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研究生:Thi-Xuan-Dieu, Nguyen
研究生(外文):Thi-Xuan-Dieu, Nguyen
論文名稱:Effects of Tai Chi and Argentine Tango on Dynamic Functional Activities in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Tai Chi and Argentine Tango on Dynamic Functional Activities in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
指導教授(外文):Mei-Ying Kuo
中文關鍵詞:Parkinson’s diseaseTai ChiArgentine Tangosystematic reviewmeta-analysis
外文關鍵詞:Parkinson’s diseaseTai ChiArgentine Tangosystematic reviewmeta-analysis
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1.1 Background 1
1.2 The problem statement 3
1.3 The research question 3
1.4 Significance of the research 3
2.1 Parkinson’s disease 4
2.2 Dynamic functional activities in PD 5
2.3 Tai chi and Argentine Tango 9
3.1 Protocol and registration 11
3.2 Search strategy 11
3.3 Selection criteria 11
3.4 Data extraction 12
3.5 Data synthesis 12
3.6 Quality assessment 13
4.1 Search results 14
4.2 Study characteristics 14
4.3 Study quality 15
4.4 Effects of Tai Chi and Argentine Tango 25
Chapter 5: Discussion 29
Chapter 6: Conclusion 33

Figure 2. 1 Factors contribute to dynamic functional activities in PD 6
Figure 2. 2 Six impaired balance domains in PD 7
Figure 4. 1 Flow chart of the study selection process 16
Figure 4. 3 Forest plot for Berg balance scale (BBS) 25
Figure 4. 4 Forest plot for 6-minute walk test (6MWT) 26
Figure 4. 5 Forest plot for timed up and go (TUG) 27
Figure 4. 6 Funnel of effect size (Hedges’ g) 28

Table 4. 1 Characteristic of all included studies: Participants 17
Table 4. 2 Characteristics of all included studies: Interventions 18
Table 4. 3 Characteristics of all included studies: Outcome measurements 20
Table 4. 4 PEDro scale of quality for included studies 24
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