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研究生(外文):Jyun-Hao Jhang
論文名稱(外文):Human-like Motion Planning and Vehicle Control for Autonomous Parking Using Optimize-feedback Bidirectional Rapidly-exploring Random Trees* and Parking-oriented Model Predictive Control
指導教授(外文):Feng-Li Lian
口試委員(外文):Hou-Tsan LeeCheng-Ming HuangChih-Ming Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Autonomous parking systemSampling based motion planningParking-oriented model predictive controlPerpendicular parkingParallel parkingAngle parkingU-turn
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時至今日,自駕車技術致力於為日常生活提供便捷。然而,現存先進駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS)的應用只能被歸類在自駕等級1至4,而非全自動等級5。基於危險與環境的考量,自動停車可能成為第一個自駕車的全自動應用。大部分自駕停車所需要的技術可從現有技術中選擇,例如:感測結合、SLAM和周圍感知等。另一方面,某些技術應該依據停車場景與考量來做開發,例如:停車格探測、運動規劃與車輛控制等。
Nowadays, techniques of autonomous vehicles are devoted to providing convenience for people in everyday life. However, existing applications of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can just be categorized into autonomous driving level 1-4 but not full automation in level 5. With the considerations of risks and environments, autonomous parking may be the first fully autonomous applications for autonomous vehicles. Most required techniques for autonomous parking can be chosen from existing ones, like sensor fusion, SLAM, and surrounding perception. On the other hand, some required techniques should be developed based on the parking scenarios and considerations, such as parking slot detection, motion planning, and vehicle control.
In this thesis, there are two key methods proposed for the autonomous parking technique, that is, a motion planner and a vehicle controller:
For motion planning, a sampling based motion planner is proposed to generate a human-like and collision-free parking path efficiently with any feasible start and goal configurations for parking scenarios in everyday life. Moreover, the proposed method aims to deal with the common defects of sampling based motion planners to maintain high path quality and consistency for each execution.
For vehicle control, a parking-oriented model predictive controller is proposed to control steering and speed simultaneously for accurate and smooth parking path tracking. Furthermore, the proposed vehicle controller is dedicated to working around the practical problems, such as vehicle considerations, real-time control, and signal delay. As a result, the practical performance can approach the performance in ideal condition.
To verify the effects of both proposed methods, the simulations and experiments in the thesis are conducted in common and strict parking scenarios, such as perpendicular parking, parallel parking, angle parking, and U-turn. The simulation results not only verify the effects of each technical element in both proposed methods, but also show the ability to deal with the various parking scenarios. The most important of all, the on-car experiments sufficiently demonstrate that both proposed methods can be actually implemented in everyday life instead of theoretical simulations.
摘要 i
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Formulation 3
1.3 Contributions 6
1.3.1 Optimize-feedback Bi-RRT* with Reeds-Shepp Curve 6
1.3.2 Parking-oriented Model Predictive Control 7
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 8
Chapter 2 Background and Literature Survey 10
2.1 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 10
2.2 Autonomous Vehicle Techniques 12
2.3 Motion Planning 13
2.4 Vehicle Control 20
2.5 Autonomous Parking System 24
Chapter 3 Related Theories 25
3.1 Vehicle Model 25
3.2 RRT* with Reeds-Shepp Curve 27
3.2.1 Optimal Rapidly-exploring Random Tree 27
3.2.2 Reeds-Shepp Curve 29
3.3 Model Predictive Control 29
3.3.1 The Periods of MPC 29
3.3.2 Linear State Space Model 31
Chapter 4 Optimize-feedback Bidirectional RRT* with Reeds-Shepp Curve 33
4.1 Overview of The Proposed Motion Planner 34
4.2 Collision Model Formulation for Various Vehicles 39
4.3 Exploration-improved Bidirectional RRT* with Reeds-Shepp Curve 41
4.3.1 The Revised Bi-RRT* with Reeds-Shepp Curve 42
4.3.2 Collision-avoidable Sampler 45
4.3.3 The Revised Radial Sampler 48
4.4 Optimize-feedback Process 51
4.5 State Space Convergence 53
4.6 Human-like Cost Function 54
4.7 Summary 57
Chapter 5 Parking-oriented Model Predictive Control 60
5.1 Overview of The Vehicle Controller 61
5.2 Tracking Strategy for Autonomous Parking 62
5.2.1 Segment by Segment Tracking 63
5.2.2 Steering Angle Initialization for Each Segment 63
5.3 Parking-oriented Cost Function and Constraint Design 65
5.4 Simultaneous Computation and Control Framework 68
5.4.1 Multi-thread Framework 69
5.4.2 Execution Time Compensation 70
5.5 Steering Command Smoother 73
5.6 Summary 74
Chapter 6 Simulation and Experimental Results and Analysis 77
6.1 Simulation and Experimental Setups 78
6.2 Method Effects of Optimize-feedback Bidirectional RRT with Reeds-Shepp Curve 88
6.2.1 Simulation Process 89
6.2.2 Collision Model Formulation for Various Vehicles 90
6.2.3 Exploration-improved Bidirectional RRT* with Reeds-Shepp Curve 92
6.2.4 Optimize-feedback Process 101
6.2.5 State Space Convergence 103
6.2.6 Human-like Cost Function 106
6.3 Method Effects of Parking-oriented Model Predictive Control 110
6.3.1 Simulation Process 110
6.3.2 Tracking Strategy for Autonomous Parking 115
6.3.3 Parking-oriented Cost Function and Constraint Design 118
6.3.4 Simultaneous Computation and Control Framework 122
6.3.5 Steering Command Smoother 126
6.4 Simulations in Autonomous Parking Scenarios 130
6.4.1 System Structure 131
6.4.2 Perpendicular Parking 132
6.4.3 Parallel Parking 144
6.4.4 Angle Parking 158
6.4.5 U-turn 171
6.5 Experiments in Autonomous Parking Scenarios 184
6.5.1 System Structure 185
6.5.2 Perpendicular Parking with ITRI Pacifica 186
6.5.3 Parallel Parking with ITRI Pacifica 204
6.5.4 Signal Delay for Practical Consideration 215
6.6 Comparison for The Proposed Motion Planner 218
6.6.1 Simulation Process 218
6.6.2 Compared to Kinematic Bi-RRT 219
6.6.3 Compared to Waypoint-Guided Bi-RRT 226
6.7 Summary 230
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works 232
7.1 Conclusions 232
7.2 Future Works 235
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