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研究生(外文):Cheng-Wei Yu
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation into the Building Layouts of Industrial District on Wind Environment
指導教授(外文):Yin-Hao Chiu
口試委員(外文):Tai-Shan HuChi-Jen ChenFang ChangHung-Nien Hsieh
  • 被引用被引用:3
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本研究理論包含計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)、熱舒適理論、通風效益,與無因次分析。CFD是運用數值方法解出流體力學的控制方程式,並可透過不同的邊界條件,進而預測流場的流動;熱舒適理論為說明人體對於四種物理環境因素(氣溫、輻射溫度、風速、濕度)與兩種人為因素(代謝率、衣服保溫)的熱平衡關係;通風效益探討街谷內與建築室內空氣交換之效益;無因次分析則用來探討物理量之間的關係,運用在探討大氣氣候與微氣候兩者之間的關係。本研究以歸納法分析關於研究主題之相關文獻,再透過實測蒐集基礎數據,以Fluent軟體以數值模擬法分析基地戶外物理環境與計算熱舒適度,並比對驗證實際量測之數據與CFD模擬之數據,驗證CFD模擬數據之可信賴度,進而調整CFD模型不同條件下的變因,並以無因次分析法呈現數據之間關係,再根據分析結果,擬定最佳化風場之建築配置原則。研究結果顯示街谷高寬比(H/W)以0.1為最佳,並不超過0.3為宜,建築配置以單開口配置為最佳,並建議避免採用錯列配置。

Global warming has caused severe world climate variability in recent years. In responding to this, to follow the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to design architectural project associated with concepts of the energy consumption reduction and environment adaptation, are becoming the focused streams in planning and architect fields. Concurrently in Taiwan, a Green Building promotion program is being used as a major policy to encourage efficient usage of building resource, and to reduce the harmful environmental effects, such as the effect of air pollutant to human health. This kind of regional air pollution problems, as well as some thermal comfort issues, according to several related studies, can be alleviated and improved by air flow exchange of well environmental ventilation. Although certain amount air field studies have been conducted to follow the Green Building policy, they were mainly conducted at urban areas. Studies for coastal industrial district where there usually bears strong monsoon wind are still limited. How to maintain a better quality of air environment in coastal industrial district is an important issue, and this motivates the present study to find principles for industrial district building layout.
Based mainly on the concepts of the “thermal comfort theory,” and “ventilation efficiency,” this study tries to reveal answers for climate and macro-climate interacting problem through two tools. Thermal comfort theory displays the satisfaction of human perception by the four physical factors: air temperature, radiant temperature, wind speed, humidity; and by the two human attached factors: metabolic rate and clothing insulation. Ventilation efficiency, the second concept, is to show the effectives of air flow exchange rate between street canyon and adjoined buildings. About the two tools, they are dimensional-analysis and computational fluid dynamics modelling (CFD). Dimensional analysis is to find dimensionless parameters, for example, the street canyon aspect ratio, such that physical quantities gathered from field measurement and from literature review can be corelated using them. The CFD tool, this study adopts the Fluent package to form a numerical model, with properly introduced flow and boundary conditions, such as building dimension and optimized air field, to represent a physical field. After being verified with measured physical data, this model can be used to simulate scenarios and to examine the thermal comfort indexes generated by these scenarios. From examination of non-dimensional outcomes of these scenarios, the advantage and demerit of industrial district building layout principle can then be evaluated.Through the evaluations, the research results show that 0.1 is the best height-to-width ratio (H/W), and it is not more than 0.3. The best building configuration is single-opening configuration, and it is recommended to avoid staggered configuration.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與內容 2
第三節 研究方法與流程 3
第四節 專有名詞 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第二節 都市設計對環境風場之影響 7
第三節 熱舒適相關研究 9
第四節 污染物擴散 10
第三章 實驗研究設計及驗證 14
第一節 實驗目的與流程 14
第二節 風熱環境實驗 16
第三節 熱舒適實驗 22
第四節 通風量計算 26
第四章 數值計算參數 27
第一節 紊流模型 27
第二節 邊界設定 28
第三節 網格設定 29
第四節 風梯度設定 30
第五節 實驗與CFD之驗證 31
第六節 研究幾何設定 32
第七節 環境參數 35
第五章 不同街谷高寬比之分析 36
第一節 不同街谷高寬比對風速比之影響 41
第二節 不同街谷高寬比對熱舒適之影響 41
第三節 不同街谷高寬比對污染物擴散之影響 42
第四節 不同街谷高寬比對街谷流況之影響 43
第五節 不同街谷高寬比對建築單元室內通風之影響 49
第六章 不同建築配置之分析 51
第一節 不同建築配置對風速比之影響 56
第二節 不同建築配置對熱舒適之影響 56
第三節 不同建築配置對污染物擴散之影響 57
第四節 不同建築配置對街谷流況之影響 58
第五節 不同建築配置對建築單元室內通風之影響 63
第七章 結論與建議 65
第一節 結論 65
第二節 後續研究建議 69
參考文獻 70

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