances and companies and investors. We aim to understand whether the amount of pre-IPO strategic alliances is a powerful signal can reflect companies’ ability, including value, performance, and financing. In a sample of 73 IPOs in the US during 2010 ~ 2020, we divided the data into three major industries, biotechnology, computer, and semi -conductor. Then we use Heckman two–stage model to control the sample selection bias to make sure the accuracy of results.

The study shows that when a company has more strategic alliances in the same industry with the company, it shall enjoy a higher IPO underpricing. And when it comes to “performance” and “financing”, we find that when a company has more strategic alliance participants in the same industry, it shall enjoy higher post-IPO performance and financing ability.
謝詞 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vi
第壹章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2產業與聯盟之關係 2
第貳章 文獻回顧 4
2.1訊號理論 4
2.2策略聯盟是否能成為一個有效的訊號? 4
2.3產業與假設 5
H1:策略聯盟與IPO折價 5
H2:策略聯盟與長期營運績效 6
H3:策略聯盟與股權融資 7
第參章 樣本與實證架構設計 8
3.1樣本選取 8
3.2實證模型設計 9
3.3變數衡量 10
依變數 10
解釋變數 11
控制變數 12
第肆章 實證結果 13
4.1 IPO前策略聯盟數 13
4.2策略聯盟項目產業與IPO企業之關係 13
4.3策略聯盟盟友產業與IPO企業之關係 14
第伍章 結論 18
第陸章 研究限制與未來建議 20
參考文獻 21
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