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研究生(外文):Wei-Ju Chen
論文名稱(外文):Improvement of the Application Process for the Export Proof Document for Processed Foods- A Case Study
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Piao Chung
口試委員(外文):Ming-Chin YangWei-Chih Cheng
外文關鍵詞:export proof documentprocess improvementpublic serviceservice improvementindividual in-depth interview
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方法:本研究先蒐集相關文獻作為實證之基礎,探討提升本研究個案行政效能以達到民眾需求之可行方法,接著針對個案之客觀資源,及將歷年業者說明會中業者提問與建議做系統化分析整理後,擬定質性研究之深度訪談(in-depth interview)方向,並設計半結構式訪談大綱,針對申辦過外銷食品英文證明之業者作深度訪談。
Background:To check the export proof document is one of the control measures for imported food in many countries. In recent years, Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) promotes many ways to reduce the processing time of export proof document applications for domestic processed food manufacturers. How to ensure the hygiene and safety of exported food while accelerating the processing time for export proof document could be an important impact factor of product competitiveness.
Purpose:The main purpose of this study is to find out how to really "improve" the application process of export proof documents to meet the needs of our food exporters, and what other approaches can be taken in the future.
Methods:This study categorized and organized the suggestions made by participants in past explanation conferences at first. After that, this study conducted semi-structured interviews to collect data from the experienced applicants.
Results:A total of 33 recommendations on the three major concepts were proposed by participants in past explanation conferences from 2014 to 2018. The most frequently mentioned is the category of "To shorten the processing time" at the concept of "To simplify the issuance process and to shorten the operation time". Categories such as "To simplify process or required documents", "To simplify reapplication process of the same product", "To evaluate of time-saving effect of online application", "To reduce the factory inspection to once every 1-2 years", "Multi-stage reviewing at the same time", "To simplify the procedures for paying for and receiving the certificate ", "To reduce the frequency of factory inspection", "To combine the procedures for verification and the issuance process " and "To replace the on-site inspection with the third-party verification " are also related to the demand for shortening the processing time. Three of the four interviewees mentioned the accelerated time to receive the certificates in their in-depth interviews. Three major recommendations were proposed: (1) to avoid requiring excessive formalized documents, which should be reasonable and flexible. (2) To evaluate whether it is necessary to inspect the factory from the perspectives of product classification, product manufacturing process, size of the manufacturer, and management quality of the manufacturer. (3) To improve the insufficient upload space in the application system.
Conclusions:This study found that most of the interviewees had a positive view of the simplification measures implemented by TFDA. They mainly felt the simplification of the documents required for application, and most of the interviewees felt the accelerated time to receive the certificates. In the future, the recommendations are as follows: "to make efforts to improve the uploading space of the online application system", "to accelerate the time to confirm the payment has been received, and "to issue electronic certificates".
序言 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 公共管理(Public Management) 6
第二節 改變促進組織進步的概念 8
第三節 電子化政府 11
第四節 改善服務策略探討 12
第五節 質性研究方法 17
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 研究架構 19
第二節 受訪對象與資料收集 19
第三節 研究倫理 22
第四章 個案研究 23
第一節 個案簡介 23
第二節 個案問題分析 30
第三節 深度訪談 44
第四節 討論與分析 68
第五節 研究限制 78
第五章 結論與建議 79
第一節 結論 79
第二節 建議 80
參考文獻 81
附錄一 IRB審查通過證明 87
附錄二 受訪者說明及同意書 91
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