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論文名稱(外文):Heat Transfer Analysis of Falling Film Evaporation in Zeotropic Refrigerant
外文關鍵詞:Non-azeotropic Refrigerantsfalling film evaporationpool boilingtemperature glide
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本研究以光滑測試管與鰭片測試管在混合的非共沸冷媒25% R-152a/75% R-245fa與75% R-152a/25% R-245fa 混合比例的薄膜蒸發熱傳,並與純冷媒R-152a和R-245fa作熱傳性能比較。將三根測試管以上下垂直排列水平置放於測試腔體中。測試結果說明,光滑管的熱傳性能介於純冷媒R-152a與R-245fa之間,鰭片測試管熱傳性能低於純冷媒R-245fa。光滑管在混合冷媒 25% R-152a/75% R-245fa 的熱傳分佈帶比75% R-152a/25% R-245fa 分佈帶寬。造成這種情況的可能原因是混合比例導致了溫度滑移的差異。混合冷媒的熱傳性能高於純R-245fa冷媒。而混合冷媒用於鰭片測試管的熱傳低於純冷媒R-245fa的熱傳性能。由實驗結果分析,混合冷媒測試於光滑管的性能可以由兩種純冷媒冷媒物性與熱傳性能的內插法來評估;而混合冷媒測試於鰭片管的性能低於兩種純冷媒。混合流體的沸騰熱傳係數實測值略低於純冷媒,以外插法推算值,此結果與文獻一致;本研究首度發現:混合流體滴淋蒸發的實際熱傳係數與內插理想值比率大於沸騰時之比率;可能是受滴淋與沸騰過程的濃度變化幅度差異所影響,而有利用高揮發性流體蒸發。
In this study, the plain tubes and the fin tubes were tested in pure R-152a, pure R-245fa, the non-azeotropic refrigerants 25% R-152a/75% R-245fa and 75% R-152a/25% R-245fa. The falling film evaporates heat transfer and compares it with pure refrigerants R-152a and R-245fa. Three test tubes are placeed horizontally and aligned vertically. The test results show that the heat transfer performance of the plain tube is between the pure refrigerant R-152a and R-245fa, and the heat transfer performance of the finned tube is lower than that of the pure refrigerant R-245fa. The change in heat transfer is not linearly proportional to the mixing ratio of the refrigerant. The heat transfer coefficient of the plain tube of 75% R-152a/25% R-245fa varied in a wider range as compared with that in the mixed refrigerant 25% R-152a/75% R-245fa. The possible reason for this is that the mixing ratio causes the difference in temperature glide. The heat transfer performance of the smooth tube in the mixed refrigerant is higher than that of pure R-245fa. However, the heat transfer performance of the finned tube in the mixed refrigerant is lower than that of the pure refrigerant R-245fa. According to the analysis of the experimental results, the performance of the mixed refrigerant test on the plain tube can be evaluated by interpolating the properties of the two refrigerants. Similar to the finding in the lieterature, the test result of the boiling heat transfer of the mixed refrigerants are lower than the values interpolated from the pure fluids. This study finds that the ratio of the test result of falling film evaporation heat transfer and the interpolated value in the mixed refrigerants is higher than that of boiling heat transfer. Possible reason is that the concentration of the mixture in falling liquid film varies more significantly than that in the pool of boiling. Hence, the evaporation of the more bolitile fluid is favorable.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 混合冷媒的發展 8
2.2 共沸混合冷媒與非共沸混合冷媒 8
2.3 熱傳管之管陣配置與薄膜蒸發熱傳 10
2.4 熱傳管結構表面之沸騰原理 11
2.4.1 商用熱傳管之結構表面 11
2.4.2 氣孔大小與氣孔袋口效應影響 12
2.4.3 表面下渠道之影響 14
2.4.4 結構表面之核沸騰理論分析 15
2.4.5 冷媒與蒸發管實測研究 17
2.5 工作流體性質與熱傳係數之關係 25
2.6 滴淋薄膜與蒸發 28
2.6.1 水平管外滴淋薄膜蒸發 27
2.6.2 薄膜蒸發之表面結構 29
2.6.3 滴淋薄膜流場觀察 31
第三章 實驗設備與方法 34
3.1 實驗系統 34
3.1.1 測試腔體 35
3.1.2 冷卻系統 37
3.1.3 滴淋分配管 38
3.1.4 測試管 39
3.1.5 探漏、抽真空、站壓、工作流體充填、排氣 40
3.1.6 資料擷取 41
3.2 實驗參數設定 42
3.2.1 實驗參數 42
3.2.2 測試管表面參數 48
3.3 實驗器具介紹 49
3.3.1 細束型熱電耦 49
3.3.2 壓力傳訊器 49
3.3.3 流量計 50
3.3.4 微齒輪泵 50
3.3.5 自耦變壓器 50
3.3.6 多功能電錶 50
3.3.7 真空泵 50
3.3.8 高精度電子計重器 50
3.4 實驗步驟 51
3.5 實驗數據分析 54
3.5.1 熱通量計算 54
3.5.2 測試管表面壁溫計算 54
3.5.3 熱傳係數計算 54
3.5.4 薄膜雷諾數計算 55
3.6 誤差分析 57
3.6.1 溫度校正 57
3.6.2 熱傳係數之誤差分析 58
第四章 實驗結果與討論 61
4.1 光滑管之熱傳性能比較分析 61
4.1.1 冷媒 R-152a 在光滑管之實驗量測 61
4.1.2 冷媒 R-245fa 在光滑管之實驗量測 63
4.1.3 混合冷媒25% R-152a/75% R-245fa 在光滑管之實驗量測 65
4.1.4 混合冷媒75% R-152a/25% R-245fa 在光滑管之實驗量測 68
4.1.5 光滑管之結果與討論 70
4.2 鰭片管之熱傳性能比較分析 74
4.2.1 冷媒 R-152a 在鰭片管之實驗量測 74
4.2.2 冷媒 R-245fa 在鰭片管之實驗量測 76
4.2.3 混合冷媒25% R-152a/75% R-245fa 在鰭片管之實驗量測 78
4.2.4 混合冷媒75% R-152a/25% R-245fa 在鰭片管之實驗量測 81
4.2.5 鰭片管之結果與討論 84
4.3 光滑管與鰭片管之熱傳性能比較分析 87
4.4 混合冷媒的物性影響比較分析 90
4.5 實驗與文獻比對及混合冷媒討論 95
4.5.1 實驗與文獻比對 95
4.5.2 混合冷媒討論 101
4.6 實驗數據可信賴度與實驗再現性分析 105
第五章 結論 108
參考文獻 109
附錄一 符號說明 114
附錄二 實驗照片 116

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