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論文名稱:貼附各類物件上的 UHF RFID TAG 標籤天線設計
論文名稱(外文):UHF RFID Tag Antenna Design for Attachment to Various Objects
指導教授(外文):Chow-Yen-Desmond Sim
口試委員(外文):Chih-Chiang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Radio Frequency IdentificationTag antennaDipole antennaPatch antenna
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本論文的主要研究方向是 RFID 標籤天線之設計,且所設計之標籤天線能夠貼附在不同材質的商品上並能維持一定的讀取距離。首先提出的是一結構簡單且容易調整的偶極貼片天線。提出天線一的整體大小為 40 mm × 50 mm × 1.6 mm,透過調整中間的T-matching結構,可以很容易的調整頻率來達到操作在各國不同的頻帶需求。提出天線一之 3-dB 實測阻抗頻寬為 49 MHz (882 - 931 MHz),可以完全含蓋台灣地區的UHF RFID (922–928 MHz)的操作頻帶。在有效全向輻射功率(EIRP)為 2.63 W 時,提出天線在自由空間下所量測到的最大讀取距離約為 10.3 公尺。提出天線一在貼附於一個塑膠寶特瓶以及一厚紙盒上皆呈現良好的量測讀取距離,分別為9.7公尺以及9.6公尺。
提出天線二為一支使用聚醯亞胺軟板所製作的標籤天線,藉由調整中央的細線,使其與晶片達到良好的阻抗匹配。提出天線二的整體尺寸為42 mm × 42 mm × 0.063 mm,其3-dB 模擬阻抗頻寬為 60 MHz (900– 960 MHz),可以操作在北美(902–928 MHz)以及台灣地區(922–928 MHz)的UHF RFID操作頻帶。在有效全向輻射功率(EIRP)為2.63 W時,提出天線在自由空間所量測到的最大讀取距離為6.4公尺。提出天線二在貼附於一個塑膠寶特瓶以及一厚紙盒上皆呈現良好的量測讀取距離,分別為8.5公尺以及8.4公尺。

This Thesis proposes two different types of ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna. The two designed antennas are suitable for attaching to various objects. The proposed tag Antenna I is a simple dipole structure, and by adjusting the middle T-matching, it can lead to ease of adjusting the required UHF RFID band. The Antenna I has an overall size of 40 mm × 50 mm × 1.6 mm. The measured 3-dB impedance bandwidth of Antenna I was approximately 49 MHz (882–931 MHz), and it can cover the Taiwan RFID bandwidth requirement (922–928 MHz). The measured maximum reading range of proposed Antenna I was about 10.3 m at 2.63 W EIRP radiation power. Its corresponding reading ranges when attaching to a plastic bottle and a thick paper box were 9.7 m and 9.6 m, respectively.
In response to the development of unmanned stores, allowing a flexible tag antenna to attach to products of different materials is a vital topic for RFID applications. The proposed tag Antenna II is designed on a thin and flexible polyimide. By adjusting the thin line in the center of the antenna structure, it can achieve good impedance matching with the tag chip. The overall size of proposed Antenna II is 42 mm × 42 mm × 0.063 mm. The simulated 3-dB impedance bandwidth of propose Antenna II was approximately 60 MHz (900–960 MHz). The measured maximum reading range was about 6.4 m at 2.63 W EIRP radiation power. Furthermore, the proposed Antenna II was attached to a plastic bottle and a thick paper box. From the measurement, the proposed Antenna II can also yield very good reading distance of 8.5 m and 8.4 m, respectively.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
縮寫及符號對照表 ix
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻探討 3
1.3 章節大綱 4
第二章 偶極貼片之超高頻RFID標籤天線設計 5
2.1天線結構 5
2.2天線模擬實測結果與討論 7
2.2.1 天線一模擬與實測表現 7
2.2.2參數L1之影響分析 10
2.2.3 參數L2之影響分析 12
2.2.4 天線一之模擬幅射場型 14
2.3天線之讀取距離量測 15
第三章 偶極貼片之超高頻RFID標籤天線 19
3.1天線結構 19
3.2天線模擬實測結果與討論 21
3.2.1 天線二模擬與實測表現 21
3.2.2 參數a之影響分析 23
3.2.3 參數b之影響分析 25
3.2.4 天線二之模擬場型 28
3.3 天線之讀取距離量測 29
第四章 結論 33
參考文獻 34
附錄A Bazooka Balun設計以及標籤天線輸入阻抗量測 39
附錄B 提出天線之額外量測 41

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