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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Lun Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The exploration of the daily life online applications for elderly patients with cognitive impairment and their caregivers:A qualitative analysis of internet programs.
指導教授(外文):Wei-Fen Ma
外文關鍵詞:cognitive disordercaregiverapplications
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研究目的: 本研究目的主要探討目前網路世界中,國內外針對老年認知障礙者與其照顧者,可免費使用及下載的日常生活應用程式(App)進行探索,以了解現況老年認知障礙者與照顧者,相關應用程式介面架構、應用程式介面內容屬性之趨勢,與哪些應用程式介面內容可共同執行,以作為臨床專業人員日後發展台灣版老年認知障礙與照顧者日常生活應用程式之參考。

研究方法:本研究採用描述性質性研究法,以Android手機之Google Play、Apple手機之App Store、Google網頁搜尋,針對國內外使用繁體中文的老年認知障礙與照顧者應用程式為收案對象,並進行相關應用程式搜尋,共收集86個應用程式。其收案條件包含以下五項,以存在於Android手機之Google Play商店、手機之App Store與Google網頁來源且可提通免費下載使用、針對認知障礙疾病相關之日常生活主題的應用程式、對象是以老年認知障礙為主題之病患或照顧者(含醫療人員)、數位應用程式軟體可以免費下載與免費使用及以繁體中文為主或雖是英文版本但直接GOOGLE翻譯成為繁體中文具有通順與容易瞭解者。排除條件為沒有更新的發佈日期或最新更新日期在2016年前、需收費才能下載、若主題名稱與搜尋關鍵字為認知障礙,但數位應用程式內容非失智疾病相關則排除。無註明製造機構來源、即使下載成功,但是整份資料無法順利完全開啟。

研究結果:研究結果顯示,86個APP當中,其中42個(48.8%)同時具Internet網頁平台線上之功能。製造的國家分別來自20個國家,當中以美國為最多27(31.4%)、次之為台灣11(12.7%)。86個線上數位應用程式資料,介面層次總數以三層為居多30(34.9%),內容最多達26個類別,當中多數層次內容類別與失智主題為居多,主軸清楚有85個(98.8%),當中線上數位應用程式具互動性有26個(30.2%)。版面清楚為居高84(97.7%),次之為簡潔有力83(96.5%),與顯目82(95.3%)。應用程式架構類型主要可分為認知障礙患者、照顧者及評估檢測。整體而言,手機應用程式等級量表(using the Mobile Application Rating Scale,

Background: Most patients with cognitive impairment live in the community. Their caregivers are often their family members. In recent years, increasing digital applications have been developed for these patiens and their family. However, whether the content and user inferface of these applications really meet the needs of dementia care remains unclear.

Purpose: This study aims to exploare these online applications (Apps) for elderly patients with cognitive impairment and their caregivers. We focus on the Apps which can be freely downloaded and their goals are to assist patients with cognitive deficits and their family caregivers. We evaluate the user interface structure, content characteristics, and their future potential trends. Our findings will benefit the development of Apps for these specific population in Taiwan in the near future.

Method: In this research, we adopted a descriptive research method. We searched Apps on Android mobile phone Google Play store, Apple mobile phone App Store, and Google web search. These Apps using traditional Chinese for the elderly with cognitive impairment and caregiver applications were included. The included creteria were: (a) applications that exist in the Google Play store on Android phones, the App Store on mobile phones, or Google webpages and can be downloaded for free, (b) targeted at the daily life topics related to cognitive impairment, (c) for patients or caregivers (including medical staff), (d) digital applications about cognitive impairment in the elderly can be downloaded for free, and (e) traditional Chinese content or English content can be automaticaly translated into traditional Chinese by Google. The exclusion criteria were (a) without update or the latest update date is before 2016, (b) the download is required for a fee, (c) the content of the digital application is not related to dementia, (d) without specifying the source of the manufacturing organization, (e) cannot be opened smoothly and completely. We used the Mobile Application Rating Scale (uMARS) to evaluate the Apps.

Results: Finally, a total of 86 applications were collected. 42 of 86 (48.8%) have the online function of the Internet web platform. The manufacturing countries come from 20 countries, of which the United States is the largest with 27 (31.4%), followed by Taiwan with 11 (12.7%). Among 86 online digital application data, the total number of interface levels is mostly 30 (34.9%), and the content reaches 22 categories. Dementia is the major the theme [ 53 (61.6%)]. The main axis is clearly 85 (98.8%). Among them, 26 online digital applications are interactive (30.2%). The clear layout is the highest at 84 (97.7%), followed by the concise and powerful 83 (96.5%), and the conspicuous 82 (95.3%). Application framework types can be divided into cognitively impaired patients, caregivers, and assessments. Overall Apps showed an overall average score of 2.6 points on uMARS, which is close to general Apps. The theme menu is clearly 81 (94.2%), followed by 78 (90.7%) with appropriate layout, and the third is 71 (82.6%) with clear information.

Conclusions and clinical implication: Our findings showed that Apps for patients with cognitive impairment and their family caregivers provided adquate assistance inspite of some disadvantages. These outcomes may be used to develop better Apps in Taiwan to meet the needs of the elderly with cognitive impairment and carers’daily life.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 v
目錄 vii
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究動機及背景 1
第二節、研究問題 3
第三節、解釋名詞 4
第四節、研究目的 6
第二章、文獻查證 7
第一節、台灣老年人口與在地老化 7
第二節、老年認知障礙 12
第三節、家屬照顧失智症負擔與壓力 16
第四節、老年認知障礙與照顧者數位活動應用現況 19
第三章、研究方法 23
第一節、研究設計 23
第二節、研究對象 23
第三節、研究工具 25
第四節、資料收集 26
第五節、資料分析 27
第六節、研究嚴謹度 28
第七節、研究倫理考量 30
第四章、研究結果 31
第一節、線上數位應用程式資料基本屬性分析結果 31
第二節、手機應用程式等級量表分析結果 36
第三節、線上數位應用程式各層次介面分析結果 41
第四節、線上數位應用程式整體分析結果 50
第五章、討論 58
第六章、結論與建議 72
第一節、結論 72
第二節、研究限制 74
第三節、研究建議 76
參考文獻 78
中文部份 78
英文部份 82
附錄3.7.1 90
附錄一、專家審查表 92
附錄二、線上數位應用程式基本資料表 93
附錄三、線上數位應用程式介面數量與ICON圖示描述一覽表 108
附錄四、手機應用程式等級量表((using the Mobile Application Rating Scale,uMARS) 118
附錄4.3.1、第一層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 128
附錄4.3.2、第二層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 141
附錄4.3.3、第三層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 159
附錄4.3.4、第四層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 175
附錄4.3.5、第五層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 181
附錄4.3.6、第六層至第七層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 185
附錄4.3.7、第八層至第十層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 189
附錄4.3.8、第十一層至第二十一層次評估詳細分析內容及優缺點 192
附錄4.4.1、線上數位應用程式整體功能與應用範圍 196
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