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研究生(外文):Wei-Ren Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study of surface texture quality on optical glasses after bonnet polishing process
指導教授(外文):Hong-Tsu Young
口試委員(外文):Shun-Tong ChenChing-Hsiang Kuo
外文關鍵詞:computer numerical controlbonnet polishingmid-spatial frequencyfused silicaoptical glass
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本研究發現改變路徑間距參數,可有效改善定頻紋理與抑制不規則中頻空頻空間頻率誤差,其光學玻璃表面紋理可實現均方根粗度值達1.6 nm。透由所建立的刀具影響函數理論模型之模擬結果與實驗結果比較,再次證實路徑間距的設定確實對於光學玻璃表面紋理品質造成影響,其同位置所受到的重疊數值,運算結果為4.82。接著將拋光路徑間距所產生的疊加效應影響納入理論模型,再加入形貌誤差修正實驗驗證,其模擬與實驗的最大深度差值為123.6 nm,兩者結果相似約85%,亦即證明理論模型可用於模擬拋光製程的最佳參數條件,研究成果將可實現穩定控制材料移除量之目的,此項技術將可應用於光學玻璃元件拋光製程技術。
This study presents an optical polishing quality strategy using automated computer numerical control (CNC) bonnet polishing to produce a high-quality level surface at a stable material removal rate (MRR). Owing to the specified toolpaths integral to CNC bonnet polishing, the resulting polished surfaces generally have mid-spatial-frequency (MSF) errors, which can occur as periodic surface ripples or irregular waviness. These surface textures could degrade image quality in many devices or cause defocusing and energy loss in high-energy laser systems. In this study, the MSF surface textures of fused silica are investigated by developing a CNC bonnet polishing technique using a cerium-oxide-filled polyurethane pad (LP66) that employs a cellular polyurethane material designed to handle the high flatness and surface finishing requirements of optical glass materials. Various combinations of tool offset, head speed, track spacing and surface feed rate settings are studied to determine the optimal polishing parameters for minimizing MSF errors. To further explore and predict the ideal polishing parameters for a stable material removal rate, a tool influence function (TIF) mathematical model is built based on the Preston equation of material removal rate for polishing, with the head spindle contact and polishing behavior of optical glass surfaces treated as contact between elastic solids. Then, polishing is simulated using the mathematical model, the material removal characteristics of the simulated and experimental results are compared and the mathematical model is modified accordingly. The experimental results demonstrate that the head speed and surface feed rate significantly affect the surface texture during bonnet polishing. Although the tool offset does not cause surface texturing, it does affect the material removal rate. A series of optimization experiments is conducted, ultimately leading to the effective removal of irregular surface ripples and a reduction in MSF errors. By optimizing the polishing parameters, a high surface quality with extremely accurate optical performance is achieved, along with a root-mean-square error of 1.6 nm. The effect of TIF superposition is considered in the polishing strategy because the track spacing distance experiment results showed that the superposition of the polishing path was responsible for differences between the simulated and experimental results. First, the superposition value is calculated as 4.82 for the same point by superposition of the modeled TIF. Then, the TIF model is adjusted to include the impact of superposition, and the output of the TIF model is recalculated to further refine the polishing strategy. Finally, the material removal function is modified to attain an MRR difference value of 0.12 m. When the results are compared, the simulated material removal depth accounts for up to 85% of the experimental material removal depth. These experimental and simulated results indicate that the TIF model can provide preliminary predictions of the effects of various combinations of polishing parameters on the material removal rate and demonstrate the potential applications of LP66 in CNC bonnet polishing for optical glass component processing technologies.
中文摘要 II
1.1 Backgrounds of the Research 1
1.2 Motivations 2
1.3 Objectives 4
1.4 Research Methodology 4
1.5 Thesis Framework 6
2.1 Precession Bonnet Polishing Technology 7
2.2 Characteristics of Material Removal 14
2.3 Surface Texture Analysis 20
2.4 Concluding Remark 24
3.1 Experimental Setup 25
3.2 CNC Bonnet Polishing Machine (Zeeko IRP 1000) 26
3.3 Aspheric Stitching Interferometer (QED-ASI) 27
3.4 Interface Materials 28
3.5 Experimental Design 30
4.1 Texture Quality Effect for Tool Offset 32
4.2 Texture Quality Effect for Head Speed 34
4.3 Texture Quality Effect for Track Spacing 37
4.4 Texture Quality Effect for Surface Feed Rate 41
4.5 Experiment for Equal Amounts of Material Removal 45
4.6 Experimental Validation in Optimized the Combination 49
4.7 Concluding Remark 52
5.1 Building the Tool Influence Function Model 54
5.2 Material Removal Depth Distribution Effects for a Single Pass 58
5.3 Material Removal Depth Distribution Effect from Repetitive Paths 60
5.4 Tool Influence function Model Effect for Tool Compensation 64
5.5 Modified Tool Influence Function Model 69
5.6 Experimental Validation Using a Tool Influence Function 73
5.7 Concluding Remark 82
6.1 Conclusions 83
6.2 Future Work 86
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