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研究生(外文):Sen-Kui Lai
論文名稱(外文):Study of the Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Grinding of Zirconia and its Application in Fabricating Dental Crown
指導教授(外文):Yunn-Shiuan Liao
口試委員(外文):Yao-Yang TsaiChoung-Lii Chao
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasonic Assisted GrindingZirconiaCrownCutting ForceMicro Vickers HardnessFour Point Bending Test
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In recent years, ceramic materials have become more and more prosperous, especially zirconia ceramics, which have excellent mechanical properties and safer biocompatibility, so they are often used as materials for artificial dentures in dentistry. In the process of making dentures, the zirconia powder block is processed first, and then the processed zirconia powder block is taken to the oven for sintering, but because of various environmental humidity, temperature, pressure, moisture, time, so the shrinkage rate of each part of the material is not easy to control, resulting in a difference in shape accuracy from the original. It also requires the dental technician to make appearance size modification, then apply a layer of glaze, and finally sinter once to complete the crown denture. However, in order to avoid the variation of shrinkage, there is a method to directly process the sintered zirconia ceramics, which has a very high hardness, and directly processing it can well control the shape accuracy, but because the material is too hard, it will cause the grinding rod wears too seriously, so the ultrasonic grinding process can be used to process zirconia ceramics. When machining, compared with traditional machining, ultrasonic assisted grinding can not only reduce the axial cutting force by 24.4%, but also reduce the cutting force in the feed direction by 10.7%, and the drilling cutting force is 20.5%. In addition to the decrease in cutting force, the number of tool changes during the crown processing in the experiment was reduced from the original 3 times to only 1 time. Serious damage to the grinding rod will not occur, and the life of the grinding rod will be improved. Ultrasonic-assisted grinding processing will cause processing deterioration layer on the surface of the workpiece, and the surface hardness will increase from the original unprocessed 1463HV to 1620HV. Its local resistance to strain is rising. However, because ultrasound will cause more and deeper troughs on the surface, the bending strength of the workpiece is reduced. The bending strength of the traditionally grinding workpiece is 1670Mpa. With ultrasonic assisted processing, the bending strength is reduced to 1498.5 MPa. The overall strain resistance is reduced. When machining the surface, under ultrasonic-assisted machining, due to the reduction of cutting force, the surface chipping is smaller than that of traditional grinding and the glaze gripping force of the ultrasonic-assisted machining surface is stronger than the conventional one.
誌謝 1
摘要 2
Abstract 3
目錄 5
圖目錄 8
表目錄 12
第1章 緒論 14
1.1 研究背景與動機 14
1.2 文獻回顧 15
1.3 研究目的 23
1.4 本文架構 23
第2章 相關理論 24
2.1 陶瓷材料簡介 24
2.1.1 陶瓷切削特性 25
2.1.2 氧化鋯陶瓷 26
2.2 脆性材料裂紋生長機制 27
2.2.1 壓痕破壞理論 27
2.2.2 脆性材料臨界切深 34
2.2.3 裂紋尺寸模型 38
2.3 超音波振動輔助磨削機制 43
2.3.1 傳統超音波加工 46
2.3.2 旋轉超音波加工 47
2.3.3 單一磨粒運動軌跡分析 48
2.4 表面粗糙度 51
第3章 實驗設備與方法 57
3.1 實驗設備 57
3.1.1 小型五軸超音波加工機 57
3.1.2 量測儀器與設備 62
3.2 實驗材料 70
3.2.1 實驗刀具 70
3.2.2 實驗材料 71
3.3 實驗架構規劃 73
3.3.1 實驗流程 73
3.3.2 主要加工條件 76
第4章 實驗結果與討論 77
4.1超音波輔助磨削對加工效率的提升 77
4.2超音波輔助磨削對工件的影響 84
4.1.1 對工件表面結構對釉料附著程度差異 84
4.1.2 對工件表面硬度影響 86
4.1.3 對工件抗彎強度的影響 89
4.1.4 對工件邊緣碎裂的影響 93
4.3 超音波輔助磨削加工對形貌的影響 97
第5章 結論與未來展望 107
5.1 結論 107
5.2 未來展望 108
參考文獻 109
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