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研究生(外文):LIN, PO-FENG
論文名稱(外文):The Integrated Applications of Data Fusion and Infographic Simulation: Case Study of Ximenting Business District
中文關鍵詞:社群網路資料資料融合網路聲量深度學習文本情緒偵測資訊視覺化設計思考AHP 層級分析法
外文關鍵詞:Data FusionDeep LearningInfographicEmotion analysisDesign ThinkingAHP
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本研究以西門町的商圈徒步區為例,使用Google Place API蒐集徒步區內店家的資料當作網路聲量,融合捷運場站出口人數統計資料,作為商圈資料,將這些資料進行融合後,實際搭建出一個整合商圈資料、網路聲量、網路評論等資料之視覺化模擬系統。本研究並依據AT-ONE工作坊,邀請資料科學相關專業人士與會,共同討論出該系統之不同使用者以及不同的功能需求,以建立AHP層級分析因子,接著透過問卷調查其他專家的結果,透過一致性檢定,來顯示專家對於個構面因子間之比較是否具有連貫性與邏輯性,以及評估優化系統的優先順序性以及重要性。而根據AHP層級分析的結果顯示發現不同專家對於系統功能的需求要素有明顯的差異,如資料科學家對於資料融合的重要程度就大於資料蒐集,而資訊視覺化設計師則是覺得資料視覺化是最重要的因數,因為這才是對他來說能最重要的資訊的構面。
開發部分利用D3.js / Html / Google Map API,開發應用系統雛形介面,整合Google Map與收集的資料做結合,提供資訊視覺化的呈現方式 。
With the advent of 5G technology, it has become increasingly easy to accumulate data. With the advent of new media and the increase in access channels, the value of pure raw data has also decreased. If data is not properly sorted and analyzed, its value reduces. To enhance the value of data, companies often start to process it through so-called data fusion, from old original data to generate subsequent data that can express more information and thus generate the real value behind the data.
This research aims to apply data fusion to the simulation of information visualization, collect open data on the Internet as its main data fusion data, and combine the information visualization system to present the data generated after data fusion on the web page for subsequent differences planning and to design an information visualization simulation to meet users’ service needs.
This study takes the pedestrian area in the business district of Ximending as an example, uses Google Place API to collect data from the stores in the pedestrian area as the network voice volume, and integrates the statistics of the number of people exiting the MRT station as the business district data. After integration, a visual simulation system that integrates the business district data, internet volume, internet reviews, thus building other data. Based on the AT-ONE workshop, this research invites data science professionals to participate in meetings to discuss different system users and different functional requirements to establish AHP-level analysis factors and then survey the results of other experts through questionnaires. Consistency tests are used to show whether the comparisons between experts for each aspect factor are consistent and logical and to evaluate the priority and importance of the optimization system. According to the results of the AHP-level analysis, different experts have obvious differences in the required system function elements. For example, data scientists find data fusion more important than data collection, whereas information visualization designers consider data visualization the most important. The most important factor depends on which aspect is the most important information to the expert.
The information visualization part presents the sorted data on the map in the form of a heat map so that users can select data according to their different needs and understand where the data is distributed on the map at a glance. This system also combines machine-learning technology to analyze whether online voice comments are positive or negative. Positive and negative comments are merged into the system so that users can understand different situations and see the distribution area of positive and negative reviews. The accuracy of the prediction model in this study reached 91% in the model’s test set.
Finally, based on the concept of integrating data fusion and the information visualization application, this research builds a "digital Ximending" simulation platform. This platform can take all kinds of data as input and perform "data fusion" to simulate Ximending businesses. The interactive behavior mode examines pedestrians and spaces in the circle, constructs the platform's leading research foundation through AT-ONE and AHP level analysis, and establishes the platform's demand function and development sequence evaluation.
The development part uses D3.js/HTML/the Google Map API to develop the prototype interface for the application system, integrate Google Maps with the collected data, and provide a visual presentation of information.

摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 VI
目錄 VII
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究架構及概要 5
1.4 研究範圍與限制 9
第二章 文獻探討 10
2.1資料融合 10
2.1.1資料融合的發展與應用 11
2.1.2資訊融合的主要技術 13
2.2網路聲量 15
2.3 社群媒體網路聲量與大數據分析技術 17
2.4 資料敘事(Data-Driven Storytelling) 17
2.5 資訊視覺化 22
2.6 情感運算(Affective Computing) 24
2.7 AHP 層級分析法應用於創新服務之評估 25
2.8 小結 26
第三章 研究設計與方法 28
3.1 研究問題定義 28
3.2 研究範圍制定 30
3.3 研究範圍圖資收集 33
3.4 商圈資料收集 35
3.5現地觀察與資料收集 38
3.6 整合資料融合與資訊視覺化 41
3.7 AT-ONE 前導研究 43
3.8 AHP 層級分析 47
3.8.1 AHP的基本假設 47
3.8.2 AHP的層級與要素 48
3.8.3 AHP的評估尺度 49
3.8.4 AHP的操作流程 49
3.8.5 AHP 問卷調查 51
第四章 網路聲量資料處理 53
4.1 店家網路聲量資料收集 53
4.2 網路聲量分析 60
4.2.1 網路評論數分析 60
4.2.2 文本語意情感分析 64
第五章 系統規劃與雛形設計 70
5.1 AHP問卷設計 70
5.2 雛型系統架構與設計 74
5.3 資料內容定義 75
第六章 系統發展成果與研究評估 76
6.1 研究分析評估 76
6.1.1 問卷刻度轉換 77
6.1.2 AHP 專家問卷研究分析 78
6.1.3 資料科學家之AHP統計 78
6.1.4 資訊視覺化設計師之AHP 專家問卷統計 86
6.1.5 AHP 問卷分析總結 93
6.2 系統展示與流程介紹 95
6.2.1系統網站架構 95
6.2.2 系統使用流程 96
第七章 結論與建議 102
7.1 研究結論 102
7.2未來研究建議 106
參考文獻 108
外文文獻 108
中文文獻 110
網路資料 113
附錄 114
附錄1 AHP層級分析問券 114
附錄2 擷取商店資料格式 116
附錄3 Facebook 熱門文章資料結果 119
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