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論文名稱(外文):The impact of changes in odd-lot trading on Security Market Transaction Quality
外文關鍵詞:Odd-lot TradingTransaction Quality in Security MarketBid-Ask SpreadMarket DepthVolatility
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:320
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This research is to discuss whether odd-lot trading changes will effect on security market transaction quality. Research samples used listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange . Empirical research on market quality changes three months before and after odd-lot trading event day. This research uses liquidity to analyze market quality ,liquidity indicators including bid-ask spreads, market depth, and volatility. Use the above three substitution variables to measure market quality, and control the market variables for regression analysis and discuss the correlation between variables and the quality of market transactions. The results show that after start odd-lot trading ,the bid-ask spread and volatility decreased, market depth increased. Thence, it is judged that improving the convenience of odd-lot trading and rejuvenating the capital market will help improve the quality of securities market transactions.
壹 前言
貳 文獻探討
一、 零股交易
二、 證券市場交易品質
三、 研究假設
參 研究樣本與方法
一、 研究樣本
二、 研究方法
肆 實證結果
一、 敘述統計結果
二、 相關係數統計結果
三、 實行盤中零股交易制度與買賣價差(Spread)實證結果
四、 實行盤中零股交易制度與市場深度(Depth)實證結果
五、 實行盤中零股交易制度與波動性(Volatility)實證結果
伍、 結論


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