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研究生(外文):Siang-Ying Chen
論文名稱(外文):Applying the two-dimensional (2D) layer-averaged turbidity current model to eastimate outlet sediment concentration and desilting efficiency in the Zengwen Reservoir
指導教授(外文):Hwa-Lung YuMING-DAW SU
口試委員(外文):YIH-CHI TANJihn-Sung LaiFong-Zuo Lee
外文關鍵詞:Reservoir desiltingDesilting Tunneldensity currentNumerical modelventing efficiency
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水庫防淤經營管理策略主要可分為集水區保育、水庫通砂減淤、回復水庫庫容,以及調適策略,其中水庫通砂減淤及回復水庫庫容則主要以水力排砂及機械清淤為主要工程技術。當水資源缺乏時,於水力排砂中,則以異重流排砂較較為常用;因此本研究透過水中浚渫方式,於曾文水庫防淤隧道入口端往庫區上游浚渫形成導流槽,且考量不同寬深的導流槽,擬集中及增加到達壩前異重流之渾水水體,進而達到增加防淤隧道排砂效率之目的。此外,本研究採用二維層平均數值模式(Two-dimensional layer-averaged model, 2DLAM),作為模擬異重流在曾文水庫運移之工具,並透過五場歷史洪水事件檢定驗證入庫渾水到達壩前之泥砂濃度,同時引用比較不同出流泥砂濃度迴歸經驗公式,率定曾文水庫出水工之出流泥砂濃度係數,作為改進2DLAM模式出流泥砂濃度計算方法之參考。本研究根據2DLAM模式演算結果發現導流槽往上游延伸長度越長或越寬,則防淤隧道排砂效率越大;但水位變化及導流槽深度變化,則對於排砂效率影響不大;當入流量越大,由於防淤隧道設計出流量有限之因素,因此大部分流量與泥砂量將經由溢洪道排出,此時反而會造成防淤隧道排砂效率降低。
Reservoir desilting operation and management strategies can be classified into four parts: water and soil conservation, reservoir sedimentation reduction, reservoir capacity restoration, and adjustment strategies. Among them, the outflow discharges from the reservoir and the restoration of the reservoir capacity are primarily based on hydraulic desiltation and mechanical dredging. The application of turbidity current venting in hydraulic desilation is commonly-used in the field cases, especially the reservoir water is valuable. In this study, the venting efficiency of the desilting tunnel has been investigated through various design guiding channels in the Zengwen Reservoir. In the guiding channel dredged in different sizes in front of the desilting tunnel, the turbidity current may travel along the guiding channel and reaches the dam. This study uses the numerical model, 2DLAM, as a tool to simulate the migration of turbidity current in the Zengwen Reservoir. Based on the data from five historical typhoon events, outflow sediment concentrations are simulated and compared with the measured data obtained from the physical model as well as the field. In addition, several empirical formulas have been quoted to estimate the outflow sediment concentration at various outlets. In the Zengwen Reservoir, the simulated sediment concentration at the intake of each outlet has been used as a reference for estimation of the outflow sediment concentration. According to the simulated results, the length and width of the guiding channel can affect the venting efficiency of the desilting tunnel. However, the changes in the reservoir water level and the depth of the guiding channel have little effects on venting efficiency. When inflow discharges increase and larger than that of the outflow design discharge, part of the outflow discharge will pass through the spillway and the reduction of the venting efficiency at desilting tunnel of the tunnel can be observed.
口試委員審定書 I
誌謝 III
中文摘要 V
Abstract VII
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XIII
表目錄 XVII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 2
1.3. 文獻回顧 3
1.3.1. 數值模式 4
1.3.2. 數值解 5
1.4. 研究區域與資料 9
1.5. 研究方法與流程 13
第二章 理論基礎 15
2.1. 數值模式 15
2.2. 數值模式及數值解之出流泥砂濃度計算 19
2.2.1. 數值模式之出流泥砂濃度計算 19
2.2.2. 數值解之出流泥砂濃度計算 20
2.3. 評鑑指標 24
2.3.1. 均方根誤差(Root mean squared error, RMSE) 25
2.3.2. 效率係數(Coefficient of efficiency, CE) 25
2.3.3. 幾何平均數(Geometric Mean, GM) 25
第三章 數值模式的檢定驗證及出流泥砂濃度公式優選 27
3.1. 數值模式之檢定驗證 27
3.1.1. 模式網格與邊界條件 27
3.1.2. 檢定案例(2006年0609豪雨事件) 28
3.1.3. 檢定案例(卡玫基颱風) 30
3.1.4. 驗證案例(辛樂克颱風) 32
3.1.5. 驗證案例(薔蜜颱風) 33
3.1.6. 驗證案例(莫拉克颱風) 35
3.2. 出流泥砂濃度公式優選 37
3.2.1. 溢洪道出口 39
3.2.2. 發電放水口 43
3.2.1. 永久河道放水口 48
3.2.2. 防淤隧道 53
第四章 模式應用 58
4.1. 矩形導流槽寬度及水位對於排砂效率之影響 63
4.2. 矩形導流槽深度及水位對於排砂效率之影響 71
4.3. 矩形導流槽長度及水位對於排砂效率之影響 78
4.4. 水文條件及水位對於排砂效率之影響 84
第五章 結果與討論 95
5.1. 模式的檢定驗證成果 95
5.2. 出流泥砂濃度計算公式的適用性與優選結果說明 97
5.3. 防淤隧道前庫底矩形導流槽案例規劃之結果 99
第六章 結論與建議 108
6.1. 結論 108
6.2. 建議 110
參考文獻 111
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