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研究生(外文):HUANG, KO-SUNG
論文名稱(外文):Relationship between EYA4 Gene and Prognosis of Lung Cancer
指導教授(外文):Chan, Wen-Ling
口試委員(外文):Chan, Wen-LingWang,Charles C.N.Chang,Jan-Gowth
外文關鍵詞:Lung cancerApoptosisGene expressionGene mutationEYA4
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我們透過 PubMed進行文獻上的統整,再利用Gene Ontology篩選出細胞凋亡相關之基因當作目標基因,再從The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA)資料庫及Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (COSMIC)中取得肺癌配對組織之凋亡基因表現量及突變情形,並參照臨床數據來分析肺癌中有關細胞凋亡基因在表現量及突變上對於預後是否有影響性。

Lung cancer is currently the world's highest incidence and mortality of malignant tumors, with the increase in population aging, these indicators are also on the rise, looking for new treatment and treatment methods to further improve the effectiveness of treatment, has been an important topic of research. The development and development of lung cancer is a multi-step process involving the activation of proto-oncogene and inactivation of tumor suppressor gene. apoptosis (apoptosis) process is an important protective mechanism to maintain the stability of normal tissue and organ cell number. therefore,it promotes the development and progression of lung cancer tumor. the main reason is that insufficient cell apoptosis causes abnormal genetic modification of cell lines and provides cancer cell survival opportunities.
We used PubMed to integrate the literature, and then used Gene Ontology to screen out genes related to apoptosis as the target genes, and then obtained them from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database and Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (COSMIC) The target gene expression and mutation of lung cancer paired tissues, combined with clinical data to analyze whether the expression level and mutation of related apoptosis genes in lung cancer have an impact on the prognosis.
The results showed that in RNA-Seq analysis, 25 genes were found to have significant performance and significant differences in prognosis; in Mutation analysis, it was found that EYA4 (mutation rate 23.52%), TRPS1 (mutation rate 17.64%), UBQLN1 (mutation rate) The mutation rate of other genes is significantly higher. After bringing the EYA4 gene into the TCGA database for mutation rate exploration, the mutation rate is 5.29%. Presumably the reason is that the specimens used in this study are paired specimens, that is, the difference between tumor and non-tumor is analyzed, but TCGA is solely based on patients for statistics; in addition, the difference in the number of specimens will also cause data to be different . However, compared with other genes, the genes mentioned above do have a slightly higher trend. Based on the results of the above two analyses, it is observed that EYA4 has a high gene expression level (2-fold difference) and gene mutation rate, and the prognosis is also different. As the gene is further understood, it is found to be related to a variety of congenital diseases and malignancies. The occurrence of tumors is closely related and is expected to become a research direction for the treatment of related diseases.

中文摘要 II
Abstract IV
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第2章 文獻研究 4
2.1 細胞凋亡 4
2.2 肺癌 6
第3章 材料和方法 16
3.1 資料來源 16
3.2 研究流程 25
3.3 數據取得 26
第4章 結果與分析 27
4.1 RNASeq(RNA Sequencing)分析 27
4.2 Mutations分析 40
第5章 討論與結論 53
5.1 討論 53
5.2 結論 55
第6章 參考文獻 57
第7章 附錄 60

圖 2.1 2016年十大死因資料統計 6
圖 2.2職業性致癌物質種類 8
圖 2.3罹患肺癌相關因素 9
圖 2.4肺癌各種類發生率 10
圖 2.5顯微鏡下小細胞肺癌 11
圖 2.6顯微鏡下鱗狀上皮細胞癌。 12
圖 2.7顯微鏡下肺腺癌 13
圖 2.8顯微鏡下大細胞癌 14
圖 3.1 Gene Ontology網站介面 16
圖 3.2 GeneCards網站介面 17
圖 3.3 GeneCards的操作說明與基因資訊 18
圖 3.4 PubMed的資料庫及查詢介面 20
圖 3.5 PubMed的資料庫搜尋及結果 20
圖 3.6 COSMIC的首頁提供了搜索和導航數據庫的簡便方法 22
圖 3.7 Cbioportal網站操作 24
圖 3.8研究流程圖 25
圖 4.1細胞凋亡相關基因heat-map圖顯示 29
圖 4.2 27個較突出基因表現量heat-map圖.紅色部分屬於高表現量,藍色部分屬於低表現量 31
圖 4.3 ANKRD2基因預後生存圖 33
圖 4.4 BUB1基因預後生存圖 33
圖 4.5 CASP12基因預後生存圖 33
圖 4.6 CCK基因預後生存圖 33
圖 4.7 COL2A1基因預後生存圖 34
圖 4.8 EYA4基因預後生存圖 34
圖 4.9 FGB基因預後生存圖 34
圖 4.10 FYN基因預後生存圖 34
圖 4.11 GDNF基因預後生存圖 35
圖 4.12 GNAI2基因預後生存圖 35
圖 4.13 HGF基因預後生存圖 35
圖 4.14 IL20RA基因預後生存圖 35
圖 4.15 ITM2B基因預後生存圖 36
圖 4.16 JUN基因預後生存圖 36
圖 4.17 MAL基因預後生存圖 36
圖 4.18 MSH2基因預後生存圖 36
圖 4.19 MSX1基因預後生存圖 37
圖 4.20 NUPR1基因預後生存圖 37
圖 4.21 PMP22基因預後生存圖 37
圖 4.22 PPM1F基因預後生存圖 37
圖 4.23 PTPN1基因預後生存圖 38
圖 4.24 SFPQ基因預後生存圖 38
圖 4.25 SIGLEC1基因預後生存圖 38
圖 4.26 SPN基因預後生存圖 38
圖 4.27 STEAP3基因預後生存圖 39
圖 4.28 TRAP1基因預後生存圖 39
圖 4.29 WFS1基因預後生存圖 39
圖 4.30 各基因突變率長條圖 49
圖 4.31 17位肺癌患者對應106個基因之heat-map 50
圖 4.32 EYA4基因預後生存圖 51
圖 4.33 TRPS1基因預後生存圖 51
圖 4.34 UBQLN1基因預後生存圖 51

表 4.1篩選出27個差異表現基因 30
表 4.2 27個基因P值 32
表 4.3 篩選出106個突變基因 41
表 7.1與細胞凋亡相關之基因 60
表 7.2與細胞凋亡相關之基因 61
表 7.3與細胞凋亡相關之基因 62
表 7.4與細胞凋亡相關之基因 63
表 7.5與細胞凋亡相關之基因 64

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