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研究生(外文):Shih-Cheng Huang
論文名稱(外文):Development of Magnetic/Eddy-Current Sensor for Electrical Conductivity Measurements of Non-Ferrous Metallic Objects
指導教授(外文):Chun-Yeon Lin
口試委員(外文):Han-Pang HuangJia-Yush YenMeng-Shiun TsaiJing-Tang Yang
外文關鍵詞:eddy current measurementmagnetic field measurementestimation of conductivity and thickAMR Sensor
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本論文提出一種基於磁阻抗感測器之磁電渦流感測系統開發,利用控制頻率的方法,同時預測非導磁金屬板之導電率及厚度,估測金屬板厚度為資訊做補償之導電率預測,增加準確度。在系統開發中,使用分散式電流源模型計算線圈於金屬導體產生的電渦流場及其產生之二次磁場做頻率響應的分析。分散式電流源法可以直接計算由非導磁金屬導體中電渦流產生之磁通量密度,效果比有限元素軟體模擬的結果更佳, 因為有限元素軟體測量非導磁金屬導體之電渦流產生磁場的方法,是透過計算線圈加上非導磁金屬導體產生的磁場,減去僅有線圈時的磁場,會造成較大的雜訊。
This paper proposes the development of a magnetic eddy current measurement system based on a magnetic sensor. The accuracy of conductivity estimation is increased by the compensation of metal thickness. Distributed Current Source (DCS) method is used to analyze the eddy current field and its secondary magnetic field. In addition, Distributed Current Source method calculates magnetic flux density generated by eddy current in non-magnetic metal conductor directly, and the result is better than the outcome of finite element method to measure the magnetic field generated by the eddy current of the non-magnetic metal conductor through finite element software, is by calculating the magnetic field generated by the excited coil and the non-magnetic metal conductor minus the magnetic field only contributed by the excited coil. The difference between the magnitude of these two methods is wide apart, so the finite element method will cause a larger error.
Distributed Current Source model can simulate sample with different geometric and physical characteristics, which not only provides the basis for the characteristic estimation, but also used to calibrate the experimental data and build the plate for estimation.
Use the sweep data simulated by Distributed Current Source model and experimental data to generate the plate, then use two –dimensional mapping method to project the frequency response to characteristic coordinate system. Finally, the properties of the metal are estimated by linearly interpolate.
Compared with the commercial metal conductivity tester, the cost of this magnetic eddy current test system consisted of an excited coil, a close-loop current amplifier, an anisotropic magnetoresistive sensor, and related functional circuit is lower. Moreover, this system can estimate the thickness and conductivity of the sample at the same time. In order to control the current which inputs to the coil, the closed-loop control circuit is discussed and developed in this paper.
Based on the simulation and experimental results, the proposed system is deemed effective in estimation of conductivity and thick of non-ferrous metal plate.
口試委員會審定書 #
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號與縮寫解釋表 xi
第 1 章 前言 1
1.1 動機與方法 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 接觸式測量 2
1.2.2 非接觸式測量 2
1.2.3 脈衝刺激測量 3
1.2.4 諧波刺激測量 3
1.3 問題描述 4
1.4 論文架構 4
第 2 章 研究背景及相關工作 5
2.1 電渦流測量的主要變因 5
2.1.1 導電率 5
2.1.2 導磁率 5
2.1.3 飛升效應 6
2.1.4 填充係數 6
2.1.5 邊界效應 7
2.1.6 集膚效應 7
2.2 量測設備 8
2.2.1 類比輸出介面卡 8
2.2.2 類比輸入介面卡 8
2.2.3 激勵線圈 8
2.2.4 異向磁阻感測器 9
第 3 章 非導磁金屬磁電渦流感測器系統設計 12
3.1 基於分散式電流源模型之量測金屬導體導電率系統之設計 12
3.2 分散式電流源模型 13
3.2.1 數學模型 13
3.2.2 二維軸對稱諧波模型 17
3.3 資料校正 18
3.4 二維線性映射內插法 19
3.5 功能電路 20
3.5.1 開路功能電路 20
3.5.2 閉路功能電路 21
第 4 章 模擬驗證與實驗分析 24
4.1 電流控制電路模擬設計與實驗 24
4.2 DCS模型驗證 28
4.3 不同金屬樣品之頻率響應分析 30
4.4 磁電渦流感測系統量測結果 32
4.4.1 系統量測之磁場響應 32
4.4.2 導電率及厚度估測 34
第 5 章 結論與未來展望 43
5.1 結論 43
5.2 未來展望 43
參考文獻 44
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