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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsuan Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Study of the effects of the magnesium and aluminum additions on the corrosion resistance of the hot-dip galvanized products under the acidic environment
指導教授(外文):Huei-Sen WangHou-Guang Chen
口試委員(外文):Sheng-Chin Lin
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本研究以三種未經表面處理、不同鍍層厚度且不同鎂鋁含量之熱浸鍍鋅產品(包含有:GI(Zn)、ZAM(6.0 wt.%鋁-3.0 wt.%鎂-鋅)及SuperDyma(11.0 wt.%鋁-3.0 wt.%鎂-鋅))在酸性CASS溶液中,分別以噴霧、浸泡及電化學等方法進行腐蝕測試,測試後針對其鍍層表面進行顯微組織、腐蝕產物、耐蝕特性等進行比較分析,藉以完整了解上述三種熱浸鍍產品在CASS酸性溶液環境之腐蝕形成機構及腐蝕動力學。
In the study, three hot-dip galvanized products (including GI (Zn)、ZAM (6.0 wt.%Al-3.0 wt.%Mg-Zn) and SuperDyma (11.0 wt.%Al-3.0 wt.%Mg-Zn)), with different coating thicknesses, different the magnesium and aluminum additions and without surface treatment, are corrosion tested by using Spary, Immersion, and Electrochemistry test methods under the acidic CASS solution. After the tests, the microstructure, corrosion products and corrosion resistance characteristics of the coating surface are analyzed and compared in order to understand the corrosion formation mechanism and corrosion kinetics under the acidic CASS solution.
In the study, methods for comparative analysis of the product corrosion resistance include: product corrosion resistance without considering coating thickness, and corrosion resistance considering the coating thickness. Each analysis method contains three observation aspects, “aspect A” refers to the time when the specific corrosion products initially form and average consumption of the coating amount when the initial point of the specific corrosion product forms(coating thickness (μm)/ time to form the initial specific corrosion product); “aspect B”is time to form the proportion of the specific corrosion product, and the average consumption rate of the coating when the proportion of the specific corrosion products is produced. “aspect C” is a comprehensive consideration of “aspect A” and “aspect B”.
Based on the above test methods and three aspects, the results show, regardless of CASS Spary test or CASS Immersion test, SuperDyma has good performance on the product corrosion resistance, due to its thicker coating; However, considering the corrosion rate of the coating , ZAM has better performance on the corrosion resistance; The electrochemical test using CASS electrolyte is the most severe approach for three products in this study. Although the test completion time is shorter, all the products have no obvious difference in their electrochemical test results. Therefore, the use of CASS electrolyte for electrochemical testing of hot-dip galvanized products is not recommended.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
總目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 連續式熱浸鍍鋅發展 3
2-2 合金成分對於連續式熱浸鍍鋅之影響 4
2-2-1 添加鋁的機制 4
2-2-2 添加鎂的機制 11
2-3 腐蝕測試方式及種類 14
2-3-1 鹽霧測試 16
2-3-2 浸泡測試 16
2-3-3 電化學測試 16
2-4 目前台灣環境與政策之影響 18
2-5 酸性環境對於連續式熱浸鍍鋅影響 18
第三章 實驗步驟 25
3-1 實驗步驟及流程 25
3-2 材料性質分析、檢測設備與軟體介紹 27
3-2-1 掃描式電子顯微鏡 27
3-2-2 多功能X光繞射儀 28
3-2-3 手提式酸鹼度測定儀 29
3-2-4 恆電位儀 30
3-2-5 噴霧試驗機 31
3-2-6 恆溫水槽 32
3-2-7 腐蝕產物之影像分析 34
第四章 結果與討論 37
4-1 腐蝕測試前之現有產品觀察 37
4-2 腐蝕測試後之現有產品觀察 40
4-2-1 CASS噴霧測試 40
4-2-1-1 CASS噴霧測試之巨觀觀察 40
4-2-1-2 CASS噴霧測試之顯微組織觀察 43
4-2-1-3 CASS噴霧測試之腐蝕動力學分析 47
4-2-2 CASS浸泡測試 54
4-2-2-1 CASS浸泡測試之巨觀觀察 54
4-2-2-2 CASS浸泡測試之腐蝕動力學分析 58
4-2-3 綜合CASS噴霧測試與CASS浸泡測試之交叉分析 60
4-2-4 CASS電化學測試 63
第五章 結論 64
第六章 參考文獻 66
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