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研究生(外文):Lu, Tai-De
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Application of Data Analytics from the Perspective of Smart Logistics - the Case of C Company
指導教授(外文):Su, Shong-Iee
口試委員(外文):Lin, HuanLee, Chun-ShenSu, Shong-Iee
外文關鍵詞:Mail/Parcel FlowData AnalyticsSmart Logistics
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In the past decade, smart logistics has been highly discussed by companies, mainly because of the high competition in the global logistics industry, so that the efficiency and technology of logistics operations have breakthrough development, which is mainly based on the application of data analytics technology in logistics It is becoming stronger, which makes logistics information more quickly and accurately transmitted, and at the same time makes the connection between information flow and logistics process closer. With the rapid development of smart logistics, the automation application level of its warehouse management, loading and unloading transportation, distribution and delivery and order processing have been continuously improved, which also makes the logistics information system closely connected with logistics providers, suppliers, manufacturers, mid-market vendors and customers. At the same time, a smart logistics structure based on coordination and optimization technologies will be developed. However, regarding the specific connotation of the application of smart logistics and data analytics technology in logistics, although there have been some pioneering discussions, it is still not enough to be adopted as a general definition. For this reason, the application of data analytics technology and the related literature of smart logistics need to be integrated.
This research explores how C Company transforms from a traditional logistics company to a smart logistics company. It explores the current problems faced by C company through design science research approach, analyzing the current data, the key technologies used in the logistics process, how to carry out the human organization planning and cultivation of the data analytics team, and how to build the infrastructure of the data analytics software and hardware to solve the problems faced by C company's current mail flow and improve C company's competitiveness in the logistics industry.
Key words:Mail/Parcel Flow, Data Analytics, Smart Logistics

中文摘要 i
目 錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1通用智慧物流系統 7
2.2大數據管理系統在物流之應用 12
2.3資料分析技術與應用 14
第三章 研究方法與設計 19
3.1個案研究法 (Case Study) 19
3.2觀念模式建構法 (Conceptual Modeling) 20
3.3文獻回顧法 (Literature Review) 21
3.4設計科學法 (Design Science Research) 22
3.5研究設計 29
第四章 C公司智慧物流實驗室建置及大數據之發展與人才養成 31
4.1 C公司資通訊技術單位現況分析 31
4.2 智慧物流之科技層面劃分 32
4.3 從郵件流檢視智慧物流科技需求 33
4.4 智慧物流實驗室之建置規劃 36
4.5 物流大數據資料分析管理系統 38
4.6資料分析團隊 40
第五章 C公司資料分析應用與組織設計之探討 43
5.1郵件流智慧化之系統架構與要素 43
5.2郵件流智慧化大數據資料分析系統基礎設施之設計規劃 47
5.3通用資料分析系統之應用 53
5.4進階資料分析系統之應用 69
5.5 C公司郵件流資料分析團隊組織規劃 90
5.6資料分析系統導入與應用之延伸性理論 96
第六章 結論與建議 99
6.1 研究結果 99
6.2 研究貢獻 100
6.3 研究限制 100
6.4 未來研究建議 101
參考文獻 102

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