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研究生(外文):Li-Fang Ren
論文名稱(外文):Research on Innovation of Operation Mode in Oil Products Sales Industry: A Case Study of Zyny Co., Ltd.
外文關鍵詞:refined oilsalesoperation modeInternet +
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Driven by economic development, China''s refined oil market is becoming increasingly mature, and the fierce internal competition leads to the constant compression of profits. Faced with this new economic growth situation, the refined oil sales industry also needs to be adjusted accordingly. The concept of "Internet plus" has had a profound impact on the development of various industries in China. The way of thinking in the Internet era has not only exerted a profound impact on Internet companies, but also has a greater impact on industries such as oil companies with strong strategic characteristics. The emergence of the new normal economy has put forward greater requirements for oil enterprises. Gas stations are the main way to sell refined oil products. How to adapt to the trend of the times and adjust itself with the help of brand-new ideas to realize the effective expansion of business scale has become a problem that must be considered by current refined oil sales enterprises.
This paper chooses ZYNY Limited Company as the research subject. ZYNY Company has gradually expanded from the convenient living payment service at the beginning of its establishment to the personal consumption financial service and energy travel based on the credit system. With the help of the Internet, it promotes the transformation and upgrading of the refined oil sales industry. This paper introduces the research significance, background and purpose of this article, and elaborates the accompanying whole. With the change of information environment and economic environment, the domestic refined oil sales industry needs to re-examine the development status of the industry, adapt to this new situation through self-adjustment, expand business scale by means of information development channels, and realize diversified business development. At the same time, the technical environment and policy environment of the enterprise are analyzed in depth, and the actual development of ZYNY company is analyzed to understand the current competitive situation of the domestic refined oil market. Reference and analysis results show that the current management mode of refined oil sales enterprises is not optimized enough, the management methods adopted are relatively backward, the overall development trend has been unable to follow the market trend, and it is difficult to meet the needs of consumers. It is proposed that industry enterprises should arm themselves with brand-new ideas, actively study Internet thinking and customer-oriented thinking, and construct brand-new marketing mode under the guidance of these brand-new ideas. With the help of effective means, that is, big data method to subdivide customer groups, refer to the results of subdivision to adopt different marketing methods, improve the accuracy of marketing work. With the help of information technology, business scenarios are simulated to enable decision makers to form a deeper understanding of the business situation and improve the quality of decision-making. Specific countermeasures are as follows: 1. Actively develop client APP to provide diversified services; 2. Construct a comprehensive business platform based on the results of big data analysis; 3. Adopt an intelligent model to build logistics distribution system; 4. Build a smart gas station.
Based on the analysis of the actual situation of ZYNY enterprise, this paper summarizes the existing problems in its operation process, and puts forward corresponding solutions, namely, the development of resource-sharing intelligent gas station, in order to achieve the promotion of sales and service level. With the help of large data technology and environmental simulation technology, it can support the effectiveness of decision-making, and then achieve the goal of maximizing the interests of enterprises.
摘要 I
Abstract III
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 選題背景 1
1.2 研究目的與意義 2
1.3 研究問題與研究內容 3
1.4 研究方法與路徑 4
第二章 國內外相關理論與實踐綜述 5
2.1 國內外研究現狀 5
2.2 商業模式與運營模式的理論 8
第三章 成品油銷售企業ZYNY公司運營環境分析 12
3.1宏觀環境分析 12
3.2 行業內競爭對手 15
3.3 SWOT分析 17
第四章 成品油銷售行業“互聯網+”運營模式構建 21
4.1 構建運營模式的總體思路與原則 21
4.2 ZYNY公司現有運營模式存在的不足 25
4.3國內外石油公司確定運營模式的主要因素分析 27
第五章 成品油銷售企業ZYNY公司運營模式的實施 30
5.1市場模式的實施 30
5.2 基於大資料的業務綜合服務平臺建設 35
5.3 智慧物流配送體系配套構建 43
5.4 智慧加油站的建設 44
5.5企業業務流程與組織建設 51
5.6實施運營模式帶來的效果 52
第六章 結論與展望 54
6.1研究結論 54
6.2研究不足與展望 55
參考文獻 56

圖5-1 多層次 APP 應用終端31
圖5-2 業務綜合服務平臺界面36
圖5-3 當月累計銷售柱狀圖37
圖5-4 全國石油市場行業動態監測平臺界面38
圖5-5 客戶開發維繫總體界面40
圖5-6 客戶價值貢獻得分情況42
圖5-7 智慧配送體系43

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