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研究生(外文):Wai-Zhian Soo
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Efficiency of Horizontal Type\'s Aeration Equipment
指導教授(外文):Wen-Shang Hou
口試委員(外文):Cheng-I HsiehMing-Che Hu
外文關鍵詞:AeratorOxygen-transferCulture PondDissolved OxygenFlow Field
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結果顯示,耘水機設備在增氧效率方面較佳,且水體循環效果範圍亦佳。其標準氧氣轉換效率(SOTR)與標準曝氣效率(SAE)數據分別為2.50×10-5 kgO2/hr及0.02 kgO2/kw/hr,因設備縮小20倍之標準試驗結果,並無文獻可作比較。染料試驗部分,水體循環之顯示染料由葉扇從上方打散至池壁沉入水底再經由設備中心吸上至葉扇再打散至池壁之重複流況。
In the process of aquaculture, the water quality of aquaculture ponds is easily affected by external factors, resulting in the instability of water quality. In order to avoid the poor water quality of the culture pond and ensure adequate oxygen supply and even distribution, various types of aeration equipment are installed in the culture pond. There are various kinds of aeration equipment, but the one mainly used in Taiwan is the vertical impeller type waterwheel. These different kinds of aeration equipment have different effects, and the similar studies focus more on the waterwheel’s impeller.
In this study, two kinds of horizontal Leaf Fan Form and Wave Maker generator were studied. The experiment was carried out in a field pond. This research focuses on the measurements of flow rate and dissolved oxygen and small distribution. Furthermore, the study also used 3D printing technology to make smaller models of a horizontal mixing water machine and observe their effects in aquariums. The range of stirring water and the efficiency of oxygen enrichment were measured to understand the flow field distribution and the effect of aeration on the improvement of water quality and environment. Moreover, they were also measured to compare the efficiency of vertical mixing equipment in literature, and to understand the effect of different specifications of aeration equipment on different layers of water in the aquaculture pond.
The results show that the efficiency of the Leaf Fan Form is better, and the range of water circulation is also better. The SOTR and SAE data were 2.50×10-5 kgO2/ hr and 0.02 kgO2/kw/hr, respectively. Since the size of the aeration equipment was reduced by 20 times, there is no literature available for comparison. In the dye test part, the water circulation shows the repeated flow in which the dye is dispersed from the leaf fan above to the wall and sinks to the bottom, and then sucked up through the center of the equipment to the fan and then dispersed to the wall.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 曝氣增氧設備介紹 4
2.1.1 耘水機 6
2.1.2 湧浪機 7
2.1.3 臺製葉輪式水車 9
2.2 溶氧分佈與曝氣法相關理論 10
2.2.1 溶氧 10
2.2.2 總體氧氣質傳係數 12
2.2.3 溶氧傳遞效率相關係數 14
2.3 養殖池增氧速率與曝氣法及流場關係 15
第三章 研究材料、設備與方法 19
3.1 實驗流程 19
3.2 實驗設備簡介 21
3.3 現場試驗方法 25
3.4 增氧效率標準試驗方法 28
3.5 模型流場試驗方法 30
3.6 資料整理法 31
第四章 結果與討論 32
4.1 現場試驗之結果與討論 32
4.1.1 未開啟設備之水域環境 33
4.1.2 開啟設備後之溶氧與流速環境 35
4.1.3 近底泥層增氧效率 40
4.2 增氧效率標準試驗之結果與討論 45
4.2.1 SOTR與SAE之探討 46
4.3 耘水機模型流場試驗之結果與討論 48
4.3.1 探討設備擴散能力範圍 49
第五章 結論與建議 51
5.1 結論 51
5.2 建議 52
參考文獻 53
附錄A、耘水機發明專利 59
附錄B、湧浪機新型專利 66
附錄C、增氧效率標準試驗之結果 69







7.行政院環保署,環檢所公告水中溶氧檢測方法-碘定量法 NIEA W422.53B,2018 年。





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