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研究生(外文):Yi-Ju Liu
論文名稱(外文):Collecting information through time: The role of information lifespan and rate of information flow on decision making
指導教授(外文):Shih-Wei Wu
外文關鍵詞:decision makingopportunity costreaction timeevidence accumulationcost-benefit tradeoffleaky integration
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In many decisions we face, collecting more information is beneficial to making better choices but comes at a cost of time and energy that can otherwise be spent on alternative activities. An important question therefore is how to appropriately balance the cost and benefit associated with information collection. Previous research showed that – in decisions about such cost-benefit tradeoff – people tend to overweight the cost and as a result collect less information than they should. Here we investigated the impact of two important variables known to impact human performance – information lifespan and rate of information flow – on cost-benefit tradeoff decisions regarding information collection. We found that information lifespan affects cost-benefit tradeoff decisions without changing performance accuracy. By contrast, rate of information flow affects performance accuracy but not cost-benefit tradeoff decisions. These findings suggest that quality of cost-benefit tradeoff decision regarding information collection depends on working memory constraints imposed by information lifespan but not processing load imposed by rate of information flow.

中文摘要 i
Experiment design 4
Procedure 7
Session 1: fixed-reward task 7
Session 2: decreasing-reward task 8
Additional trials 9
Data analysis 9
Estimating the speed-accuracy tradeoff function 9
Nested hypothesis test 10
Optimal model for response time 11
Sample history analysis 12
Robust speed-accuracy tradeoff in performance 13
Information lifespan did not alter SAT 14
Rate of information flow 15
Interim summary 18
Overall improvement on performance in Session 2 19
Suboptimal cost-benefit tradeoff regarding information collection 20
Sample history analysis 25
Impact of information lifespan and rate of information flow 28
Optimal versus suboptimal decision time 31
Model comparisons for SAT functional forms 33
Implications to real-life decision making 34
Limitations 35

List of Figures

Figure 1. Schematic of experiment paradigms 5
Figure 2. Speed-accuracy tradeoff of all 6 experiments 13
Figure 3. Estimated speed-accuracy tradeoff (data from Session 1) 15
Figure 4. Speed-accuracy tradeoff of all 6 experiments in Session 2 17
Figure 5. Estimated speed-accuracy tradeoff (data from Session 2) 18
Figure 6. Comparison of SAT performance between sessions 19
Figure 7. An optimal model of RT that comparison between the optimal and actual RT in Session 2 20
Figure 8. Comparison between actual RT and optimal RT of all 6 experiments 21
Figure 9. Comparison between the actual RT and the optimal RT 22
Figure 10. Comparison between actual RT and optimal RT 23
Figure 11. Subjects’ performance in the space of sample size 24
Figure 12. Comparison between the actual RT and the optimal RT which combined the data from Session 1 and 2 to compute the optimal time 25
Figure 13. The estimated weights of past samples on choice are plotted over time 25
Figure 14. The estimated weights of sample on choice are plotted over time before subjects make a decision from Session 2 27
Figure A1. Comparison between functional form 1 and form 2 38
Figure A2. Comparison of single curve and independent curve for information lifespan 39
Figure A3. Comparison of single curve and independent curve for sampling rate 40
Figure A4. Comparison of single curve and independent curve for sample size 41
Figure A5. Comparison of SAT performance between sessions (SAT fitted with functional form 2) 42

List of Tables

Table 1. Experimental design. 6
Table 2. Six different time windows for each sampling rate (10, 20, 30Hz) 8
Table A1. Number of subjects who used the functional form 1 or form 2 to estimate SAT performance better than the other for each experiment 38

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