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研究生:Nguyet Phuong Ta
研究生(外文):Nguyet Phuong Ta
指導教授(外文):Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員(外文):Cou-Chen WuShun-Chiao ChangMei-Tzu Huang
中文關鍵詞:Cross-border E-commerceDeterminantsModeratorsConsumer purchase intention
外文關鍵詞:Cross-border E-commerceDeterminantsModeratorsConsumer purchase intention
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The fast-moving economic integration and technology development has lead to the
development of Cross-border E-commerce, which is considered as an important
channel to promote international trade. As its nature of more complicated interaction
processes in comparison with domestic e-commerce, consumer attitudes and
perceptions also changed and are affected by additional different factors. Given the
increasingly rapid development and extension of CBEC into emerging markets and the
lack of research attention toward customer’s intention in this field, there is a critical
need for studying this.

The main objective of this study is to identify the determinants (motivations and
inhibitors) and moderators of cross-border purchasing intentions of Vietnamese
consumers. The impacts and the interaction among these factors also are focused,
regarding the direction and degree of influences. Research data were collected from
231 different respondents in Vietnam. Being conducted by the quantitative analysis
method, the results show that the 3 key determinants are perceived benefit, perceived
risk and perceived trust of the consumer, in which perceived benefit reflects the most
significant positive influence. Besides, the findings point out the foreign traveling as a
critical moderator and the CBEC as a quasi-moderator of the relationship between the
determinants and consumer purchasing intention. In addition, this purchasing intention
also varies based on gender, income and English language level of the respondents. And
last but not least, these results have suggested valuable implications for enterprises in
the field for future development.
The fast-moving economic integration and technology development has lead to the
development of Cross-border E-commerce, which is considered as an important
channel to promote international trade. As its nature of more complicated interaction
processes in comparison with domestic e-commerce, consumer attitudes and
perceptions also changed and are affected by additional different factors. Given the
increasingly rapid development and extension of CBEC into emerging markets and the
lack of research attention toward customer’s intention in this field, there is a critical
need for studying this.

The main objective of this study is to identify the determinants (motivations and
inhibitors) and moderators of cross-border purchasing intentions of Vietnamese
consumers. The impacts and the interaction among these factors also are focused,
regarding the direction and degree of influences. Research data were collected from
231 different respondents in Vietnam. Being conducted by the quantitative analysis
method, the results show that the 3 key determinants are perceived benefit, perceived
risk and perceived trust of the consumer, in which perceived benefit reflects the most
significant positive influence. Besides, the findings point out the foreign traveling as a
critical moderator and the CBEC as a quasi-moderator of the relationship between the
determinants and consumer purchasing intention. In addition, this purchasing intention
also varies based on gender, income and English language level of the respondents. And
last but not least, these results have suggested valuable implications for enterprises in
the field for future development.
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1
1.1. Research Backgrounds and Motivations .......................................................... 1
1.2. Research Objectives and Contributions ........................................................... 3
1.3. Research Structure............................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................... 5
2.1 Cross-border E-commerce (CBEC).................................................................... 5
2.1.1. Definition and Scope of CBEC ..................................................................... 5
2.1.2. CBEC in Vietnam.......................................................................................... 6
2.2. Determinants and moderators of consumer purchasing intentions in CBEC... 9
2.2.1. Determinants - The Extended Valance framework....................................... 9
2.2.2. Moderators................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Research Model and Hypothesis development ........................................... 14
3.1. Research Construct Measurements ................................................................ 18
3.1.1. Determinants ............................................................................................... 18
3.2.2. The moderators............................................................................................ 25
3.2.2. Consumer purchasing intention................................................................... 25
3.2. Questionnaire Design ..................................................................................... 25
3.3. Sampling Plan and Data Collection Procedure .............................................. 26
3.3.1. Pilot Study ................................................................................................... 26
3.3.2. Official Study .............................................................................................. 26
3.4. Data Preparation and Analysis Technique...................................................... 26
3.4.1. Data encoding.............................................................................................. 27
3.4.2. Data analysis................................................................................................ 27iv
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS...................................... 28
4.1 Descriptive Statistic........................................................................................ 29
4.1.1 Sample description ...................................................................................... 29
4.1.2 Research variables description .................................................................... 30
4.2 Reliability Test................................................................................................ 30
4.3 Explorative factor analysis: ............................................................................ 33
4.4 Evaluation of the Measurement Model .......................................................... 35
4.4.1. Internal consistency reliability and Convergent validity ............................ 35
4.4.2. Discriminant validity................................................................................... 37
4.4.3. Collinearity.................................................................................................. 38
4.5 Structural Equation Modeling results and Hypothesis testing ....................... 38
4.6 Other results testing........................................................................................ 43
4.6.1 Gender ......................................................................................................... 43
4.6.2 Income ......................................................................................................... 43
4.6.3 English level ................................................................................................ 44
CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS ................................. 45
5.1. Research discussions ...................................................................................... 45
5.1.1. The determinants ......................................................................................... 45
5.1.2. The moderators............................................................................................ 46
5.1.3. Consumer purchasing intention in CBEC comparison between sociodemographic groups .............................................................................................. 47
5.2. Research implications..................................................................................... 48
5.2.1. Theoretical implications.............................................................................. 48
5.2.2. Managerial implications.............................................................................. 49
REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 54
APPENDIX................................................................................................................. 6
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