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論文名稱(外文):Effect of Creating Podcasts on Taiwanese Students’ English Speaking Skills in Higher Education
指導教授(外文):YEH, HUI-CHIN
外文關鍵詞:podcastmetacognitionspeaking performancefluencyaccuracy
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根據學生在TOEIC口語前後測的分數,將學生分為兩組,即高分群(HP)和低分群(LP)。為了分析學生在流利度和準確度方面的語言進步,通過Kormos and Denes(2004)提出的平均語流長度(MLR)和語速(SR)來衡量流利度,並通過Sachs and Polio(2007)提出的發音評量表和Colorado Boulder大學提出的發音規則error-free T-units來衡量準確度。結果發現,在課程中實施播客之後,所有學生的口語表現都得到了顯著改善。進一步研究,雖然在兩組間整理上都有進步,但低分群的平均語流長度和高分群的語速沒有顯著性的改善。其次,學生錄音的分析中發現,高分群的學生在播客的最終版本中比低分群中修正更多的錯誤。第三,使用Podcast回饋表中,學生認為製作播客有助於學習自主,提高自信和對錯誤的認識。他們還討論了計劃期間的挑戰以及解決方案,大多數是使用網路搜尋相關資訊或尋求他人的幫助解決困難。相關之教育啟示亦於本研究一併作探討。


Due to globalization, speaking is becoming an increasingly important area of research. However, speaking for most English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students is still insufficient. Many researchers have been looking at the use of podcasts in English learning. To expand upon the recent growth of literature on creating podcasts to enhance student’s speaking performance, this study aimed to explore Taiwanese students’ English-speaking learning progress, learning process, and perceptions of creating their own podcast episodes. Seventy-seventy non-English major university freshmen were required to practice English speaking by creating a series of podcasts over a six-week period. The collected data included the students’ scores on their TOEIC speaking pre-test and post-test, podcast recordings, evaluation sheets, and reflective essays. Based on their score improvement between the pre-test and post-test, the students were classified into two groups, high proficiency (HP) and low proficiency (LP) groups. The findings showed that all students had significant progress in speaking performance. In addition, the HP group made more corrections in their final podcasts than the LP group. Lastly, creating podcasts increased the students’ learner autonomy, self-confidence and awareness of their mistakes. Pedagogical implications of the study are also discussed.

Keywords: podcast, metacognition, speaking performance, fluency, accuracy

摘要 i
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions 6
1.3 Significance of the Study 6
2.1 Speaking Difficulties of EFL Students 8
2.2 Metacognition as the Theoretical Framework 9
2.3 Podcast 10
2.3.1 Definition of Podcast 11
2.3.2 Benefits of Podcasts as a Learning Tool 11
2.4 Podcasts in English Learning 12
3.1 Participants 17
3.2 Research Procedure 18
3.2.1 Tasks in the Planning Stage 20
3.2.2 Tasks in the Monitoring Stage 21
3.2.3 Tasks in the Evaluating Stage 21
3.2.4 Tasks in the Revising Stage 21
3.4 Data Collection 22
3.4.1 Pre and Post TOEIC Speaking Test 23
3.4.2 Students’ Podcast Recordings and Peer and Self-reflection Sheets 23
3.4.5 Reflective Essays 24
3.5 Data Analysis 25
3.5.1 Measurement of Speaking Fluency 26
3.5.2 Measurement of Speaking Accuracy 27
4.1 What progress in speaking fluency and accuracy did students make in their podcast episodes? 29
4.1.1 TOEIC Speaking Pre-test and Post-test 29
4.1.2 Pre-test and Post-test Regarding English Fluency 30
4.1.3 Pre-test and Post-test Regarding English Accuracy 33
4.2 What changes did students make in their podcast episodes? 35
4.2.1 Student 1’s Speaking Improvement in the 6-week study 35
4.2.2 Student 2’s Speaking Improvement in the 6-week study 38
4.2.3 The comparison between S1’s and S2’s speaking improvements 39
4.3 What were students’ perceptions while creating podcast episodes? 41
4.3.1 Students’ Perceived Benefits of Creating Podcasts 42
4.3.2 Students’ Difficulties in Creating Podcasts 43
4.3.3 Students’ Solutions to the Difficulties in Podcast Creating 44
4.3.4 Students’ Suggestions on Improving the Use of Creating Podcast Episodes 46
5.1 Discussion of the Results 49
RQ1: What progress in speaking fluency and accuracy did students make in their podcast episodes? 49
RQ2: What changes did students make in their podcast episodes? 50
RQ3: What were students’ perceptions while creating podcast episodes? 51
5.2 Pedagogical Implications 53
5.3 Limitations of the Study 54
5.4 Suggestions for Future Research 55
Appendix A Peer-feedback Sheet 67
Appendix B Self-reflection Sheet 68
Appendix C Perceived Benefits and Challenge Reflection Essays 69

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