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論文名稱(外文):Kano Two-dimensional Quality Model Is Applied To Analyze The Service Quality Of Boutique Cosmetics Counter
指導教授(外文):HUANG, CHIA-HUI
中文關鍵詞:精品專櫃化妝品服務品質Kano 二維品質模式魅力因子
外文關鍵詞:Boutiques counter cosmeticsService qualityKano two-dimensional quality modelAttractiveness factor
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During the era of fierce competition in the cosmetics markets, there are many brands of cosmetics to contend with. In the face of fierce competition and a difficult selling environment, if one wants to achieve sustainable operations then one must continuously develop new products, target audiences (consumer groups), and maintain good interactive relationship with their existing customers. Therefore, the way to cultivate cosmetics counter sales is putting your service personnel through professional education and training. You must have good service attitude and etiquette, and improve the satisfaction of consumption-experience with such service quality that actually exceeds the customer’s expectations in order to maintain good customer-relationships which will ensure that your customers are willing to continue buying cosmetics. Such aspects will have a direct and important impact on the overall performance of the company.
General cosmetics counters are often customers-oriented. In addition to the brand image attraction of the cosmetics products themselves and coupled with good service that makes a lasting impression on customers, then the goal is to match (or surpass) the customers' overall expectations for cosmetics counters. In this manner, you will breach the gap between the customers’ original expectations and their actual experience, by offering them quality service and increasing their satisfaction value.
In the wake of the emotional mood-consumption era, especially for consumers who tend to buy boutique cosmetic products with relatively higher price tags, the efficacy of the commodity and brand image must receive strict attention and the customer service must be felt by the consumer during their purchase of the products. This will have a direct bearing on their experience value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Managers of boutique cosmetics counters should think of ways to implement services that will lead on consumers into their targeted experience field and also create variant experience values, so as to improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty across a broad range of customers.
This study will: discuss consumer impressions, service quality and customer satisfaction in regards to boutique cosmetics counters; analyze boutique cosmetics counters by using a Kano two-dimensional quality model as one of the service quality tools to trace service gaps and opportunity points; put forward specific suggestions as a reference point for relevant units in order to improve the service quality and enhance the consumption-value experience for customers.

目 錄
誌 謝 Ⅳ
Abstract Ⅴ
英文摘要 Ⅵ
目 錄 Ⅶ
表 目 錄 Ⅷ
圖 目 錄 Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究範圍與限制 2
1.4研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1服務品質 4
2.2服務體驗 5
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1魅力工學 15
3.2評價構造法 17
3.3深度訪談質性分析 18
3.4 Kano二維品質模式 20
3.5代表性刺激物圖片篩選 27
3.6訪談對象 34
第四章 研究成果 36
4.1精品化妝品專櫃服務的魅力因子萃取與歸納 36
4.2 Kano品質評價與滿意度調查 37
第五章 結論與建議 43
參考文獻 45

表2.1服務品質與體驗品質之差異比較 7
表2.2服務體驗品質之構面與要素 7
表2.3產品設計與服務設計之差異比較 10
表3.1品質屬性判定的決策矩陣 23
表3.2迴歸係數顯著性與品質屬性的關係 24
表3.3問卷選項與意義表 25
表3.4 Kano二維品質模式要素歸類表 26
表3.5 Kano雙向問卷示例 26
表3.6刺激物一覽表 27
表3.7精品化妝品專櫃之魅力因子訪談紀錄表 35
表4.1 Kano雙向問卷題目 37
表4.2魅力因子品質判別與滿意係數 38
表4.3滿意係數排序與所屬要素表 39
表4.4滿意係數排序與所屬要素表 40
表4.5問卷變數各因素之品質要素歸屬分析結果 41

圖1.1研究流程圖 3
圖2.1服務設計模式 8
圖2.2服務設計的組成結構 13
圖3.1評價構造圖操作步驟 18
圖3.2 KANO二維品質模式 21
圖4.1魅力因子評價構造圖 36
圖4.2 KANO品質判定CS-DS圖 42

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