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研究生(外文):Chuan-Chieh Chien
論文名稱(外文):On the Electrical and Optical Properties of Silver Nanowires under Transparent Adhesive Films and Carbon Nanotubes Mixtures
指導教授(外文):Chehung Wei
口試委員(外文):Chehung Wei
外文關鍵詞:electrical conductivitythermal annealingcarbon nanotubesSilver nanowiresoptical transmittanceadhesion
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結果顯示,當奈米銀線添加奈米碳管,不僅降低片電阻率且提高與基板的附著力;當奈米碳管添加量增加至1.95 g時,其導電性提升達80%。電性提升機制為奈米碳管填補在奈米銀線網絡空隙,提供電子流通額外路徑,進而提升導電率。然而添加奈米碳管會降低透光率,每增加0.65 g奈米碳管,透光率約略減少5%,此乃奈米碳管網絡遮蔽光線,影響穿透率。此外,奈米銀線加入奈米碳管會提升薄膜整體附著力,膠帶測試顯示當奈米銀線加入0.65 g以上奈米碳管,附著力明顯提升,其機制為奈米碳管包覆及纏繞奈米銀線,增加與玻璃基板附著面積,進而提升附著力。
Indium tin oxide (ITO) is the primary material as conductive transparent film (CTF) due to its high optical transmittance and electric conductivity. However, the limited supply of indium and the rising demand of flexible display has called for alternative material for ITO. Nano-inks (silver nanowires (AgNWs), carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene) has drawn attentions for the promising candidate to replace ITO. Many factors affect the performance of the nano-inks, such as material dimension, deposition method, dispersion and post-processing. In this thesis, we investigate the electrical and optical properties of AgNWs with varying CNTs mixing ratios.
The results show, the addition of CNTs in AgNWs not only increase the electric conductivity of but also enhance the adhesion. With 1.95 g CNTs mixing AgNWs, the conductivity is increased 80%. The mechanism is CNTs form alternative electric conductive paths which speeds up the current flow. The adding of CNTs slightly reduce the optical transmittance, with every 0.65 g increase, the transmittance reduces 5%. The opaqueness of CNTs network diminishes the light might be the reason. Tape test has exhibited the increased adhesion of AgNWs/CNTs with minimum 0.65 g CNTs addition. The entanglement of CNTs over AgNWs on glass substrate is a possible explanation.
The electrical conductivity of AgNWs/CNTs can be further increased by thermal annealing. When thermal annealing temperature is below 300℃, thermal fusion occurs among AgNWs junctions which reduce the junction resistance. However, if the thermal annealing temperature is above 300℃, AgNWs spheroidization occurs will induce the open circuit among AgNWs network. However, the higher melting point CNTs form alternative conductive paths which explains why there is limited conductivity in AgNWs/CNTs compared to none in AgNWs counterpart. In general, thermal annealing has the advantages of burning of non-conductive PVP or surfactants SDS. This is why thermal annealing increases electrical conductivity.
In summary, the addition of CNTs onto AgNWs not only form alternative conductive network, but also increase the adhesion. The AgNWs spheroidization and PVP/ surfactants burning in thermal annealing will further increase the electric conductivity.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xviii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 文獻探討 5
第二章 實驗原理 12
2.1 熱處理原理 12
2.2 黏著劑原理 13
2.3 膠帶測試原理 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 奈米銀線薄膜製作 16
3.2 奈米銀線與奈米碳管混合薄膜製作 17
3.3 透明黏著劑實驗 19
3.4 熱退火實驗 20
3.5 電學性質量測 21
3.6 光學性質量測 22
3.7 表面性質量測 22
3.8 附著性質量測 24
3.9 實驗流程與架構 25
第四章 結果討論 27
4.1 奈米碳管對於奈米銀線薄膜的影響 27
4.1.1 奈米銀線薄膜在添加奈米碳管的電學性質 27
4.1.2 奈米銀線薄膜在添加奈米碳管的光學性質 35
4.1.3 奈米銀線薄膜在添加奈米碳管的附著性質 39
4.1.4 奈米銀線薄膜在添加奈米碳管的表面性質 46
4.1.5 奈米銀線薄膜在添加奈米碳管的元素分析 56
4.2 熱退火對於奈米銀線奈米碳管混合薄膜的影響 58
4.2.1 熱退火對於奈米銀線奈米碳管混合薄膜的電學性質影響 58
4.2.2 熱退火對於奈米銀線奈米碳管混合薄膜的光學性質影響 73
4.2.3 熱退火對於奈米銀線奈米碳管混合薄膜的附著性質影響 78
4.2.4 熱退火對於奈米銀線奈米碳管混合薄膜的表面性質影響 83
4.2.5 熱退火對於奈米銀線奈米碳管混合薄膜的元素分析 99
4.3 添加透明黏著劑對於奈米銀線薄膜的影響 102
4.3.1 奈米銀線薄膜在添加透明黏著劑的電學及附著性質 102
4.3.2 奈米銀線薄膜在添加透明黏著劑的光學性質 103
4.3.3 奈米銀線薄膜在添加透明黏著劑的表面性質 104
第五章 結論與未來展望 107
5.1 結論 107
5.1.1 奈米碳管對奈米銀線薄膜影響 107
5.1.2 退火處理對奈米銀線碳管混合薄膜影響 108
5.1.3 添加透明黏著劑對奈米銀線合薄膜影響 108
5.2 未來展望 109
參考文獻 111
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