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論文名稱:財政部關務署高雄關員工工作投入、工作壓力、組織承諾與工作滿意度關聯的探討- 以知覺組織支持為干擾變數
外文關鍵詞:Customs personnelJob pressureJob involvementOrganizational commitmentPerceived organizational supportJob satisfaction
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摘 要

Due to the rapid changes in the social environment, organizations and individuals are facing tremendous pressure from highly competitive and rapidly changing environments, and the public service system is no exception. The issues of work pressure, work involvement, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction have become a hot topic for researching employee health and welfare, and these related issues have been valued by the practice and academia. In recent years, due to changes in lifestyle, the roles and status, functions and values of the aforementioned in five issues have been recognized and valued by the world. The purpose of this study is to take the incumbent customs officers of the Customs Department in Kaohsiung as the empirical research object, aiming to explore the interationship between them and the differences between demographic variables. The statistical analysis tools used include reliability analysis, validity analysis, descriptive statistics, single-factor analysis of variance, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation models. The research results show that the relationship between work pressure and work involvement is positive; the relationship between work pressure and organizational commitment is positive; the impact of work input and organizational commitment is positive; the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction is positive; Perceived organizational support (interference) does not interfere with organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Through this study, we can provide the heads of government departments to pay attention to related issues and make appropriate decisions with reference to the research conclusions.
Keywords: Customs personnel, Job pressure, Job involvement, Organizational commitment, Perceived organizational support, Job satisfaction

摘 要 i
誌謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 iix
一、緒 論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究對象 3
1.4研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1工作投入意涵與衡量構面相關研究 7
2.2工作壓力的意涵與衡量構面相關研究 16
2.3組織承諾意涵與衡量構面相關研究 18
2.4知覺組織支持意涵與衡量構面相關研究 23
2.5 工作滿意度之意涵與衡量構面相關研究 25
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1研究架構與研究假設 29
3.2研究變數與操作型定義 34
四、實證分析 37
4.1問卷預試分析 37
4.2 問卷分析 39
4.3 信度分析 40
4.4 各構面之變異數分析 41
4.5 研究變項之相關分析 47
4.6 迴歸分析 48
4.7 知覺組織支持對組織承諾與工作滿意度的干擾效果 52
4.8 信、效度分析 53
4.9 整體模式分析 60
五、研究結論與建議 69
5.1 研究結論 70
5.2 研究建議 72
5.3 研究貢獻 73
5.4 研究限制 74
參考文獻 75
附錄一、預試問卷 80
附錄二、正式問卷 86


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