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論文名稱(外文):The Internet of Vehicle Forensics : A Case Study of The In-Vehicle Infotainment System
外文關鍵詞:Internet of Vehicle (IoV)anti-forensicsIVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment)
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關鍵詞:車聯網、反鑑識、車載娛樂系統(In-Vehicle Infotainment,IVI)

The new generation of car functions has evolved into mobile computer devices. The car as a mobile computer, the function is from a vehicle to a smart phone equipped with tires. Then the traditional method of using vehicles as a criminal tool, the suspect destruct the evidence by wiping fingerprints or destroy the relevant trace evidence of remaining in the vehicle. As the vehicle has IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment), via the GPS system, media player device and APP function to achieve driving convenience. Therefore, mobile phone and laptops can be connected to various APP devices by Bluetooth and Wi-Fi also further implement the data traffic with Infotainment. Data is saved on these built-in devices, and this residual data reflects driving activities and potential personal messages, the suspect recognizes that these data may become evidence of the value which contained in his crime, so the way of destroy the evidence has evolved from the destruction of the trace evidence to the physical or logical way at destroy the remaining data in the Infotainment. Furthermore, self-driving cars will become a trend in the future, and vehicles will become criminal tools, such as terrorists using self-driving cars to attack large gatherings. In-vehicle data can be used to explain crime and make up for the insufficiency of traditional biomarker evidence. The main purpose of this study is to propose a forensics strategy, explain the suspects may destroy vehicle data, and provide a set of Internet of Vehicle (IoV) forensic standard procedures to assist frontline law enforcement personnel identify the evidence value of In-Vehicle data, also assuming while criminal tried to deliberately use physical and logical methods to destroy the digital evidence in the Infotainment then how to restore data
Keywords: Internet of Vehicle (IoV), anti-forensics, IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment)

誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與研究限制 3
1.4 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻綜覽及基礎背景知識 5
2.1 車聯網 5
2.1.1 V2V 通訊方法 6
2.1.2 DSRC特徵及用途 7
2.1.3 DSRC 車輛追蹤 8
2.1.4 PKI的安全措施 9
2.2 車載內部網路定義及架構 12
2.2.1 CAN匯流排 14
2.2.2 MOST 協定 15
2.3 車載診斷系統 16
2.3.1 OBD-II 17
2.3.2 OBD-III 18
2.3.3 OBD-II故障診斷代碼 18
2.3.4事件日誌記錄 19
2.4 車載娛樂系統(In-Vehicle-Infotainment,IVI) 21
2.4.1識別車載娛樂系統類型 22
2.4.2常見系統偵錯改造方法 23
2.4.3 APP 和外掛程式 24
2.4.4常見攻擊方式 25
2.5 Android系統概述 27
2.6 數位鑑識取證模型 30
2.7 行動裝置鑑識與傳統電腦鑑識比較 31
第三章 車聯網鑑識現行困難與挑戰 34
3.1 車聯網鑑識實務取證挑戰如下: 34
3.1.1汽車取證的安全和隱私 35
3.1.2實務車載資料取證常見問題 35
3.2 文獻汽車數據取證方式 36
3.2.1車聯網取證方法 36
3.2.2車聯網鑑識偵查模型架構—以iVe為例 37
3.2.3以福特(Focus/Fiesta)為例使用Berla iVe所擷取數據類型 38
第四章 車聯網鑑識解決方案 40
4.1 車載數據鑑識過程 40
4.1.1識別 40
4.1.2獲得數據 40
4.1.3分析 40
4.2 解決方案 41
4.3 車聯網鑑識與傳統數位鑑識異同 44
4.3.1辨識、收集車聯網中車載數據 44
4.3.2比對與個化車載數據 44
4.3.3歸責對象 44
4.3.4資料授權權限 45
4.3.5車載數據隱私 45
第五章 實驗設計與模擬案例 47
5.1 車載娛樂系統實驗目的與模擬案例 47
5.1.1檔案系統結構 49
5.1.2刪除網站搜尋紀錄 52
5.1.3刪除車行軌跡 53
5.1.4日曆備忘錄之載客記錄 55
5.1.5Wi-Fi熱點連結紀錄 56
5.1.6藍牙連線紀錄 56
5.1.7 Garmin Nuvi4695特殊功能證據價值 57
5.1.8 其他車載數據證據價值 58
5.2 OBD-II系統證據價值探討 60
第六章 結論與未來展望 68
參考文獻 69

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