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研究生(外文):Kuo-Hsuan Chen
論文名稱:工作時數對人民幸福感之影響 — 空間計量迴歸之分析
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Working Hours on Happiness — An Analysis of Spatial Econometric Regress
指導教授(外文):Chun-Hung Lin
外文關鍵詞:HappinessWorking HoursSpatial Econometric Regress
  • 被引用被引用:2
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As the rapid changes in economic development have driven people to improve their living standards and quality, people have begun to attach importance to the quality of life. In the past, scholars suggested that subjective life evaluation cannot be measured by the amount of consumption or wealth owned by the people. Scholars also began thinking to quantify these unseen values, the so-called "happiness". Furthermore, in Taiwan, the “one rest day one day off” system was proposed in 2016, and the amendment passed through the third reading in 2018. From 1111 Manpower Bank''s 2016 announcement of "office worker’s working hours and overtime”, the results of the survey in the "Current Situation Survey" show that 41.6% of office workers believe that their working hours are too long and are however satisfied with their current working conditions.
This study wants to use domestic data to explore the relationship between working hours and well-being shown in the past literature. Whether Taiwan is also in the same direction as the research results of the past literature; also because Taiwan’s geographical location is small and densely populated, as technology changes, Taiwan’s transportation development is so mature that many people choose to work in non-residential areas across counties and cities. We like to explore whether the negative impact of working hours on happiness is related to other factors as shown in the literature; for example, disposable income. However, the relationship between working hours and well-being in the past literature does not seem to mention the impact of different geographical locations. Therefore, this study wants to use spatial analyses to verify whether the addition of spatial factors will affect the relationship between working hours and the Taiwanese people''s happiness, which is different from the results in the past literature. This study will use spatial measurement methods to analyze.
We begin with the empirical estimations, which are similar to those in the past literature. Working hours have a negative and significant impact on the happiness of Taiwanese people. Then disposable income has no significant impact on happiness in this research. From the past literature, it can be seen that income and well-being are positive and significant in some literatures; and the result obtained by the average working hours multiplied by the disposable item is significant, which means that although working hours have a negative relationship with people’s well-being, it can be multiplied. After dominating the income, it can reduce the negative impact on happiness. Moreover, after adding the spatial factors, most of the results obtained from the previous general tracking regression analysis are similar to the spatial measurement regression results. This means that the physical and mental health, education level, and the elderly population will change the happiness of Taiwanese people due to the location of neighboring counties and cities.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 工作時數相關文獻 5
一、 台灣工作時數定義 5
二、 台灣工作時數演進 5
第二節 幸福感相關文獻 7
第三節 空間計量相關文獻 8
第三章 資料來源與分析 10
第一節 資料來源 10
第二節 變數定義 10
第三節 變數敘述統計與分析 15
第四章 研究方法與模型探討 19
第一節 追蹤資料分析法 19
第二節 空間計量分析法 20
第五章 實證結果 24
第一節 追蹤資料迴歸結果與分析 24
第二節 空間自相關分析檢驗結果 27
第三節 空間計量迴歸結果 30
第六章 結論 35
參考文獻 37

圖 1-1研究架構流程 4
圖 5-1 QGIS軟體實作 28
圖 5-2 GeoDa軟體實作 28

表2- 1先進國家法定工時比較 6
表3- 1變數之敘述統計與代號 16
表3- 2台灣人民幸福感基本統計:依年度區分 17
表3- 3平均每人每年工作時數基本統計:依年度區分 18
表5- 1追蹤迴歸結果 26
表5- 2 Moran’s I檢定值 29
表5- 3空間自迴歸模型分析 33
表5- 4空間誤差模型分析 34
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