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研究生(外文):Lung-Chuan Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Five-Axis Synchronous Motion 3D Printing Machine for Additive Manufacturing of Complex Objects without Supporting Structure
指導教授(外文):Ren-Chyuan Luo
口試委員(外文):Fan-ren ChangFu-Cheng Wang
外文關鍵詞:Digital ManufacturingFused Deposition ModelingTool Path Generation and PlanningFive-Axis Synchronous Motion 3D Printing Machine3D Printing without Supporting Structure
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近年來,數位製造技術受到了學術界和工業界的極大關注,它可以製造幾何形狀複雜的物件,且具有客製化製造與多種材料選擇的優點。熔融沈積成型(Fused Deposition Modeling)和光固化成型(Stereolithography Apparatus)是數位製造中較為廣泛使用的兩個技術,因為此兩種技術在成本和品質之間有取得很好的平衡,其中熔融沈積成型(FDM)是3D列印眾多方法中最受歡迎的一種技術,也是本論文中所使用與探討的積層製造技術,但是熔融沈積成型(FDM)技術採用逐層方式堆疊製造,其中在製造過程中需要為懸空的部分添加支撐結構以防止列印失敗,支撐結構的添加減慢了列印的速度,亦增加列印材料之費用,並會在成品表面上留下痕跡,這會使得在去除支撐材時損壞成品的表面品質。由於打印方式是逐層疊加的,因此列印模型的強度在垂直於層的方向上受到限制,特別是當外力從不同方向施加時,層與層之間不良的粘合性成為抵抗外力的弱點。本文中所提出的演算法在我們台大智慧機器人及自動化實驗室開發的五軸同步3D列印機上進行實驗,並克服了以上敘述的兩個問題。
Digital manufacturing technologies have received significant attention from both academia and industry in recent years. It can produce geometrically complex objects directly from 3D model data. Manufacturing customization and the use of various materials are the advantages of digital manufacturing. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) are two widely used approaches in digital manufacturing because they achieve a very good balance between the cost and quality. FDM is the most popular one among the numerous methods of 3D printing. In this thesis, we use FDM basic principle to conduct additive manufacturing (AM) process. However, FDM technology is in layer-by-layer manner, where supporting structures need to be added for overhanging areas during the manufacturing process. The addition of supporting structures, not only increases material costs but also slows down the speed of fabrication and introduces artifacts onto the finished surface, which can damage the actual product upon removing the supporting material. The strength of the printed models is restricted in the direction of perpendicular to the layers since the printing style is in layer by layer fashion. The poor adhesion between the layers becomes a weakness to resist external force, especially when the force exerted from different directions. In this thesis, the algorithms are proposed to solve these two issues and implemented under the five axes synchronous 3D printing machine developed in our NTU Intelligent Robotics and Automation Lab.
For overcoming the issue of supporting structures, there are various researches to improve in the aspects of hardware and software. Various robotic fabrication systems have been introduced in recent years. The developed five axes synchronous 3D printing machine is a gantry-type equipment to conduct multi-axis synchronous 3D printing in our experiment. A geometry-based decomposition method is used to divide a given model into several sub-components. Each sub-component can be printed under self-support, which means that the sub-component can be printed without supporting structures. The G-code format of each sub-component is obtained by slicing software separately. An algorithm of five axes printing trajectory generation is proposed to combine the G-code of each sub-component. The five axes printing trajectory is implemented in synchronous five axes printing machine to demonstrate the results of printing without supporting structures.
Algorithms for synchronous five axes printing based on the surface printing trajectory have been proposed to overcome the lack of strength issue. Five axes printing can achieve the goal of printing in different orientations so that the strength of the printed parts is greatly enhanced in comparison with the printing in a fixed direction only. The five axes synchronous 3D printing has been successfully demonstrated with physical object printing. The strength analysis of printed parts is also performed under the three-point bending test and the tensile test to show the evidential results of improving the strength of the printed object models.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivation and Objectives 2
1.3 Background 4
1.3.1 Additive Manufacturing 4
1.3.2 Subtractive Manufacturing 10
1.3.3 Commercial Multi Axes Equipment 12
1.4 Previous Works 13
1.4.1 Decomposition Model Ways 13
1.4.2 Multi Axes Printing Styles 14
1.4.3 The Strength of Printed Object Issues 15
1.5 Thesis Organization 16
Chapter 2 The Hardware and Software 17
2.1 Hardware 17
2.1.1 Mechanism Design 17
2.1.2 Robot Coordinate System 18
2.1.3 The Coordinate System of Five-Axis Synchronous Motion 3D Printing Machine 20
2.1.4 System Structure 23
2.2 Software 30
2.2.1 STL (STereoLithography) Format 30
2.2.2 Off Format 31
2.2.3 Slicing Software 32
2.2.4 Direct Numerical Control (DNC) 33
2.3 Materials 34
2.3.1 PLA (Polylactic Acid) 34
2.3.2 ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) 35
2.3.3 PLA vs. ABS 36
Chapter 3 Five Axes Printing Trajectory Generation 37
3.1 System Structure 37
3.2 Model Decomposition Method 39
3.3 Slicing Process 43
3.4 Printing Sequence Generation 44
Chapter 4 Surface Processing 53
4.1 System Structure 53
4.2 Pretreatment 54
4.3 Surface Trajectory Generation 54
4.4 Combination 61
Chapter 5 Implementation and Experimental Results with Discussions 62
5.1 Calibration of Rotational Pivot of Machine 62
5.2 Synchronous Five Axes Printing without Supporting Structure 66
5.2.1 Stanford Bunny 66
5.2.2 Kitten 69
5.2.3 Curved Tube 71
5.2.4 The Component of Robot Arm Shell Mechanism 74
5.2.5 The Cooperation on Material Usage and Printing Time 76
5.3 Surface Processing 79
5.4 Supporting Free Printing and Surface Processing 90
Chapter 6 Contributions, Conclusions and Future Works 93
6.1 Contributions 93
6.2 Conclusions 93
6.3 Future Works 95
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