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研究生(外文):LIN, TZU-CHUN
論文名稱(外文):The Identity Formation of Practitioners in The Filed of HIV/AIDS after Infected with HIV
外文關鍵詞:HIV/AIDSPractitioners in The field of HIV/AIDSPeople Living With HIVIdentityIdentity Formation
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本研究發現,影響助人工作者將感染身份納入認同歷程的因素主要區分為內在或外在因素兩類。內在因素包含:(1) 愛滋知識能幫助工作者更快速接受感染事實 (2) 對於愛滋的態度部分,受訪者因皆有較完備的愛滋知識以及相對較開放、正向的態度,因而在接受感染身份上相較也較能有更多資源可以妥善運用,也更能以平常的心態在看待感染身份;(3)內化汙名程度部分,也有受訪者認為知識並非祝福而可能更不敢求助而對自己造成痛苦。外在因素部分包含:(1) 社會汙名部分,受訪者普遍認為汙名並不會隨著時代更迭而消失,僅是轉換形式;也有受訪者體會到感染身份會給自己帶來負向評價而抹除原先身為專業工作者的專業與努力;同時,也感覺到社會對於專業工作者有潛在的期待,並且是難以破除的。(2)社會環境部分,是否感受到友善、體會到的經驗的好壞,都顯著影響受訪者對於自身感染身份的運用與現身的意願。(3)政策制度部分,受訪者普遍認為,愛滋防治政策與U=U的論述、抗病毒藥物的政策醫療資源的提供,都影響著受訪者對於自身身份狀態的認同程度。(4)支持網絡部分,受訪者自確診愛滋到將感染身份納入自我認同歷程中,有賴支持網絡給予之不同程度的關懷與支持,幫助受訪者們走過這一段不算容易的認同歷程。



The practitioners in the field of HIV/AIDS have always considered breaking societal stigma and reducing discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV) as one of their key responsibilities. However, when a practitioner in the HIV/AIDS field is diagnosed with HIV after years of service, how do they view and adjust to this identity transition? Therefore, this research aims to explore how practitioners integrate their HIV-positive status into their self-identity and understand how they perceive this transition in their identity, as well as how they handle the conflicts and differences between their dual identities as both practitioners and patients.

This thesis employs a qualitative research method, using semi-structured in-depth interviews to investigate the identity formation of practitioners in the field of HIV/AIDS who have infected with HIV. The study analyzes interview transcripts from four practitioners working in different HIV/AIDS organizations or departments. The focus is on understanding how these practitioners view and manage the acceptance and recognition of their HIV-positive identity. Specifically, the study examines how they perceive the transformation of their personal identity after becoming HIV-positive, the impact on their professional identity, and the internal and external factors influencing their identity process, such as social support, workplace acceptance, and personal understanding of the disease. Furthermore, it investigates how they reconcile the seemingly conflicting identities of being both a practitioner and a patient.

The thesis found that the factors influencing practitioners’ incorporation of their HIV-positive status into their identity process can be categorized into internal and external factors. Internal factors include: (1) Knowledge of HIV helps practitioners accept their diagnosis more quickly; (2) Regarding attitudes toward HIV, the participants generally possessed comprehensive knowledge and a relatively open, positive attitude, which enabled them to utilize resources more effectively and adopt a more neutral stance towards their HIV-positive status; (3) Internalized stigma varied, with some participants feeling that knowledge was not a blessing but rather a source of pain that made them more hesitant to seek help. External factors include: (1) Social stigma, with participants commonly believing that stigma does not fade with time but instead changes form. Some participants also noted that their HIV-positive status led to negative evaluations, overshadowing their professional accomplishments. Additionally, they sensed societal expectations for practitioners that were difficult to break free from; (2) Social environment, where the experience of friendliness or hostility significantly affected participants' willingness to embrace and reveal their HIV-positive status; (3) Policy and system factors, with participants generally recognizing that HIV prevention policies, the U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable) concept, and the availability of antiretroviral treatments influenced the extent to which they accepted their HIV-positive identity; (4) Support networks played a crucial role, with participants relying on varying levels of care and support from their networks throughout their journey toward self-acceptance and identity integration.
Additionally, the findings showed that these practitioners experienced strong emotional fluctuations and a reassessment of self-worth after being diagnosed with HIV, as the diagnosis not only impacted their long-standing role as helpers but also subjected them to challenges similar to those faced by their former clients. Although they could leverage their resources, knowledge, and experience to cope with the difficulties and challenges posed by their HIV-positive status, not every practitioner quickly integrated their HIV-positive identity into their self-concept.

This thesis further discusses how identity and disease recognition are socially constructed concepts. Despite the availability of many positive support resources and interpersonal networks, the ongoing stigma in society and the discrimination experienced in daily life had a significant impact on the participants. They feared that the social exclusion they worked to combat would affect them personally. Thus, stigma and its manifestations, effects, and lived experiences greatly influenced the participants' choices and considerations regarding how they managed their identities. As practitioners, it was often more difficult for them to reveal their HIV-positive status or access resources, as doing so would conflict with societal expectations of their professional role. Furthermore, using resources within the HIV-positive community could inadvertently reveal their status within that community. This situation often left participants feeling uncertain about how to explain their current state or condition.
Finally, the thesis offers related recommendations based on its findings, including establishing internal friendly policies within organizations, encouraging government collaboration with civil organizations to build connections with friendly healthcare resources, and addressing the limitations of this research.

Keywords: HIV/AIDS, practitioners in the field of HIV/AIDS, People Living With HIV, identity, identity formation

謝誌 I
摘要 III

第一章、緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究背景 - 1 -
第二節 研究動機 - 7 -
第三節 研究目的與研究問題 - 12 -

第二章、文獻回顧 - 14 -
第一節 潔身,「自愛」? - 14 -
第二節 社會建構論視角下的認同理論 - 18 -
第三節 影響納入感染身份的內外在因素 - 28 -
第四節 國內關於愛滋相關論文探究現況 - 35 -

第三章、研究方法與設計 - 41 -
第一節 研究設計與方法 - 41 -
第二節 研究對象與取樣 - 44 -
第三節 研究工具 - 45 -
第四節 研究程序 - 48 -
第五節 資料處理與分析 - 49 -
第六節研究倫理與研究嚴謹信性 - 51 -

第四章、研究分析:愛滋領域助人工作者感染愛滋後身份認同歷程 - 58 -
第一節 關於我所知道的他們 - 59 -
第二節 直面陽性事實 - 69 -
第三節 生活世界的符碼 - 95 -
第四節 經驗多重困境 - 114 -
第五節 我是工作者,也是感染者 - 125 -

第五章、研究結論、討論、建議與限制 - 140 -
第一節 研究結論 - 140 -
第二節 研究討論 - 142 -
第三節 研究限制與建議 - 151 -

參考文獻 - 155 -
附錄 - 162 -
附錄一:個別訪談知情說明書 - 162 -
附錄二:訪談大綱 - 165 -
附錄三:訪談筆記 - 167 -
附錄四:研究倫理審查核可證明書 - 168 -

圖 1、愛滋領域工作者感染愛滋後身份認同歷程 - 58 -

表 1、愛滋領域助人工作相關碩士論文表 - 36 -
表2、受訪者列表 - 45 -

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