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研究生(外文):Shang-En Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Sub-Resolution Assist Feature Insertion Guided by Active Learning
指導教授(外文):Hui-Ru Jiang
口試委員(外文):Yao-Wen ChangShao-Yun FangYu-Chiang Wang
外文關鍵詞:Design for ManufacturabilitySub-Resolution Assist FeatureActive LearningGaussian ProcessVariational Auto Encoder
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As the feature size keeps shrinking in the modern semiconductor manufacturing process, resolution enhancement techniques (RETs) are crucial to improve the manufacturing yield. Sub-resolution assist feature (SRAF) insertion is one of the RETs that can improve the target pattern printability and lithographic process window. Model-based SRAF generation achieves a high accuracy but with a high computational cost, while rule-based SRAF insertion may require a huge look-up table to handle complex patterns. Thus, recent works focus on reducing runtime by using machine-learning based models, and they rely on sufficient training samples to generalize the trained models and achieve high performance. Nevertheless, in advanced lithography, we may have a huge solution space but may have few labeled training samples. Although we can simply gather more samples, it is difficult to determine the most informative samples. Therefore, in this thesis, our contributions are threefold: First, we propose an active learning framework based on Variational Auto Encoders (VAEs) to actively select informative samples used to trained our model to guide the SRAF insertion. Second, we propose a region-based concentric circle area sampling representation to avoid information loss. Third, we propose a clustering-based scheme to determine the final placement of SRAFs. Experimental results demonstrate that, compared with state-of-the-art works, our framework uses 40% training samples and improves process variation (PV) band and edge placement error (EPE).
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract (Chinese) iv
Abstract vi
List of Tables x
List of Figures xi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 SRAF Insertion 1
1.2 Previous Works 3
1.3 Motivation 4
1.4 Our Contributions 4
1.5 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter 2. Preliminaries 6
2.1 Evaluation Metrics 6
2.2 Active Learning 7
2.3 Gaussian Process 9
2.4 Variational Auto Encoder 9
2.5 Problem Formulation 11
Chapter 3. Methodology 12
3.1 Overview 12
3.2 Data Preparation 13
3.2.1 SRAF Label Extraction 13
3.2.2 CCAS Feature Extraction 14
3.2.3 Region-based CCAS Feature Extraction 17
3.2.4 Feature Compaction 17
3.3 Active Learning Framework 18
3.3.1 Model uncertainty and batch sample selection 19
3.3.2 Adversarial Variational Auto Encoder 21
3.4 Probability Learning for SRAF Insertion 24
3.5 Clustering-based SRAF placement 26
Chapter 4. Experimental Results 28
4.1 Experimental Setup 28
4.2 CCAS vs. Region-based CCAS 29
4.3 Batch Selection and Model Training 29
4.4 Clustering-based SRAF placement 32
4.5 Compared with previous works 33
Chapter 5. Conclusions 40
Bibliography 41
Publication List 45
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