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論文名稱(外文):Dosimetric Measurement of Photosensitive Soft Materials by 3D Printing Technology in High-energy Photon Radiation
指導教授(外文):HSIAO, WEN-TIEN
外文關鍵詞:3D printingBolusPhotosensitive MaterialMulti-jet ModellingOSLD
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近年來生醫材料發展迅速,結合3D列印技術應用於放射治療領域,如組織填充物聚乳酸(Poly Lactic Acid, PLA)、近接治療固定裝置及醫學物理假體亦越趨普及。本研究在現行臨床使用組織填充物可提升表面劑量特性目的下,尋找可更加伏貼組織表面之替代組織填充物軟性材質。
使用感光樹酯材料噴塗成型(material-jetting) 3D列印技術,分製3塊相同大小(100 mm × 100 mm × 5 mm),不同密度(1.12 ~ 1.13 g/cm3) 組織填充物,以光激發光劑量計(Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter, OSLD)進行表面輻射劑量度量,分析不同組織填充物劑量特性並與臨床使用之商業化組織填充物做比較。研究結果顯示,同組織填充物以中心為主與周遭四點相互比較的ANOVA統計結果顯示p<0.05;在不同組織填充物於各量測點間相互比較的ANOVA統計結果也顯示p<0.05,皆具統計意義。組織填充物使用空氣與水做為間隙介質,其劑量結果顯示在不同介質下與臨床現象一致。藉由ANOVA統計結果的呈現,顯示3D列印組織填充物材質均勻度與商業化組織填充物具有一致性,且使用感光樹酯軟性材質的3D列印組織填充物與臨床使用之商業化組織填充物皆具有相似劑量分佈特徵。透過相對百分劑量比值分佈圖看出感光樹酯軟性材質在不同介質中分佈較一致且穩定,而材料成品柔軟度也可方便在不同的治療部位運用。

In recent years, biomedical materials have developed rapidly, combined with 3D printing technology to be used in the field of radiotherapy, such as tissue filling polylactic acid (PLA), brachytherapy fixation devices and medical physics prostheses.
In this study, under the purpose of improving the surface dose characteristics of the current clinical use of tissue fillers, we are looking for alternative soft materials for tissue fillers. Use photosensitive resin material spray molding (material-jetting) 3D printing technology application, divided into 3 pieces of the same size (100 mm × 100 mm × 5 mm), different density (1.12 ~ 1.13 g/cm3) tissue filler, and Use Optically Stimulated. Luminescence Dosimeter (OSLD) to measure surface dose radiation, analyze the physical and dose characteristics of different tissue filler samples and compare them with commercially available tissue fillers in clinical use. The results showed that the ANOVA statistical results of the comparison of the same tissue fillers with the center as the center and the surrounding four points showed p<0.05; the ANOVA statistical results of the comparison between the different tissue fillers at each measurement point also showed p<0.05. In addition, air and water are used as interstitial media, and the dosage results are discussed. The dosage characteristics under different media are also consistent with clinical use. The statistical results of ANOVA show that the uniformity of the 3D printed tissue fillers is consistent with that of commercially available tissue fillers, and the 3D printed tissue fillers using photosensitive resin soft materials are used in clinical applications. All substances have similar dose distribution characteristics. From the relative percentage dose ratio distribution diagram, it can be seen that the soft material of photosensitive resin is more consistent and stable in different media, and the softness of the finished material can also be conveniently used in different treatment sites.

誌 謝
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.1.1 背景
1.1.2 癌症的起因
1.1.3 癌症的治療
1.2 研究動機
1.3 研究目的
1.4 文獻回顧
1.5 論文架構
第二章 理論基礎
2.1 放射治療
2.1.1 原理
2.1.2 常使用於射束修正的裝置
2.2 三維列印
2.2.1 起源與原理
2.2.2 三維列印的流程
2.2.3 三維掃瞄成像
2.2.4 三維列印技術方法與原理介紹
2.3 光激發光劑量計
2.3.1 光激發光劑量計原理
2.3.2 光激發光劑量計計讀系統microStar原理
2.3.3 OSLD劑量量測系統技術的特性
第三章 材料與方法
3.1 實驗設備
3.1.1 游離腔
3.1.2 固態水假體
3.1.3 直線加速器
3.1.4 三維印表機
3.1.5 三維列印材料
3.1.6 光激發光劑量計
3.1.7 Microstar計讀器
3.1.8 統計分析
3.2 實驗流程圖
3.3 實驗方法
3.3.1 列印組織填充物實驗樣本
3.3.2 電腦斷層掃瞄
3.3.3 直線加速器的校正
3.3.4 模擬校正狀態下量測
3.3.5 模擬臨床治療狀況下量測
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 組織填充物之物理特性
4.1.1 物理密度的結果與討論
4.1.2 CT值的討論
4.2 組織填充物之劑量特性
4.2.1 量測不同組織填充物數據的結果與討論
4.2.2 劑量均勻度的比較與討論
4.2.3 空氣間隙對表面劑量的結果與討論
4.2.4 物質填補空氣間隙對表面劑量的影響討論
第五章 結論
5.1 結論
5.2 未來展望

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