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研究生(外文):HUANG, LI-HUNG
論文名稱(外文):A Deep Learning Based Approach to Forecasting Influenza-Like Illness Rate
指導教授(外文):PAN, JIANN-I
外文關鍵詞:Influenza-Like IllnessGoogle TrendMoving Epidemic Method(MEM)Deep LearningLong Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
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Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. Some patients may cause serious complications or even death. Flu pandemic duration varies and cluster infections are prone to occur in densely populated areas. Therefore, when a flu outbreak, a large number of patients flow into medical institutions, often resulting in insufficient human and medical resources. The objective of this study is to give an early warning two weeks before the outbreak of influenza, and reduce the expenditure of medical resources and death due to influenza. In this research, that combined with weather, air quality, and network volume data is used as the input features where weather and air quality are related to the strength of influenza infection, and volume is related to the severity of the epidemic. The Long Short-Term Memory model in deep learning is developed and trained to predict the incidence of influenza-like illness rates located in major cities in Taiwan for two weeks later. The level of the epidemic in this study is based on the Moving Epidemic Method. This study also defines a comprehensive process to collect the network volume of keywords to ensure that it can improve the accuracy and effectiveness of prediction. The results of the study show that (1) the feature data divided into 12-weeks cycle length can get better performance in the trained model; (2) the network volume features can improve the prediction correlation coefficient and reduce the error; and (3) the feature data in units of weeks is better than in days from the accuracy of predicting the incidence rate of influenza. Early warning of the outbreak of influenza and the classification of the severity of the epidemic allows decision-makers to have accurate judgments and make correct decisions.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 流感相關背景知識 3
2.1.1 疾病介紹 3
2.1.2 感冒、流感與類流感比較 3
2.1.3 預防方式 4
2.2 影響流感傳播之因子 5
2.3 聲量用於醫療之監控 6
2.4 類流感之預測 9
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1 研究資料 11
3.1.1 氣象資料 11
3.1.2 空氣品質資料 17
3.1.3 聲量資料 18
3.1.4 類流感資料 22
3.2 長短期記憶模型 23
3.3 預測方法 25
3.3.1 深度學習模型 25
3.3.2 移動流行區間法 26
3.4 模型評估 29
第四章 實驗 31
4.1 實驗一:特徵資料週數 31
4.2 實驗二:特徵資料以天、以週為單位 32
4.3 實驗三:聲量資料是否幫助預測 34
4.4 實驗四:深度學習與機器學習比較 41
第五章 討論 45
5.1 長短期記憶模型序列資料的長度 45
5.2 資料的精細度(granularity) 45
5.3 聲量資料的重要性 45
5.4 深度學習的優勢 45
第六章 結論 47
參考文獻 48

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