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論文名稱(外文):The Development of Multi-Copter, Automatic Take Off and Landing Battery Charging and Changing Platform
指導教授(外文):ZOU, JIE-TONG
外文關鍵詞:Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)real time-kinematic (RTK) technologyinfrared guidance system (IR-LOCK)visual trackingprogrammable logic controller (PLC)battery charging and exchange platform18650 batteryx-type six-axis rotorcraftsuper capacitor
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本論文使用之飛行機器人為X型六旋翼飛行器,運用即時動態定位技術(Real Time- Kinematic,RTK)來讓無人機能夠精準降落至交換平台上。另外搭配紅外線導引系統(IR-LOCK)透過影像追蹤(Visual tracking)技術,使飛行器來追蹤平台上的紅外線LED燈板,以便減少降落時的位置誤差。待飛行器降落至交換平台後,最後階段則靠平台之機構輔助導引的方式,使飛行
本論文採用一組兩軸XY平台配合V字形對位裝置,使多旋翼飛行器能夠順利與交換平台上的機器手臂結合,並開始自動更換電池。本論文之交換平台的整個交換流程皆採用可程式邏輯控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC)來進行控制。

Nowadays, it is widely used for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), such as, agricultural spraying of pesticides, land surveys, air security monitoring, climate and environment monitoring, etc. In order to effectively perform the task, this research developed a multi-copter that can automatically take off and landing the battery charging exchange platform for battery replacement and charging. The multi-copter has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can replace people to perform complex and people can not reach the task of the area. The disadvantage is that the poor endurance will make our mission impossible. We must land halfway through the mission. After manually changing the battery, we can continue to perform the mission. Therefore, in order to extend the endurance of the drone, the battery of the drone must be transformed. We have a research method to extend the endurance of the drone, which is to develop an automatic take-off and landing battery charging exchange platform to let the drone land autonomously. And can replace the battery without relying on manpower, and finally continue to perform unfinished tasks.
The multi-copter used in this paper is an six-axis rotorcraft. It uses real time-kinematic (RTK) technology to allow the UAV to land on the exchange platform accurately. In addition, it is equipped with an infrared guidance system (IR-LOCK). Visual tracking technology is used to enable the multi-copter to track the infrared LED light board on the platform, so as to reduce the position error when landing. After the drone has landed on the exchange platform, the final stage relies on the platform's mechanism to assist the guidance, so that the drone can be accurately positioned to the position of the exchange battery.
This paper improves the Li-Po lithium poly battery used in multi-rotor . Because of the ability to perform automatic charging, the Li-Po lithium poly battery will usually be equipped with a balanced charging connector, which will increase the difficulty of automatic charging. Therefore, this study uses 18650 battery and a balanced charging protection board for automatic charging.
This thesis uses a set of two-axis X-Y platform with V-shaped alignment device, so that the multi-rotor aircraft can be smoothly combined with the robot arm on the exchange platform, and the battery is automatically replaced. The entire exchange process of the exchange platform of this paper is controlled by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
In order to allow the flight control to continuously receive the attitude and information of the multi-copter when the main power supply 18650 battery is powered off. This paper uses super capacitors to power the flight controller. When the main power supply is cut off, the super capacitor will start to supply power to the flight controller. When replacing the battery, the supercapacitor will start to supply power to the flight controller. Before the main power supply is powered off, the supercapacitor is charged by the 18650 battery to maintain the voltage of the supercapacitor.
It is confirmed by the experimental results that the real time-kinematic technology (RTK) and the infrared guidance system (IR-LOCK) can enable the flying robot to successfully land on the exchange platform successfully. Finally, the bad battery on the multi-rotor was successfully removed and replaced with a fully charged battery for the next mission.

第一章 緒論...................................1
1.1 前言...................................1
1.2 研究動機...................................2
1.3 論文架構...................................3
第二章 文獻探討...............................4
2.1 多旋翼飛行載具起源..........................4
2.2 GPS衛星定位應用...........................6
2.2.1 全球衛星定位系統..........................6
2.2.2 自主移動監控系統..........................7
2.3 紅外線導引系統(IR-LOCK).....................8
2.4 可程式邏輯控制器.............................9
2.5 電池充電更換站...............................10
2.5.1 熱插拔技術.................................10
2.5.2 鼓式轉盤...................................11
2.5.3 動態捕捉系統(Motion Capture System).........11
2.5.4 新竹工業技術研究院..........................12
2.5.5 Eli-Drone Nest...........................13
2.5.6 機構輔助定位................................14
2.5.7 行李箱更換站.................................15
2.5.8 植保機填藥電池更換站..........................15
2.6 無線充電站.....................................16
第三章 研究內容與方法..............................17
3.1 即時動態定位技術(RTK)...........................17
3.1.1 即時動態定位(RTK)介紹.........................17
3.1.2 即時動態定位(RTK)設定及安裝....................19
3.2 紅外線影像導引系統(IR-LOCK).......................21
3.2.1 紅外線影像導引系統(IR-LOCK)設置...................22
3.2.2 即時動態定位(RTK)、普通GPS與紅外線影像導引系統輔助精準降落的定位精度比較.......25
3.3 雷射感測器.............................................31
3.3.2 雷射感測器安裝方式......................................31
3.3.3 雷射感測器參數設定......................................32
3.4 18650電池...............................................33
3.5 新型電池盒與電池盒快速接頭....................................34
3.6 超級電容..................................................37
3.7 Petri Net模型分析.........................................39
3.8 可程式邏輯控制器(PLC).......................................41
第四章 六旋翼飛行器............................................43
4.1 飛行原理介紹..............................................43
4.2 飛行控制電腦介紹...........................................45
4.2.1 硬體架構..................................................46
4.2.2 控制理論................................................47
4.3 新型腳架設計...............................................49
第五章 電池充電交換平台...........................................52
5.1 電池充電交換平台介紹.........................................52
5.3 電池充電交換平台系統架構.......................................53
5.3.1 紅外線LED燈板..............................................53
5.3.2 紅外線遮斷感測器.............................................54
5.3.3 推桿........................................................55
5.3.4 固定腳架機構...............................................56
5.3.5 夾爪機構..................................................56
5.3.6 電池儲放區.................................................58
5.3.7 V型導軌定位設計............................................59
5.3.8 電池充電交換平台之控制區......................................59
第六章 實驗結果....................................................61
6.1 飛行器降落於電池充電交換平台......................................61
6.2 電池充電交換平台.................................................67
6.3 Petri Net模型來分析自動起降電池更換平台............................72
第七章 結論與未來展望.................................................74
附錄一 PLC之流程階梯圖..................................................79
Extended Abstract.....................................................88
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