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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Welding Methods and Welding Bead Factor Analysis on Seam Steel Pipe
指導教授(外文):Jiunn-Long Shih
口試委員(外文):Jiunn-Long ShihTsung-Hsiang KuoTSENG,LI-WEI
外文關鍵詞:Seam Steel PipeWeld Bead QualityKey Factor Analysis
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The stainless steel pipe manufacturing process is to roll metal sheet materials of different thicknesses into round pipes. The joints are then welded by automatic welding equipment. The welding methods used include gas tungsten arc welding and plasma welding, laser welding and submerged arc welding, the welding factors include the chemical composition of the alloy, the welding process, the surface treatment, the choice of filler metal and the use of shielding gas, etc., so set the appropriate weld Geometry and welding parameters are of utmost importance. It is also possible to use two welding methods to weld at the same time, or to weld the inside and outside of the plate weld at the same time to increase the permeability of the round pipe weld bead to obtain better welding quality.
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the welding method, welding parameters and the quality of the weld bead of stainless steel pipes, to investigate the mechanical properties of the weld bead, the metallographic structure, and the use of non-destructive X-ray analysis and fluorescent flaw detection methods for inspection, detection of stainless steel weld bead pores, flashovers, droplets, jagged, seams, scratches and secondary penetration and other defects and their main causes analysis, targeting personnel, equipment, materials, and methods To find out the cause of the weld bead problem can the base material and weld bead obtain good strength and mechanical properties, and improve the welding yield and quality of the stainless steel pipe.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究方法 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 不鏽鋼材料介紹 6
2.2 焊接方法及參數 9
2.2-1 遮護金屬電弧銲 13
2.2-2 電阻點銲 14
2.2-3 鎢極氣體保護電弧銲 15
2.2-4 鎢電極棒 16
2.3 電漿電弧銲 17
2.4 潛弧銲 18
2.5 雷射銲 19
2-6 保護氣體 21
2-7 焊接製程 22
2.8 焊道瑕疵 24
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 27
3.1 使用材料 27
3.2 管材成形 27
3.3 銲道前處理及預點銲 28
3.4 利用自動焊接機銲線 28
3.5 銲道測試 35
3.6 彎曲試驗 39
3.7 壓扁試驗 40
3.8 液滲檢測 42
3.9 射線檢測原理 43
第四章 結果與討論 45
4.1 焊道缺陷原因分析表 45
4.2 焊道缺陷要因分析 46
4.2-1 內焊道鋸齒狀垂滴要因分析 46
4.2-2 偏焊、跳火、斷焊及高低對接原因 48
4.2-3 開機不良(修補垂滴)要因分析 50
4.3 鋸齒狀焊道 52
4.4 焊道缺陷原因 55
第五章 結論 60
參考文獻 62

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