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研究生(外文):Tsai-Jung Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):The influence of social support networks on cognitive functions among community‐dwelling middle aged and elderly adults in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yi-Fang Chuang
外文關鍵詞:social networkssocial supportcognitive functioncommunity‐dwelling middle aged and elderly adults
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研究方法:本研究使用「中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」進行分析,以2003年、2007年及2011年第五波、第六波與第七波調查資料為主。研究對象為4898位社區的中老年人,研究樣本以2003年50歲以上的中老年人及2007年與2011年同一世代的追蹤樣本進行研究。依變項為簡易心智狀態問卷調查表(Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire,SPMSQ)。自變項為居住型態、情緒性支持、工具性支持及兄弟結妹、親友及鄰居的每週聯絡人數。以混合線性模型(linear mixed effects model) 統計分析社會支持網絡與認知功能改變之間的關係。

OBJECTIVES:As populations around the world with dementia increase rapidly, Alzheimer's Disease International(ADI) data shows that an average of one person suffers from dementia every 3 seconds.Similarly,the population of Taiwan are aging,patients with dementia increase continuously,additional memory decline and cognitive impairment are main symptoms of dementia, how to delay cognitive decline becomes an important issue. However, with the policy of promoting,among community‐dwelling middle aged and elderly adults the relationship between construction of social support networks and cognitive function is getting increasing attention Previous studies shows that the association between social support networks and cognitive function,but in Taiwan the relevant research mainly focued on the cross-sectional study,discussion of covers narrow on the aspect of social support networks,and study age groups also focued on the elderly aged 65 and over. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to explore the association between social support networks and changes in cognitive functions among community‐dwelling middle aged and elderly adults.

METHODS:The research utilizes analysis from Taiwan Longitudinal Study in Aging (TLSA) was conducted,with the fifth, sixth and seventh waves in 2003, 2007 and 2011 as survey data. The study objects comprised of 4,898 community‐dwelling middle aged and elderly adults,and study samples were middle aged and elderly adults over the age of 50 in 2003, and same cohort samples in 2007 and 2011 .Dependent variable was Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire(SPMSQ), independent variables were living arrangements, emotional support, instrumental support and person who had kept in touch weekly with siblings, relatives and neighbors or friends. The association between social support networks and changes in cognitive functions were applied in statistics analysis by linear mixed effects model.

RESULTS:For Living Arrangements, living with spouse and the study sample who lived with spouse and children had slower rate of decline in cognitive function compared with living with children or other relatives or living alone.Higher emotional support scores were associated with slower decline in cognitive function;higher instrumental support scores were associated with greater decline in cognitive function.For keeping in touch with siblings and neighbors or friends, person with more 1 who had kept in touch weekly with siblings were associated with slower decline in cognitive function; person with more 7 who had kept in touch weekly with neighbors or friends were associated with significantly slower decline in cognitive function.

CONCLUSIONS:For Living Arrangements,the two types of living with children or other relatives or living alone, their cognitive function scores fell rapidly. The result showed that higher emotional support scores were associated with slower decline in cognitive function;and the reverse of the result arrived at by instrumental support. In addition,the more people who contacts with siblings and neighbors or friends were associated with slower decline in cognitive function. Therefore, future study may be how to help entrance into community among community‐dwelling middle aged and elderly adults, maintain good social networks and social support, create the favorable social environment for middle aged and elderly adults,and arrive at prevention or defer in cognitive function that middle aged and elderly adults decline.
目 錄
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 VIII
附表目錄 VIII
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的及研究假說 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 社會支持網絡論述 4
第二節 中老年人的各別社會支持網絡跟認知功能關係 5
第三章 研究方法 7
第一節 研究架構 7
第二節 研究資料 7
第三節 研究對象 8
第四節 研究工具 9
第五節 資料處理與統計分析 12
第四章 研究結果 14
第一節 研究對象基本資料描述 14
第二節 個別社會支持網絡與認知功能改變之相關性 15
第五章 研究討論 20
第一節 主要研究結果 20
第二節 研究結果討論 20
第三節 研究優勢及限制 26
第六章 結論與建議 28
第一節 結論 28
第二節 建議 29
參考文獻 30
附錄A 54

表3.2研究年份(2003年、2007年、2011年)應訪案數、完訪案數、死亡案數及無法完成數之一覽表 8
表3.4.1 認知功能評估項目(擷取附錄A) 9
表3.4.2 情緒性支持評估項目(擷取附錄A) 10
表4.1 研究對象描述性資料 37
表4.2.1居住型態與認知功能改變之相關性 39
表4.2.2情緒性支持與認知功能改變之相關性 40
表4.2.3情緒性支持與認知功能改變之相關性 41
表4.2.4工具性支持與認知功能改變之相關性 42
表4.2.5工具性支持與認知功能改變之相關性 43
表4.2.6每週與兄弟姊妹聯絡人數與認知功能改變之相關性 44
表4.2.7每週與其他親戚聯絡人數與認知功能改變之相關性 45
表4.2.8每週與朋友鄰居聯絡人數與認知功能改變之相關性 46

圖4.2.1 居住型態與認知功能變化 47
圖4.2.2 情緒性支持與認知功能變化 47
圖4.2.3 工具性支持與認知功能變化 48
圖4.2.4 每週和兄弟姊妹聯絡人數與認知功能變化 48
圖4.2.5 每週和其他親戚聯絡人數與認知功能變化 49
圖4.2.6 每週和朋友鄰居聯絡人數與認知功能變化 49

附表1 社會支持網絡因子與認知功能分數之相關性 50
附表2 居住型態與認知功能分數遺漏值之分布 51
附表3 工具性支持分數與ADL、IADL之分析 52
附表4 2003、2007、2011遺漏值分布 53
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