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研究生(外文):LIU, CHENG-HUA
論文名稱(外文):From the Innovation Ecosystem to Explore the Business Strategy of IT Channel Distributor - A Case Study of the S Company
指導教授(外文):YAN, MIN-REN
外文關鍵詞:IT DistributorsBusiness StrategySystems ThinkingInnovation Ecosystem
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The IT distribution channel industry has played a key role in Taiwan’s IT industry. In particular, the construction of IT infrastructure must rely on the continuous industrial interactions from suppliers, agents to value-added distributors, which has a great influence on Taiwan and its enterprises. From the perspective of innovation ecosystems, the systems thinking is adopted in this study to explore the IT distributors and their ecosystem, including product manufacturers, channel distributions, value-added distributions, and competitive-cooperative companies. Based on the business strategies in the case analysis, the interaction and connection of relevant actors in the ecosystem in the dimensions of technological innovation, business models, and market are investigated in order to promote the possibility of various positive cycles arising from the connection of technological innovation, business models, and market, and further enhance the competitiveness of the technological innovation industry through the integrity of the innovation ecosystem.
The case presented in this study, Company S, is an IT distributor in Taiwan. Its business strategies for the past few years are analyzed. Then, through expert inter-views and data analysis, the interacting manufacturers at three different levels in the ecosystem are analyzed, including the value-added distributors interacting in the creation of new business models, the product suppliers interacting in the change of product distribution attributes, and the competitive and cooperative companies interacting in the technological cooperation to promote business mergers. Next, the causal loop diagram of the innovation ecosystem from the three business strategies is drawn, which shows that technological innovation, business model, and market are closely connected. The case analysis of this study shows that a more advantageous corporate strategy can be evolved from the innovation ecosystem development strategy, which verifies the empirical and theoretical research significance of this study. The purpose of this research is to explore the interaction between information distributors in technological innovation, business models, and markets; and to use the perspective of the innovation ecosystem to explore the interaction and connection between different aspects of corporate strategies, strengthening and service innovation, so as to play a comprehensive role Efficiency, promote the possibility of various positive cycles generated by the interconnection of scientific and technological innovation, business models, and markets, and improve the competitiveness of the scientific and technological innovation industry through the integrity of the innovation ecosystem.

中文摘要 .................... iii
英文摘要 .................... v
誌謝辭  .................... vii
內容目錄 .................... viii
表目錄  .................... x
圖目錄  .................... xi
第一章  緒論.................. 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機........... 1
  第二節  研究目的.............. 6
  第三節  研究範圍.............. 6
  第四節  研究流程.............. 7
第二章  文獻探討................ 9
  第一節  經營策略.............. 9
  第二節  系統思考.............. 14
  第三節  創新生態系統............ 20
  第四節  賽局理論與價值網.......... 27
第三章  研究方法................ 30
  第一節  研究架構.............. 31
  第二節  研究方法.............. 31
  第三節  系統思考工具............ 34
  第四節  個案簡介與訪談設計......... 39
第四章  研究分析................ 47
  第一節  個案生態系統描述.......... 47
  第二節  商業模式驅動之循環......... 49
  第三節  技術創新驅動之循環......... 53
  第四節  市場創新驅動之循環......... 56
第五章  結論與建議.............. 59
  第一節  結論................ 59
  第二節  管理意涵.............. 59
  第三節  實務意涵.............. 61
  第四節  後續研究建議............ 61
參考文獻..................... 63



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