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研究生(外文):Chia-Yu Chang
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of γ-aminobutyric acid in mouse pressure regulation and development of compound functional product
指導教授(外文):Sz-Jie WuYuan-Tay Shyu
外文關鍵詞:green soybeanγ-aminobutyric acidhigh pressure processingunpredictable chronic mild stress
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本研究旨在以高壓加工技術 (high pressure processing, HPP) 富化毛豆γ-胺基丁酸 (gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA) 含量後,探討其抗憂鬱效果、確效功能特性,並開發具抗憂鬱重要機能訴求產品。動物實驗使用C57BL/6J雄性小鼠以不可預期慢性壓力模式 (unpredictable chronic mild stress, UCMS) 誘導憂鬱,餵食混合毛豆之GABA飼料。由尾部懸吊試驗可得知治療組之不動時間顯著比憂鬱組少,並且於開放空間試驗的總移動距、探索站立次數離顯示,攝食GABA飼料之憂鬱小鼠有明顯地探索行為,代表GABA飼料可減緩憂鬱症狀。於誘導第四週後,治療組對糖水偏好程度顯著高於控制組,可有效減緩憂鬱情形。生化指數部分,小鼠之糞便及血清皮質酮含量於誘導憂鬱前,並沒有顯著差異。至第七週,憂鬱組的糞便皮質酮含量上升至104.86 pg⋅mg-1,而預防組 (36.62 pg⋅mg-1)、治療組 (23.98 pg⋅mg-1) 顯著降低糞便皮質酮含量,與控制組 (33.38 pg⋅mg-1) 相當,血清中之皮質酮含量也有一致的趨勢,代表能緩解憂鬱程度。此外,血清中之血清素含量與皮質酮含量呈現相反的趨勢,治療組能維持血清素濃度,避免憂鬱情緒產生。以唾液澱粉酶活性與腦波作為評估GABA毛豆對於人體緩解多功遊戲誘導的壓力之指標。受試者攝取含50 mg GABA的凍乾毛豆仁,消化15分鐘後進行多功遊戲壓力刺激,紀錄其唾液澱粉酶與腦電圖之變化,結果顯示服用富化GABA之毛豆仁可以減緩唾液澱粉酶活性、alpha波上升,具有減輕心理壓力作用。經高壓加工富化GABA之毛豆,可作為調節憂鬱情緒之保健食品原料之開發,富化GABA之毛豆,可分為毛豆莢殼及毛豆仁兩部分。毛豆莢殼與紅藜、枸杞、甜菊,以最適比例混合後打粉,製成GABA舒壓茶包,經貯藏六個月後其總生菌數及大腸桿菌數皆在安全範圍。於凍乾毛豆仁外層裹上巧克力,製成毛豆巧克力,經長期試驗貯藏六個月仍可維持GABA含量,且總生菌數及大腸桿菌數皆符合規定。由研究結果,高壓加工後的毛豆為優良GABA來源,且開發之茶包與巧克力為兼具美味與穩定安全之產品。
The objectives of this project are to enrich the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) content of vegetable soybean by high pressure processing (HPP) to explore its anti-depression effect, confirm functional characteristics, and develop anti-depression functional products. We used C57BL/6J male mice induced depression by unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) which were fed with GABA of vegetable soybean mixed feed. The tail suspension test showed that the immobility time of the GABA feed group was significantly shorter than control groups. It shows that taking GABA feed can significantly reduce depression. By the total distance and number of rearing, it could be learned that mice of taking GABA feed have significantly exploration behavior. Sucrose preference test is one of indicators for determine whether mice are depressed. After inducing 4 weeks, taking GABA feed group was significantly higher than control groups, it can effectively reduce depressive-like symptoms. In the biochemical index, there was no significant difference in the fecal and serum corticosterone content of the mice before the induction of depression (wk3). The fecal corticosterone content in each group remained similar at the fifth week. By the seventh week, the fecal corticosterone content in the UCMS group increased to 104.86 pg⋅mg-1, while the prevention group (36.62 pg⋅mg-1) and the GABA group (23.98 pg⋅mg-1) significantly reduced the fecal corticosterone content. Compared with the control group (33.38 pg⋅mg-1), the corticosterone content in serum also showed a consistent trend, which can alleviate the degree of depression. In addition, the serum serotonin content and corticosterone content showed an opposite trend, consistent with previous studies, when the serotonin concentration decreased, leading to depression, the treatment group can serotonin concentration, to avoid depression. Salivary amylase activity and brain waves were used as indicators to evaluate the stress induced by GABA edamame in the human body to alleviate multi-function games. Subjects ingested lyophilized soybean kernels containing 50 mg of GABA, and after 15 minutes of digestion, they were subjected to multi-function game pressure stimulation, and recorded changes in salivary amylase and EEG. The results showed that taking fermented GABA-containing edamame can slow down saliva starch. Enzyme activity and alpha wave rise, which has the effect of relieving psychological stress. By using high pressure processing increase GABA contents in vegetable soybean, it can be as an ingredient of health food for regulating depression. Enriched GABA of vegetable soybean, it can be divided into two parts: pods and beans. Mixed with vegetable soybean, red quinoa, goji, and stevia in proper ratio, and grind into powder to make tea bag. After storage test tea bag can fit the standard of total plate count and coliform bacteria. Wrapped in chocolate on the outer layer of vegetable soybean, the freeze-dried vegetable soybean provides a crispy taste, and the chocolate provides a rich flavor to make vegetable soybean chocolate. After 6 months long term testing, it can keep GABA contents and safe. As results, vegetable soybeans treated by high pressure processing are excellent source of GABA, and can be made into tea bag and chocolate products which are delicious, stable and safe.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 毛豆 3
1. 簡介 3
2. 營養價值 6
3. 產業現況 7
4. 毛豆產業相關產品 8
第二節 Γ-胺基丁酸 12
1. 簡介 12
2. 植物生合成途徑 12
3. 生產方式 13
4. 生理功能 14
第三節 憂鬱症 18
1. 簡介 18
2. 憂鬱症之主要分類 18
3. 憂鬱症之成因 19
4. 憂鬱症動物模式 20
5. 人體之壓力指標 22
第四節 高壓加工技術 24
1. 介紹及原理 24
2. 作用機制與影響 25
3. 高壓加工技術之應用 27
第五節 研究動機與目的 32
第六節 試驗架構 33
第三章 材料與方法 34
第一節 試驗材料 34
第二節 試驗藥品 34
第三節 儀器與設備 35
第四節 試驗處理 37
第五節 HPLC分析GABA含量 37
第六節 抗憂鬱之動物模式 41
1. 實驗流程 41
2. 動物飼養 42
第七節 人體試驗 47
1. 試驗人員篩選 47
2. 唾液澱粉酶測定方法 47
3. 腦波測定方法 47
4. 測定流程 47
5. 數據分析 48
第八節 產品開發 55
1. GABA巧克力製作流程 55
2. GABA茶包製作流程 55
3. 基本成分分析 56
4. 產品貯藏試驗 56
5. 品評調查 57
第九節 統計分析 60
第四章 結果與討論 61
第一節 動物試驗 61
1. 飼養期間體重變化 61
2. 尾部懸吊試驗 61
3. 開放空間試驗 62
4. 糖水偏好程度 63
5. 糞便皮質酮含量測定 64
6. 血清之皮質酮、血清素含量測定 64
第二節 人體試驗 77
1. 唾液澱粉酶測定 77
2. 腦波測定 77
第三節 產品開發 81
1. 基本成分分析 81
2. 貯藏及安定性 84
3. 品評調查 89
第五章 結論 93
參考文獻 95
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