he grand song of the Dong ethnic group, the musical drama "Dating with someone" premiered at the National Grand Theater in 2015. It was directed by Difang Mao, composed by composer Chen Siang, written by Buxian Jiang, directed by Sha Liu, and the Central National Orchestra, Southeastern Song and Dance Ensemble and The villagers of Jiang County jointly produced a large stage musical for the performance. The work is adapted from the classic story of the Dong people, "Zhu Lang Niang Mei", presented in the form of musical poetry, which can be described as an innovative work. In the music creation, the works try to fit the traditional songs of the Dong people's songs. In the continuous rehearsal, the Dong songs and the national orchestras are organically integrated, presenting a new Dong music image that retains the traditional charm and fashionable elegance. Retaining nationality and regionality, increasing musical expression, and choosing linguistic and Chinese interlacing in language, so that more non-slang audiences can also appreciate and enhance the audience's visibility, and can not only feel the Dong people's songs. The original musical charm can also understand the development of the plot. The author takes the fourth act of the play as the research object. It is divided into five chapters. Through the learning process of the composer and the writer, the author explores the composition background of the music, the analysis of the music, the interpretation of the national lyrics, and the use of the materials. Analyze the story text and cultural connotation behind the music, and understand the singer's intimate interpretation, master the composer's cultural spirit and creative practice, and reflect the composer's creative ability and character in multiple cross-domains. Through this research, other singers were given the basis for interpretation of performances in the flood season, and inspired the concept of inheritance and innovation in the future.