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研究生(外文):Chung, Meng-Chih
論文名稱(外文):The Fabrication of Carbon Quantum dots via Ball-milling Technique and its Application in Bio-imaging
指導教授(外文):Li, Yuan-Yao
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ching-YiWu, Wen-Chung
外文關鍵詞:carbon quantum dotball millingconductive carbon blacksodium carbonateBio-imaging
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本研究以乾式球磨法及助研磨劑碳酸鈉製備碳量子點(Carbon quantum dots, CQDs),碳源的選擇導電碳黑(KJ),有著優異的特性,其粒徑小且呈球形的外貌,使其更容易製備出碳量子點。
本研究所製備碳量子點的粒徑約為3 nm,當激發光源波長為320 nm時,在激發光波長430 nm會有強度最強的藍綠色螢光,其螢光量子產率約為2.23 %。碳量子點經過透析後,鈉的含量僅剩0.7 %,在以海拉癌細胞(HeLa cells)進行毒性檢測時,得知碳量子點在200 μg / ml濃度下,HeLa cells仍有超過90 %的存活率,在365 nm紫外光下可以看到綠光的細胞輪廓。

We report a cost-effective ball-milling method for producing CQDs using a mixture of conductive carbon black (KJ) as the carbon source and sodium carbonate as an abrasive. The results show that the proposed exfoliation method produces CQDs with diameters 3 nm. When using 320 nm ultraviolet light, there will be a maxima blue light at 430 nm. The quantum yield is about 2.23 %. After dialysis, the CQDs only retain about 0.7 %. CQDs is low toxicity to HeLa cancer cells, with a survival rate of more than 90% at a concentration of 200 μg/ml. Because carbon quantum dots have the characteristics of stable light emission, small particle size and low toxicity, they are suitable for use in the visualization of biological cells.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
第一章、緒論 1
第二章、實驗方法 4
第三章、結果與討論 11
第四章、結論 24
參考文獻 25
附錄 30

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