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研究生(外文):Yu-Ling Huang
論文名稱(外文):Assembly of Pt nanoparticles on electrospun carbon fibers for electrocatalytic degradation of crystal violet
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Fang LinChia-Hung Hou
口試委員(外文):Ta-Chih HsiaoSofia Ya-Hsuan LiouPei-Hsin Chou
外文關鍵詞:platinumelectrospinningelectrocatalysisparticle sizecrystal violet
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隨著全球氣候變遷、人口量上升及工業發展日益顯著,面對嚴峻的水能源危機,廢污水相關新興水處理技術的開發愈發重要。其中,電催化作為一新興電化學水處理技術,由於其高去除效率、高能效、環境相容性高且化學藥品添加量少之優勢,備受現今研究圈關注。在眾多電催化劑中,鉑 (Platinum,Pt) 具備優秀的化學抗性和電催化效率,惟價格較高。因此本篇研究選用鉑作為電催化劑,並與靜電紡絲碳纖維複合製備奈米複合式之三維Pt/CF電極,降低Pt負載量同時保有優良的電催化活性。在材料製程中,透過鉑前驅溶液的還原時間有效控制Pt顆粒之粒徑與分佈,確保Pt催化劑得到最佳利用。根據本研究結果可推論,Pt /CF電極的電催化性能高度取決於Pt催化劑之粒徑大小。於兩小時還原時間下製備之Pt/CF-r2hr電極由於具備最小的平均粒徑 (24.17 nm) 且Pt顆粒均勻分佈,因此展現出良好的電化學活性面積 (18.98 m2 g-1-Pt) ,並在1 V的低電壓操作及低能耗 (0.26 kW m-3 order-1) 條件下,達到94.96%的結晶紫去除效率。機制探討部分,在添加新丁醇 (tert-Butanol, BuOH) 做為羥基自由基清除劑後發現,Pt/CF電極在沒有羥基自由基的參與仍可降解60%以上的結晶紫,因此推斷Pt/CF電極的電催化降解機制可能同時涵蓋直接氧化及間接氧化兩種途徑。
Owing to the enhancement of climate change, population growth, and industrial evolution, the development of novel treatments to reduce energy associated with wastewater treatment is an urgent issue to reduce the water-energy crisis. Electrocatalysis with engineered nanomaterials is an emerging electrochemical water treatment technology which attracts great attention due to its high removal efficiency, high energy efficiency, environmental compatibility, and few chemicals requirement. In this study, platinum was chosen as the electrocatalyst due to its great demonstration in chemical resistance and electrocatalytic efficiency, compositing electrospun carbon fiber as a binder-free supporter to fabricate three-dimensional Pt/CF electrodes. To ensure the optimum utilization of Pt catalyst, the particle size and distribution of Pt are well controlled by the precursor reduction time during the impregnation process. The present work shows that the electrocatalytic performance of Pt/CF is highly determined by the particle size of Pt catalyst. The Pt/CF electrode, which was reduced for 2 hours during impregnation, behaves the smallest mean particle size with uniform distribution, leading to a good electrochemical catalyst surface activity (18.98 m2 g-1-Pt) and removal efficiency of crystal violet (94.96%) at a low voltage of 1 V with low EEO value (0.26 kW m-3 order-1). By the addition of hydroxyl radical scavenger, it is discovered that more than 60% of crystal violet still could be degraded without the participation of the hydroxyl radical, indicates that the mechanism of electrocatalysis via Pt/CF may have two pathways, including direct and indirect oxidation. The results suggest that Pt/CF is a desirable electrocatalytic electrode for the degradation of organic pollutants with low energy input. Controlling the nanoparticle size could be a key parameter for electrocatalysis of environmental organic pollutants by the noble metal catalytic electrode.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
Contents IV
List of Tables VIII
List of Figures IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objective 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.1 Traditional remediation of wastewater with organic pollutant 3
2.1.1 Biological treatment 4
2.1.2 Adsorption treatment 5
2.1.3 Chemical oxidation treatment 6
2.2 Electrocatalysis in water treatment 7
2.3 Electrode materials 10
2.4 Electrospinning 14
2.5 Fabrication methods of platinum-based materials 16
2.6 Crystal violet 18
Chapter 3 Experimental and Methods 20
3.1 Material and chemicals 20
3.2 Equipment and Instruments 22
3.3 Research design 24
3.4 Fabrication of Pt-nanoparticle modified carbon fibers (Pt/CF) 25
3.4.1 Preparation of electrospun carbon fibers 25
3.4.2 Preparation of Pt/CF by impregnation-reduction method 27
3.5 Material characterization 28
3.5.1 Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) 28
3.5.2 X-ray diffraction (XRD) 29
3.5.3 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) 30
3.5.4 ICP optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) 30
3.6 Electrochemical characterization 31
3.6.1 Cyclic voltammetry (CV) 32
3.6.2 Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) 32
3.6.3 Inductance-capacitance-resistance measurement (LCR) 33
3.7 Electrocatalytic experiment 34
3.7.1 The setup of electrocatalytic experiment 34
3.7.2 The index of electrocatalytic experiment 36
3.8 Analysis of hydroxyl-radical 38
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 39
4.1 Material characterizations 39
4.1.1 Surface morphology and properties 39
4.1.2 Crystal structure of crystalline material 42
4.1.3 Surface chemical composition 44
4.2 Electrochemical characterization 47
4.2.1 Electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) of Pt/CF 47
4.2.2 Oxygen evolution potential of Pt/CF 50
4.2.3 Electric conductivity of Pt/CF 52
4.3 Electrocatalytic degradation performance 53
4.3.1 Effect of reduction time during impregnation 53
4.3.2 Effect of applied voltage 57
4.4 Generation performance of hydroxyl radicals 60
4.5 Possible mechanism of electrocatalysis via Pt/CF 62
Chapter 5 Conclusion and suggestion 65
5.1 Conclusion 65
5.2 Suggestion 66
References 67
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