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研究生(外文):Cho, Ya-Fen
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Employee Treatment on Firm Operational Performance and Stock Price
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Feng-Tse
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Feng-TseChen, Hsien-YiChong, Chuo Chang
外文關鍵詞:corporate social responsibilityemployee treatmentfurloughmass layoffabnormal stock return
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以台灣上市櫃及下市櫃公司在2000至2019年的無薪假和大量解僱的新聞宣告事件 (員工對待負面事件) 作為樣本,利用事件研究法分析事件日前後之股價異常報酬反應。此外,本文進一步探討決定公司股價異常報酬的因素,及事件對公司長期營運表現之影響。結果顯示員工對待負面事件短期對公司股價影響是正向的,如果事件發生在金融海嘯期間,則股價有正向顯著的異常報酬,但是如果發生在非金融海嘯期間,則有著負向的股票異常報酬。此外,勞力密集程度與公司的股價反應並沒有顯著關聯,而如果員工對待負面事件如果是發生在過去產業表現劣於大盤時 (產業因素) ,則股票反應較為正向。最後,發生在金融海嘯期間的無薪假或大量解僱相較於發生在其他期間的事件公司,其長期營運績效較佳,顯示非金融海嘯期間的員工對待負面事件對公司的短期和長期都有負面的影響。

This objective of this study is to investigate whether the relationship between firms and employees affects firm operation performance and its stock prices. Employees are not only an important part of a firm’s stakeholders but also a core asset of a firm. Therefore, there should be an association between employee treatment and firm performance. This thesis adopts negative employee treatment events such as furlough and mass layoff to examine if these events drive abnormal stock reactions and further to discuss the impact on short-term and long-term firm performance.
Using news announcements on furloughs and mass layoffs for listed and unlisted firms from 2000 and 2019 as negative events of employee treatment, this research conducts an event study to analyze reactions of stock abnormal returns around the events. In addition, the thesis further investigates the deciding factors of the abnormal stock returns and the effect of these events on long-run firm operation performance. The results show that the negative events of employee treatment affect positively on firm stock returns; firms have positive abnormal returns when the events occur during the 2008 financial crisis and they have negative abnormal returns when the events happen during the non-financial crisis periods. Additionally, labor intensiveness is irrelevant to stock reaction, however, stock reacts positively when the event occurs when the belonging industry performs worse than the market (i.e., industry factor) . Lastly, firms have better long-term performance when the negative events of furlough and mass layoff happen during the financial crisis than during other periods. This suggests that negative employee treatment events during non-financial crisis periods have negative effects on both short-term and long-term firm performance.

目錄 I
表目錄 II
表 2-1 各研究者對企業社會責任與公司績效及股價的相關研究 16
表 2-2 員工對待相關文獻 23
表 3-1 本研究假說 28
表 3-2 102年〜108年10月各行業〈計畫解僱件數〉 35
表 3-3 102年〜108年10月各行業〈通報解僱件數〉 36
表 4-1 事件期之異常報酬與累積異常報酬 42
表 4-2 金融海嘯期間事件期之異常報酬與累積異常報酬 45
表 4-3 非金融海嘯期間事件期之異常報酬與累積異常報酬 48
表 4-4 迴歸分析 52
圖目錄 III
圖 1-1 研究流程圖 5
圖 3-1 研究步驟圖 29
圖 3-2 本研究之估計期及事件期 30
圖 3-3 102年~108年10月各行業〈計畫解僱件數〉 37
圖 3-4 102年~108年10月各行業〈通報解僱件數〉 38
圖 4-1 事件期異常報酬 44
圖 4-2 事件期累積異常報酬 44
圖 4-3 金融海嘯期間事件期異常報酬 47
圖 4-4 金融海嘯期間事件期累積異常報酬 47
圖 4-5 非金融海嘯期間事件期異常報酬 50
圖 4-6 非金融海嘯期間事件期累積異常報酬 50
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 3
第二節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 企業社會責任 6
第二節 CSR與公司績效及股價的關係 13
第三節 員工對待相關文獻 20
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究假說 27
第二節 研究方法 29
第三節 樣本及資料來源 33
第四節 研究模型 39
第四章 實證結果 42
第五章 結論 53
參考文獻 54

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