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研究生(外文):Zhao, Pei-Ying
論文名稱(外文):The Influences of Media Framework, National Military Social Responsibility and External Prestige Perception on The Propensity of Officers and Soldiers to Leave Their Postsitions
指導教授(外文):FU, WEN-CHENG
口試委員(外文):Sun, Fu-WeiXu, Zhen-Xing
外文關鍵詞:Framework EffectSocial ResponsibilityPerception of External PrestigeTendency to Resign
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國軍一直以來以「保衛國家、愛護人民」為主要的目標,以往國家遇到重大災難時皆會第一時間出動救援,但隨著兵役制度的轉型,國軍目前以全志願役官兵為主,為了解官兵對於國軍在對社會付出時的看法,本研究以「陸戰隊協助屏東地區採收洋蔥」報導為主,從框架效果的觀點切入,探討其對於國軍社會責任、外在聲望感知、離退職傾向之間關係。本研究使用準實驗法進行資料收集,採2(框架:正面/負面)X 3(框架:診斷/預測/動機)組間實驗設計(N = 300)。研究結果顯示,框架效果對官兵的國軍社會責任感知及外在聲望感知沒有顯著的影響,但外在聲望感知對國軍社會責任感知與官兵離退職傾向有顯著的中介效果。
The National Army has always been "defending the country and caring for the people" as its main goal. In the past, the country will immediately dispatch rescues in the face of major disasters. However, with the transformation of the military service system, the National Army currently focuses on all volunteers. In order to understand the views of officers and soldiers on the national army's contribution to the society, this study focuses on the report of "Marine Corps assisting the onion harvesting in Pingtung region" and cuts in from the perspective of the framework effect to discuss its social responsibility and external The relationship between prestige perception and resignation tendency. In this study, the quasi-experimental method was used for data collection, with 2 (frame: positive / negative) X 3 (frame: diagnosis / prediction / motivation) inter-group experimental design (N = 300). The results of the study show that the framing effect has no significant effect on the military's perception of social responsibility and external reputation, but external perception has a significant intermediary effect on the military's perception of social responsibility and the tendency of the soldiers to resign.
第三章、 研究方法

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