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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Deep Learning Approach for Evaluating the Style and Aesthetics of Graph Drawing
指導教授(外文):Hsu-Chun Yen
口試委員(外文):Sy-Yen KuoChin-Laung Lei
外文關鍵詞:graph drawinggraph layoutaesthetic criteria analysisdeep learningconvolutional neural network
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We propose a method to determine some aesthetic properties of an image which is drawn by using unknown graph layout algorithms. Graph drawing has been studied for decades. There is no layout algorithm which can satisfy all of the important aesthetic properties for graph layouts. Therefore, when evaluating any of these algorithms, user study is the way to determine the performance. When conducting user study, people need to choose the best layout image from the results generated by selected layout algorithms. It is hard for users to determine whether an image drawn by an unknown layout algorithm performs good or not if there is no other layout image to compare with it. In this thesis, we propose a deep learning based method which is a convolutional neural network classifier trained by images drawn in selected graph drawing algorithms. After testing the model by the dataset composed of images drawn by unknown layout algorithms, we find the graph layout algorithms of similar styles have similar aesthetic properties, and the estimated aesthetic properties of the images drawn by unknown layout methods will nearly be consistent with the directly calculated numerical results. In summary, the method proposed in this thesis is to use the tendency that similar layout style will be classified into the same class by the neural network, and the characteristics of various algorithms can be learned by observing the values of the aesthetic indicators of the classification results. Our study shows that, given an image drawn by unknown layout methods, we can use neural networks to classify it and find a similar style of a graph drawing algorithm to obtain its aesthetic properties.
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 圖結構視覺化 1
1.1.2 圖結構視覺化之美學性質 2
1.2 研究動機與方向 2
1.3 相關研究 3
1.3.1 圖結構繪製之美學性質研究 3
1.3.2 機器學習於圖結構繪製領域 3
1.4 章節概述 4
2 背景知識 5
2.1 圖結構佈局 5
2.1.1 力學模擬演算法 5
2.1.2 降維演算法 7
2.1.3 光譜演算法 8
2.2 美學性質 9
2.2.1 邊交叉之數量 10
2.2.2 邊長度之變異程度 10
2.2.3 相鄰邊的夾角 10
2.2.4 形狀導向之美觀 11
2.3 卷積神經網路 12
3 基於風格分析的圖結構美學評估方法 14
3.1 問題描述 14
3.2 資料集生成 15
3.2.1 圖結構資訊的生成 15
3.2.2 佈局結果的生成 16
3.3 提出之方法架構 17
3.3.1 架構及流程 17
3.3.2 結果的判讀 20
4 實驗結果與討論 21
4.1 不同數量圖結構佈局演算法之分類結果 21
4.1.1 分類FR和HDE 21
4.1.2 分類FR、HDE和Spec 21
4.1.3 分類FR、HDE、Spec和FA2 23
4.1.4 討論 23
4.2 以不同測試資料集來觀察分類結果 23
4.2.1 不特定生成之圖結構佈局測試結果 24
4.2.2 討論 26
4.3 相同佈局演算法在不同的參數設定上之分類結果 27
5 結論與展望 29
5.1 結論 29
5.2 未來展望 29
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