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研究生(外文):Marine FAYE
論文名稱:How National innovation system and Regional innovation system participate to the successful implementation of an innovative product ?
論文名稱(外文):How National innovation system and Regional innovation system participate to the successful implementation of an innovative product ?
指導教授(外文):Joe CHANG
口試委員:張 佑 宇王凱章至豪
口試委員(外文): Joe CHANG
中文關鍵詞:National innovation systemRegional innovation systemInnovative productIndustryGogoroTaiwanFrance
外文關鍵詞:National innovation systemInnovative productIndustryGogoroTaiwanFrance
DOI:Regional innovation system
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In our Schumpeterian world, we innovate constantly, old products perish, new appears and lets new possibilities for future innovative goods. Innovation is essential for the wealth of our capitalist economy. In the industry sector innovation is a motor that drives a mechanism which results in an accomplished product; sometimes a product of consumption other times a utensil in the manufacture. To ensure the right prosperous innovation process a good business environment is necessary. Researchers started with the importance of the actors, it has been pushed further with geo-economic theories around the 90’s. And now been combine and develop by many studies, to let emerge the main terms of this paper; National and Regional innovation system. This paper is presenting the importance of a National and Regional environment system into the implementation of a successful innovative product. Tools of development for territory they are also a valuable tool for the development of the company. With a fluid circulation of the ideas via a well-developed network, the actors can benefice from the region and at a larger scale the nation. All of them are taking exchanging with each other at every level. With the application of the Gogoro case its will be better to understand a part of it success and on the same occasion verify the roles of National and regional innovation system of such the implementation in a real situation. And suggest with the previous result how in Europe business environment will be beneficial and will lead to a second success as it’s in orient.

Table of contents
List of tables............................................................................................................iv
List of figures........................................................................................................... v
Abstract ................................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER.1. Introduction.................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the study........................................................................... 1
1.2. Research Motivation question .................................................................. 2
1.3. Research purpose ...................................................................................... 2
1.4. Research objective .................................................................................... 3
1.5. Thesis following sequence........................................................................ 3
CHAPTER.2. Literature Review........................................................................... 5
2.1. National innovation system ...................................................................... 5
2.1.1. Government ...................................................................................... 6
2.1.2. Competitors..................................................................................... 11
2.1.3. Environmental restriction ............................................................... 12
2.2. Regional innovation system.................................................................... 12
2.2.1. Universities / Research institutes.................................................... 13
2.2.2. Industrial companies....................................................................... 14
2.2.3. Territorial resources........................................................................ 14
2.3. Innovation ............................................................................................... 15
2.4. Connection of National innovation and Regional innovation system .... 16
2.4.1. Link between Government and Universities / Research institutes . 17
2.4.2. Link between Competitors and Universities................................... 18
2.4.3. Link between Environmental Restriction and Industrial company 18
2.4.4. The data collection method and tools............................................. 19
CHAPTER.3. Framework and Case study.......................................................... 26
3.1. Research Framework .............................................................................. 26
3.1.1. Gogoro company............................................................................. 27
3.2. Application of my research on Gogoro case........................................... 30
3.3. National innovation system in Taiwan: Gogoro company ..................... 30
3.3.1. Government in Taiwan ................................................................... 30
3.3.2. Environmental restriction in Taiwan .............................................. 31
3.3.3. Competitor around Taiwan ............................................................. 32
3.4. Regional innovation system: In Taiwan Gogoro company .................... 33
3.4.1. Universities & research institutes in Taiwan .................................. 33
3.4.2. The industrial company in Taiwan ................................................. 37
3.4.3. Taiwan Territorial resources........................................................... 37
CHAPTER.4. Suggestions for France................................................................. 40
4.1. France NIS and RIS capacity base on Gogoro company........................ 40
4.1.1. Capacity to innovate with universities and research institute......... 40
4.1.2. Government support ....................................................................... 41
4.1.3. Industrial company collaboration ................................................... 42
4.1.4. Environmental restriction issues..................................................... 42
4.2. Suggestion for Gogoro implementation in France.................................. 43
CHAPTER.5. Conclusion ................................................................................... 45
5.1. Summary of the research ........................................................................ 45
5.2. Managerial implication ........................................................................... 46
5.3. Limitation................................................................................................ 47
5.4. Further research ...................................................................................... 47
References.............................................................................................................. 48
Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................. 55
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