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論文名稱(外文):Seismic Behavior of High-Performance Steel-Concrete-Steel Composite Shear Wall Systems Subjected to Near-Fault In-Plane Shear Loads
外文關鍵詞:Steel-Concrete-Steel Composite Shear WallLow yield steelAxial LoadReinforcement ratioSlenderness ratioNear fault effectStrain rate
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因此,本研究試將牆體厚度(鋼材比)、剪力釘間距(細長比)、軸力比以及動態試驗之影響納入實驗參數中,考量各參數可能帶來的影響。試驗牆體鋼面板主要以低降伏鋼製作,其可有效增加鋼面板韌性能力,以及增大剪力釘間距等優點。為同時向試體施加軸力與橫向剪力作用,本研究實驗皆在國家地震研究中心南部實驗室,藉由BATS(Bi-Axial Dynamic Testing System)機台進行。其共製作八座尺寸1200x1200mm,高寬比為1.0的複合鋼板剪力牆,進行靜態及動態的反覆側推試驗。
實驗後分析部分主要採用現有規範AISC、ACI、Epackachi et al.(2015)學者以及本文所提出之強度預測理論,與實驗結果進行比較與討論。而本文理論部分則是以鋼板與混凝土強度分開計算再予以疊加的方式,其結果顯示現有規範與本文理論部分相對較為保守,實驗強度約在預測值之140%~180%左右,Epackachi理論則明顯高估試體極限強度,實驗強度平均在其預測值之84%。

Composite shear wall generally refers to a wall composed of more than two materials. In this paper, Steel-concrete-steel composite shear wall is made of two steel faceplate with concrete infill cast together by shear connectors. Since the composite walls have very good stiffness and strength, it was extensively used in nuclear power plant and skyscrapers to resist axial and lateral forces. However, the influence of the axial load and near-fault effect is rarely taken into account in the current specifications and experiments. According to previous studies, above conditions may be one of the important factors affecting the wall behavior. Therefore, this research considered the parameter including reinforcement ratio、slenderness ratio、axial load ratio and near-fault effect. The steel faceplate of specimen are made of low-yield steel that can extend the ductility of composite walls and reduce the amount of shear studs used in the inner walls. In addition, in order to apply axial load and shear force to the specimen simultaneously, all the experiment were conducted by BATS((Bi-Axial Dynamic Testing System) in NCRCC Tainan Laboratory. In this research, eight specimens were constructed and tested, having the same aspect ratio of 1.0 with size of 1200x1200 mm.

Test results show that the axial load may have marginal effect on the ultimate strength of composite walls. However, it may significantly affect post-peak ductility of the walls. Comparewith static tests, the specimens tested by the dynamic procedure have a slight increase in the ultimate strength and ductility of the walls when applied with similar drift level. And the spacing of shear studs in inner walls may significantly affect achoring effect of steel faceplates. If the spacing of shear studs is conservatively designed, the ductility of the specimen will be apparently improved.
The strength of the walls is predicted by the existing specifications including AISC, ACI and the theory proposed by Epackachi et al.(2015) and this paper. In the proposed theorey of this paper, the strength of the steel faceplate and concrete are calculated separately and then supperimposed together. The analytical results predicted by the specifications and the theory of this paper underestemate the test results, which are in the range of 140%~180% of the analytical results; while the theory proposed by Epackachi et al (2015) obviously overestimated the ultimate shear strength of the specimens, which are on average 84% of the predictions.

謝誌 i
目錄 ii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
摘要 1
第一章 前言 5
1.1 研究背景 5
1.2 研究目的 7
1.3 研究大綱 8
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2.1 大綱 11
2.2 規範強度公式 11
2.3 鋼板混凝土複合牆相關試驗 12
2.3.1 Ozaki et al.(2001)鋼板混凝土複合牆側推試驗 12
2.3.2 Ozaki et al.(2004)鋼板混凝土複合牆純剪試驗 14
2.3.3 Epackachi et al.(2013)鋼板混凝土複合牆平面內側推試驗 16
2.3.4 Xiaodong Ji et. al. (2017)高樓結構中複合式鋼板剪力牆行為 17
2.3.5 陳柏安(2015) 低矮型鋼板混凝土複合牆隻耐震性能試驗與分析 18
2.4 鋼板混凝土複合牆剪力強度預測理論: 19
2.4.1 Ozaki et al.(2004)平面內反覆剪力行為預測理論公式 19
2.4.2 Varma et al.(2011) 純剪行為MBM理論模型 24
2.4.3 Epackachi et al.(2015)複合牆剪力與撓曲強度預測理論 25
2.5 近斷層相關文獻 26
2.5.1 Krawinkler et al.(2000)考慮近斷層效應之載重程序 26
2.5.2 Sarno (2013) 多次地震對結構之影響 26
2.5.3 Lanning et al. (2016) 動態載重試驗歷時參考 28
2.5.4 張正霖 (2016) 近斷層地震對遲滯隔震系統之影響 29
第三章 實驗設計與程序 60
3.1 實驗計畫 60
3.2 試體設計 61
3.2.1 試體設計參數 61
3.2.2 試體上下端板開孔與摩擦力檢核 64
3.2.3 試體撓曲塑性分析 65
3.3 試體製作 66
3.4 材料試驗 66
3.4.1 混凝土 66
3.4.2 鋼板 66
3.5 側推歷時 67
3.5.1 靜態載重側推歷時 67
3.5.2 動態載重側推歷時 67
3.6 量測儀器配置 68
3.6.1 位移計 68
3.6.2 應變計配置圖 68
第四章 實驗結果 90
4.1 動態試驗程序調整 90
4.1.1 致動器輸入與輸出誤差 90
4.1.2 XVA比較圖 91
4.2 試體破壞模式 92
4.3 遲滯迴圈圖 95
4.4 試體破壞包絡線 97
4.5 試體吸收能量 97
4.6 應變計 98
4.6.1 鋼面板三軸應變計分析 98
4.6.2 底部單軸應變計分析 99
4.7 試體實驗數據 100
第五章 理論分析 144
5.1 規範預測比較 144
5.2 Epackachi理論預測比較 145
5.3 本文理論強度預測 145
5.3.1 混凝土 145
5.3.2 鋼板 149
5.3.3 預測與實驗數值比較 150
5.4 結果比較與討論 150
第六章 結論與建議 171
6.1 結論 171
6.2 建議 173
參考文獻 175
附錄 178

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