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研究生(外文):LEE, YUN-WEI
論文名稱(外文):An Acoustic Study of English Pausing Patterns of EFL Junior High School Learners in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):LAI, YI-HSIU
外文關鍵詞:Acoustic analysisPausing patternsEnglish read speech
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本論文主要分析臺灣國中學生在英文朗讀上的停頓與英文母語人士之異同。現有文獻指出台灣英語學習者在閱讀英文文章時常出現停頓不當之現象。本論文研究對象包含 31 位臺灣國中生與18位美籍英文母語人士。國中學生依其英文程度(英檢成績)分為兩組:高階英文程度組與低階英文程度組。研究對象受邀朗讀一段英文短文並且錄音。所有音檔 皆以PRAAT語音軟體與One-Way ANOVA統計分析。研究結果顯示,臺灣國中英語學習者除了與英語母語人士停頓現象不同外,不正確之停頓也比英語母語人士來得多。對於高階英文程度組來說,他們的停頓次數與時長比低階英文程度組顯著來得少,於各句型表現與停 頓分布和英語母語人士並無差別。本研究貢獻深入瞭解臺灣國中學生英語停頓現象,並提供未來英語教學相關啟示。

This study examines the pausing patterns of Taiwanese junior high school students. It has been reported that Taiwanese students often pause inappropriately when reading English passages. In this study, 31 junior high school students and 18 native speakers of American English were recruited. Based on the English proficiency, the junior high school students were further divided in to two sub-groups: high proficiency group and low proficiency group. Each participant was asked to read an English passage, and the read speech was recorded. The recordings were collected and analyzed through PRAAT, and further examined through One-Way ANOVA for statistical results. The results were indicative of different pausing patterns between Taiwanese junior high school students and native speakers. It also showed that these students produced more inappropriate pauses than the native speakers. Students with high English proficiency level, compared with those with low English proficiency level, had significantly less pause duration and pause frequency, and they performed in a native-like way in terms of sentence type and pause distribution. The findings in the study contribute to a better understanding of English read speech for Taiwanese EFL learners and offer relevant pedagogical implications for future English teaching and learning.

1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Research Questions 4
1.4 Definition of Terms 4
2.1 Definitions of Pauses 7
2.2 Pauses in Second Language Speech 9
2.3 L2 Learners’ Fluency 11
2.4 Types and Functions of Pauses 13
2.4.1 Filled Pauses and Silent Pauses 14
2.4.2 Physical Pauses and Psycholinguistic Pauses 15
2.5 Summary 15
3.1 Participants 17
3.1.1 Taiwanese High School Students 18
3.1.2 Native Speakers of English 18
3.2 Instruments 19
3.2.1 Software for Data Analysis 21
3.3 Procedures 22
3.3.1 Before Recording 22
3.3.2 During Recording 23
3.3.3 After Recording 23
3.4 Data Analysis 23
4.0 Introduction 26
4.1 Pausing Patterns of HPG, LPG, & NS 26
4.1.1 Pausing Patterns of HPG, LPG, & NS of the Entire Passage 27
4.1.2 Pausing Patterns of HPG, LPG, & NS of the 5 Target Sentences 31
4.2 Pausing Patterns Within The 5 Target Sentences 40
4.3 Pausing Patterns Among The 5 Target Sentences Based on Thought Groups 45
4.4 Discussion of Pausing Patterns of Taiwanese EFL Learners And Native Speakers 65
4.4.1 Pausing Patterns of Taiwanese Junior High School Students’ Read Speech 65
4.4.2 Influence of English Proficiency on Taiwanese Students’ Pausing Patterns 66
4.4.3 Pausing Patterns: Differences Between Native English Speakers and Taiwanese
Junior High School Students 68
4.4.4 Contribution 69
5.1 Summary 71
5.2 Implications 72
5.3 Suggestions & Limitations 73


Table 4.1 Results of total pause duration and frequency of HPG, LPG, and NS of the entire passage 27
Table 4.2 Results of long silent pause of HPG, LPG, and NS of the entire passage 29
Table 4.3 Results of short silent pause of HPG, LPG, and NS of entire passage 30
Table 4.4 Results of total pause duration and total pause frequency of HPG, LPG, and NS of 5 target sentences 32
Table 4.5 Results of long silent pause duration and long silent pause frequency of HPG, LPG,and NS of the 5 target sentences 33
Table 4.6 Results of short silent pause duration and short silent pause frequency of HPG, LPG,and NS of the 5 target sentences 34
Table 4.7 Results of articulation rate, hesitation rate, and normalized mean duration of silent pauses of entire passage 36
Table 4.8 Results of articulation rate, hesitation rate, and normalized mean duration of silent pauses of the 5 target sentences 38
Table 4.9 Results of pause frequency within 5 target sentences (intra-sentential) 41
Table 4.10 Results of pause duration within the 5 target sentences 43
Table 4.11 Results of pause frequency of the Declarative sentence 46
Table 4.12 Results of pause frequency of the Wh question 48
Table 4.13 Results of pause frequency of the Yes-No question 50
Table 4.14 Results of pausing frequency of the Tag question 52
Table 4.15 Results of pause frequency of the Closed-choice alternative question 54
Table 4.16 Results of pause duration of the Declarative sentence 56
Table 4.17 Results of pause duration of the Wh question 58
Table 4.18 Results of pause duration of the Yes-No question 60
Table 4.19 Results of pause duration of the Tag question 61
Table 4.20 Results of pause duration of the Closed-choice alternative question 63


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