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研究生(外文):Lu, Hsueh-Tsung
論文名稱(外文):Ecological Study of Tripartita formosana on The Secondary Host Plant, Margaritaria indica
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chuan-Chan
口試委員(外文):Hou, Ai-LingHsu, Chung-Pin
外文關鍵詞:Tripartita formosanaMargaritaria indicaPathenogenesisaleyrodiform nymph
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台灣三節角扁蚜(Tripartita formosana Yeh)是一種已知會在蚊母樹(Distylium racemosum)葉片上形成卵圓形蟲癭的半翅目蚜蟲。本研究發現,台灣三節角扁蚜除了會在蚊母樹上造癭外,也會在大戟科植物紫黃(Margaritaria indica) 上製造女巫帽狀的蟲癭。為瞭解台灣三節角扁蚜在紫黃上的生態表現及季節變化,在2016年7月到2017年7月間針對五株位於新北市文山國中校園內的紫黃進行採樣及觀察,記錄台灣三節角扁蚜的族群數量變化及寄主植物的物候。結果發現,不同於蚊母樹葉片上的蟲癭內部是由一隻雌性成蟲及許多蚜蟲若蟲所構成,紫黃葉片上的蟲癭內只有一隻雌性成蟲。針對蚜蟲的採樣調查則發現,在紫黃葉片上除造癭蚜蟲外,經常會有兩種不同型態的蚜蟲若蟲同時出現在同一片葉片上。一種為體型橢圓腳較短的粉蝨型個體,另一種為體型和腳都較細長的一般型蚜蟲個體。除此之外,造癭雌蟲、粉蝨型個體及一般型蚜蟲個體的數量都隨時間有相同的變化趨勢。為確認粉蝨型及一般型這兩種若蟲個體是否為造癭雌蟲所產下的後代,我們將採樣所獲得的蟲癭利用恆溫箱培養持續觀察,結果證實台灣三節角扁蚜在紫黃上的造癭雌蟲能同時產下粉蝨型及一般型的蚜蟲後代。針對寄主紫黃的物候變化則發現,紫黃會在四月份完全落葉,並在一年中除了完全落葉後,也會多次不定時長出新枝芽。由蚜蟲的形態推測,粉蝨型的個體未來應該發育為造癭蚜蟲,而一般型蚜蟲應該發育成為有翅型的分散個體。由紫黃能不定時長新芽的現象來推論,造癭雌蟲能利用持續產下粉蝨型造癭蚜蟲的特性,使其族群既使在缺乏原生寄主植物的情況下也能順利存續。
Tripartita formosana Yeh is an aphid belonging to Hemiptera. It can induce spindle-shaped galls on Distylium racemosum. Through our study, we found that T. formosana can induce galls not only on leaves of D. racemosum, but also on Margaritaria indica, where the galls resembling witch’s hats. In order to understand the ecology and seasonal dynamics of T. formosana on M. indica, we conducted an one-year lasting field sampling and observation from July 2016 to July 2017 at Wen Shan Junior High School, Xindian Dist., New Taipei City, to record population dynamics of T. formosana and phenology of M. indica. We found that different from those on leaves of D. racemosum with a galling female and many nymphs in a single gall, only one aphid, i.e. the galling female, can live within a gall on leaves of M. indica. According to our observation, we also found two forms of nymphs feeding actively on leaf surface in addition to galling females; one is an aleyrodiform nymph with oval body shape and short legs, and the other one is a normal aphid form nymph with elongated body shape and long legs. Furthermore, the number of galling females, aleyrodiform nymphs and normal form nymphs revealed the same dynamic trend over the time. To confirm if these two forms of nymphs were produced by the galling female, we kept galled leaves in an incubator and continuously observed the reproductive behavior of galling females. The results showed that T. formosana can produce both forms of nymphs one leaves of M. indica. The phenology of the host plant revealed that its leaves completely fall in April and budburst followed shortly after leaf falling. Shooting with new growing leaves not only occurred on April, but also several times around a year. Inferred from the morphology of nymphs, an aleyrodiform nymph will become a galling female while a normal form nymph will become a winged adult. As growing leaves are critical for the initiation of gall formation and M. indica can provide growing leaves as galling sites several times a year, the ability of galling females to produce aleyrodiform nymphs all the time is in favor of the species to survive without the existence of their primary host plant in the same place.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 v
附錄目錄 viii
前言 1
研究目的 4
材料與方法 5
採樣地點、時間及方法 5
植物的物候變化 5
蚜蟲的族群動態調查 6
恆溫生長箱中造癭蚜蟲產子現象觀察 7
統計分析 8
結果 9
紫黃上蚜蟲觀察結果 9
紫黃的物候與蟲癭數量的季節變化 9
蟲癭大小與蟲癭密度間的關係 12
蟲癭飼養實驗 12
討論 17
參考文獻 22
圖表 24
附錄 46
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