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研究生(外文):LI, SU-CHIAO
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Feasibility of New Type LED Lamp Entrepreneurship
外文關鍵詞:LED bulbsE-ommerce websitesCustomer loyalty
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Dr. Bright 是一間致力於為客戶帶來更好的產品與服務,並保護環境的的新型LED燈泡公司,我們的目標族群是具有環保意識的消費者們。LED照明行業是一個不斷增長的市場,北美是僅次於歐洲和中國的世界第三大市場,在2016年達到了305億美元的銷售。我們根據調查資料發現居住於紐約州、年齡介於25歲到34歲,且在意居家環境的的消費者,會是我們最佳的目標的族群,這個族群約有六百萬人之多。我們的產品將在零售店和電子商務網站上銷售,電子商務網站會佔8%的銷售率,其餘的部分主要會在零售店販售。本公司的行銷團隊將利用多種媒體管道去提高知名度、獲得新的客戶、並創造顧客忠誠度以保有這些顧客群。媒體管道包含Facebook、Instagram、Google廣告、網站、雜誌、廣告看板、與網紅合作、電子郵件,店內演示和活動等,我們的行銷預算會佔總收入的17%。儘管對於消費者來說,大多數的燈泡在價格和功能上幾乎沒有任何差別,但我們依舊可以把競爭者分為三大類:主要競爭者、穩定的品牌商和潮流追隨者。經過分析後,我們仍然可以自傲的說,Dr.Bright的產品優於競爭對手,此外,還能幫助客戶節省電費開支。根據財務預測和損益表,Dr.Bright將能夠在第二年獲得收支平衡。本產品毛利率為71%,營業利潤率為6%,凈利潤率為4%。 且Dr.Bright將在第二年帶來10%的收入增長,在第三年帶來15%的收入增長。
Dr. Bright is a new LED light bulb company dedicated to bringing better products and services to customers and protecting the environment. Our target group is environmentally conscious consumers. The LED lighting industry is a growing market, and North America is the world's third largest market after Europe and China, with sales of $30.5 billion in 2016. According to the survey data, we found that consumers who live in New York State between the ages of 25 and 34 and who care about their home environment will be our best target group. This group has about 6 million people. Our products will be sold in retail stores and e-commerce sites, e-commerce sites will account for 8% of the sales rate, the rest will be mainly sold in retail stores. The company's marketing team will use a variety of media channels to increase visibility, acquire new customers, and create customer loyalty to retain these customer groups. Media channels include Facebook, Instagram, Google ads, websites, magazines, billboards, cooperation with celebrities, e-mail, in-store demonstrations and events, etc. Our marketing budget will account for 17% of total revenue. Although for consumers, most bulbs have almost no difference in price and function, but we can still divide competitors into three categories: main competitors, stable brands and trend followers. After analysis, we can still proudly say that Dr. Bright's products are superior to competitors, in addition, can also help customers save electricity costs. According to the financial forecast and profit and loss statement, Dr. Bright will be able to achieve breakeven in the second year. The gross profit margin of this product is 71%, the operating profit margin is 6%, and the net profit margin is 4%. Dr. Bright will bring 10% revenue growth in the second year and 15% revenue growth in the third year.
第一章 業務描述............1
1.1 產品和服務............1
1.2 企業宗旨............2
1.3 商業模式............2
1.4 目標............2
1.5 公司型態組織與所有權............2
第二章 產業分析............3
2.1 行業規模及成長率............3
2.2 趨勢............4
第三章 市場分析............5
3.1 市場規模和潛在銷售額............5
3.2 行銷策略............6
3.2.1 產品差異化............6
3.2.2 競爭優勢............6
3.2.3 市場劃分............7
3.2.4 目標市場和客戶資料............9
3.3 競爭對手分析............10
3.4 SWOT 強弱危機分析............11
3.5 市場定位圖............11
第四章 行銷計畫............13
4.1 品牌定位............13
4.1.1 品牌識別............13
4.1.2 品牌階梯BRAND LADDERING............13
4.2 4P (產品、地點、價格、促銷)............14
4.3 顧客獲取計畫............14
4.4 顧客關係管理(CRM)&顧客終生價值(LIFETIME VALUE)............14
4.4.1 顧客管理關係(CRM)............14
4.4.2 顧客終生價值 (CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE)............15
4.5 媒體計劃和預算............15
4.5.1 FACEBOOK廣告............16
4.5.2 GOOGLE廣告............17
4.5.3 社交媒體平台............18
4.5.4 店內展示............19
4.5.5 雜誌廣告............20
4.5.6 影響力行銷(意見領袖的支持)............21
4.5.7 電子商務網站 22
4.5.8 郵件行銷&電子優惠券............23
4.5.9 戶外廣告............24
4.5.10 創意策略執行............25
4.6 預算............26
4.7 測量與分析方法............28
4.7.1 社群網站互動率............29
4.7.2 網站流量............29
4.7.3 顧客關係管理............30
第五章 營運計畫............31
5.1 運營管理方法............31
5.1.1 在中國製造............31
5.1.2 與零售商交涉............31
5.1.3 電子商務網站設置............31
5.1.4 倉儲與交貨方式............31
5.2 後台和前台設立............32
5.2.1 後台............32
5.2.2 前台............32
5.3 員工職能............32
5.3.1 後台............32
5.3.2 前台............32
5.4 供應鏈流程............33
第六章 團隊管理和公司結構............34
6.1 公司結構............34
6.2 本公司顧問團隊............34
6.3 本公司經營團隊............35
第七章 財務預測............37
7.1 假設............37
7.1.1 銷售預測假設............37
7.1.2 費用............37
7.2 收入報表............39
7.3 損益兩平分析............40
第八章 里程碑............41
8.1 短期目標............41
8.2 中期目標............42
8.3 長期目標(2026-2031)............42
第九章 風險因素和退出策略............43
9.1 風險因素............43
9.1.1 風險一:產品安全............43
9.1.2 事故減輕管理方法............43
9.1.3 風險二:零售商取消與我們的合約............43
9.1.4 事故減輕管理方法............43
9.2 退出策略............43
Extended Abstract............51
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