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研究生(外文):Yesenia Loayza Aquino
論文名稱:克丘亞族之裙: 社會企業與秘魯克丘亞族女性的賦權
論文名稱(外文):The Quechua Polleras: Social Enterprise and its role in Supporting Quechua Women’s Empowerment in Peru
指導教授(外文):Min-Chin Chiang
口試委員(外文):Wanlee ChenShih Ying Lin
外文關鍵詞:Quechua WomenQuechua PollerasSocial Enterprise
IG URL:yaku2224
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社會企業的努力在賦予婦女權力方面更加重要,並鼓勵她們成為領導者和企業家。我的現場研究是從2019年9月開始,以“ Las Polleras de Agus”為例,這是一家社會企業,生產具有現代風格的蓋丘亞花粉。我之所以選擇這種情況,是因為他們與克丘亞裙和克丘亞族女性一起工作,他們保護並重新評估克丘亞裙花粉。通過以下研究,我想指出,社會企業的做法支持秘魯的克丘亞族女性的賦權,並擴大了蓋丘亞族克丘亞裙的文化影響。
Quechua women had acted under the parameters of social and economic aspects of the colonization and capitalism system. The economic opportunities in Peru for Quechua women are limited and their labor activities are under marginalized conditions, their identity and culture undervalued. Quechua women who wear their traditional skirt are exposed to racial discrimination and the imposition of patriarchy and gender inequality.

Quechua women, compared to men, have preserved the indigenous culture through the wearing of the Quechua Polleras, a hybrid garment that is a mix of the European skirt and the Quechua traditional textile. Quechua women’s wearing of traditional clothing has clearly been a symbol of resistance and empowerment against colonization to social, cultural and economic changes.

The Social enterprise efforts assume greater importance in women empowerment, and encourage them as leaders and entrepreneurs. My field research is from September 2019 through a Case Study of “Las Polleras de Agus”, a Social Enterprise that produces Quechua Polleras with a contemporary style. I choose this case because they work to join Quechua Women artisans and Quechua woman Entrepreneurs, who preserve and reevaluate the Quechua Polleras. With the following research I want to argue that the practice of Social enterprise supports the empowerment of Quechua women in Peru, and amplifies the cultural impact of Quechua Polleras.

Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................i
List of Figures............................................................................................................…...........iv
List of Tables.................................................................................................................……...vii

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Research Motivation and Background.................................................................…............1
1.2 Research Purpose.................................................................................................……........6
1.3 Research Questions..............................................................................................….......….7
1.4 Scope and Limitations of the Research................................................................….......….9

Chapter Two: Research Methodology

2.1 Case Study Research.........................................................................…….........................11
2.2 Research Design................................................................................…….........................12
2.2.1 Data collection.......................................................................……..........................15
2.2.2 Data Analysis.........................................................................……..........................16

Chapter Three: Historical Background

3.1 History of Quechuas women in Peru................................................................…..............17
3.2 Textile and Identity: The Quechua Polleras.....................................................……..........24

Chapter Four: Quechua Women Empowerment

4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................….............49
4.2 Social Enterprise …..........................................................................................….............51
4.3 Analysis in the Cultural Sphere........................................................................…..............56
4.4 Analysis in the Social Sphere...........................................................................…..............59
4.5 Analysis in the Economic Sphere.....................................................................…..............60

Chapter Five: Case of ¨Las Polleras de Agus¨

5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................….............62
5.2 Background of the case study: “Las Polleras de Agus” ..................................….............64
5.3 The role of Griela Perez as a Social Entrepreneur............................................….............66
5.4 The weavers as part of Social Enterprise..........................................................….............68
5.5 Products and Technique....................................................................................….............80

Chapter Six: Social Enterprise supporting Quechua Women´s Empowerment

6.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................…….........87
6.2 Social Enterprise supporting Quechua Woman as a Social Entrepreneur........…..............89
6.3 Social Enterprise supporting Quechua Women weavers..................................….........….99
6.4 Social Enterprise supporting Quechua Polleras..............................................….............108

Chapter Seven: Conclusions

7.1 Conclusions..................................................................................................…...............119





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