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研究生(外文):Chia-Yu Liu
論文名稱(外文):Frequency-Shift Keying based Radio Fingerprinting to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
指導教授(外文):Hahn-Ming Lee
口試委員(外文):Feng-Tse LinChing-Hao MaoWei-Chung TengGe-Ming Chiu
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Cyber-Physical System (CPS) 已經應用於許多的安全關鍵系統(Safty-Critical Ssystem, SCS),其設備故障或功能異常可能嚴重危害到生態環境、硬體設備,甚 至是人們的生命安全,例如:例如病人監視器、鐵路系統、飛機飛行控制、核電 站控制和軍事裝置等。其中,電子健康照護 (eHealth) 是台灣相當重視的 CPS 應用 之一,其中低功耗藍牙被廣泛用於 eHealth CPSs 物聯網應用中的生理監控器、心 律調節器、注射幫浦。這些物聯網設備的功能異常將可能導致使用者生命財產的 傷害甚至死亡。例如,攻擊者可以捕獲從醫療設備發送的無線電信號,然後重放 無線訊號進行攻擊以引起 CPS 的故障。
我們提出了一種基於射頻(RF)指紋技術的識別方法。此方法利用機器學習 (Machine Learning, ML)來學習無線電信號的固有缺陷,然後用於區分各個無線 設備。在此研究中的識別框架可以用作物理 (Physical Layer, PHY) 和媒體訪問控制層 (Media Access Control, MAC) 之間的獨立保護。此外,它可以用於並可配合網 路第二層以上的資安防護技術 (Network Layer 至 Application Layer) 諸如基於密碼
實驗結果表明,此方法的識別率可以達到 93 至 100 的準確率。與現有需要通 道 (wireless channel) 屬性或瞬態屬性的 RF 識別方法相比,我們的方法不會因為更 改設備的位置而影響到識別準確率。我們使用嵌入在無線信號中的固有發射器屬 性實現可擴展的安全識別,無需任何額外的硬體成本,並且由於無線訊號發射器 屬性在現有無線通訊架構中是必要的運算,因此透過 RF 進行識別能大幅降低設 備識別機制整體所需的運算資源。此外,此方法可以應用於任何網絡拓撲,並且 接收器中的機器學習可以在已存在於 IoT 節點中的應用處理器上實現。
CPS has been applied to several Safety-Critical Systems (SCS) whose failure or mal- function could severely harm the environment, equipment, or even human lives. Some well- known examples such as patient monitors, railway system, aircraft flight control, nuclear power station control, and military devices. In particular, eHealth is one of the most important CPS applications in Taiwan. For the mobility of devices, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has been utilized in all aspects of eHealth CPS for IoT applications, which failure or incorrectly behave may lead to injury or death to people. For instance, ad- versaries could capture the radio signal transmitted from medical devices then do replay attacks for causing malfunctions of a CPS.
We proposed an identification method based on Radio Frequency (RF) fingerprint- ing technique. This approach leverages Machine Learning (ML) to learn the inherent imperfections of radio signals then used to distinguish individual wireless devices. The proposed identification framework could be used as stand-alone protection between the Physical and Media Access Control layers. Moreover, which can be used to support exist- ing identification and authentication mechanisms which applied in the upper-layers such as cryptosystems.
Compared to the PUF-based identification that requires the channel properties, our method does not affect by changing device locations and does not impose any implementa- tion overhead on the transmitters. This method enables distinguish wireless devices even which were made from the same vendor and the same batch of raw materials, without any extra hardware cost and any requirement for channel-based or key-based identification. The proposed method can be applied to any network topologies, and the machine learning in the receiver can be implemented on an application processor (onboard, already present in modem IoT nodes).
RecommendationLetter............... ................. i
ApprovalLetter ................... ................. ii
Abstractin Chinese .................................. iii
Abstractin English .................................. iv
Acknowledgements.................................. v
Contents........................................ vi
ListofFigures..................................... ix
ListofTables ..................................... xii
1 Introduction.................................... 1
2 RelatedWork ................................... 5
3 RadioFrequencyFingerprintingforBLE(RFF-BLE).................... 18
4 DatasetCaptureandExperimentalResults .................... 27
5 Analysis...................................... 39
6 ConclusionandFutureWork ........................... 47
References....................................... 49
LetterofAuthority .................................. 55
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